We don't like change.
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Crackdown, best driving evar.
I've played like half an hour of it whilst i was waiting for 101 to download, the writing is pretty...hit or miss, like a scene will be funny or just bad writing depending on how it sits with me. The driving is just god awful, that's a no brainer, it's like im driving actual lego. The exploration seems fun though, I'm sure it'll open up alot more once I properly sit down with it.
I've had my Wii U fooooor 4 days, so yeah big loser right here. Don't get me started on my 360 and ps3/4 libraries[DOUBLEPOST=1406493203][/DOUBLEPOST] Spoiler This is mooost of my physical copies, some are in other spots due to over crowding, I really need a bigger shelving system for them, as you can see on the top row the bottom two rows have a stack of games behind the ones you can see. The whole thing has become a mess because of it, used to be all sweet and alphabetical, no more.
I have begun building a Wii/U library. Wonderful 101 Mario Kart 8 Super Mario 3D Land Lego City Undercover Wind Waker HD RedSteel 2 * Xenoblade Chronicles * Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles Sonic Colours Metroid Prime 3 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time Links Crossbow Training (£3 for the zapper, game came free essentially) Pandoras Tower * Zack and Wiki * Project Zero 2 * Dragon Quest Swords * No More Heroes * (* indicates not yet arrived, but ordered) Small start but I'm getting there.
A, I think.
2005: Condemned: Criminal Origins 2006: Twilight Princess 2007: Persona 3 2008: Tales of Vesperia 2009: Arkham Asylum 2010: Vanquish 2011: Dead Space 2 2012: X-com Enemy Unknown 2013: Bioshock Infinite Tough choices, but I put alot of time into all of these games.
Boy I sure hope Xenoblade Chronicles hurry's up and arrives, damn the game for being very rare.
I bought a big ass t.v, because that's the working class thing to do.
It is not.
>Great franchise >On Console that's getting flak for it's lack of 3rd party stuff >Not coming out everywhere. Well done Nintendo.
if it gets localized, I will buy a wii U, fact.
The MP is garbage and dead, all I have left is MP trophies and I spent 2 hours trying to get into games, managed to find 2 games, and both ended early due to cry babies who can't handle getting wrecked. It's also a laggy and spawn campy mess.
I in no way wished for screens to prove you "wrong" on a subject that genuinely doesn't have a correct answer to it, as there's literally no real way to ascertain a "winning" game in visuals, when one uses a different style from another, it'd be like comparing Heavy Rain and Rayman Origins with Valkyria Chronicles, all very different styles. What I opted for was a nice display of very visually striking images from our current generation of stellar games. There isn't malice in every action, Zack.
I'm not trying to take away from you appreciation of a game, but it's pretty narrow to single out one game "The most visually stunning game of the eighth gen consoles" with pure opinion and little to validate your statement other than your own positive feelings towards it. Love a game sure, but when you say stuff like that, comes off a little close minded.[DOUBLEPOST=1405373546][/DOUBLEPOST] This poor grammar brought to you by manflu.
I'm always reminded of the energy sword from Halo when I see it.