*crosses the line* WOOOOO!!! *chears loudly and grabs onto Iccara in happiness* We won Iccara~! Iccara: N-NoN let go! W-we're going to crash!...
Nightson:*gasps* you mean- *squeels and quickly dries off as well and rushing into the house in pure happiness*
Akaya:*smiles* Of course my love. *takes the rabbit and holds it close to her* I'll always hold him close to my heart. *kisses Akus cheek* Right next to you.
Alice:*curses loudly as she some how gets tangled in her clothes* Why the HELL does these things have to be so bloody clingy! *finally straitens everything out and goes into their bedroom flustered with her fight with her wet clothes*
Vexen:*smirks* ~Looks like I've won~ *the spear quickly combusts into ash as soon as it gets with in an inch of Aku* Vexen:*is shocked* what the hell? ??: Ha. you think you can get rid of me that easily? *axel is standing at the enterance looking out of breath and tired* Akaya:A-axel?? *chokes and goes back into spasms of pain*
Lucas:*follows in after Lunara* NoN:*finishes setting up the explosives* ready bro? *says from the other side of the roof*
Lucas:*makes a small woot as he passes you then all of a sudden there's a large bang coming from his engine and he goes out of control into the...
Lucas:*giving it all he's got* *sees the finish line* Come on Iccara give it a bit more power. Iccara:*sighs and comes out of my shadow* What do...
lol this is true. but of course. I'd be much different from yesterday to an adult! I could of changed my whole view on life! But in a glimmer of...
Lucas:*growls and speeds up even more* I'm not letting you get away that easy! me:GAH! They're to fast! *quickly makes a turn go into another...
XD that made me laugh! I'm so goin to do that to one of my kids! ~*~In the futur~*~ *me bringing one of my older kids to a fancy resturant*...
Akaya:*laughs* Why to the one you truly love of course.*smiles sweetly and holds out a hand to help Aku up*
Alice:*nods her head in agreement and goes off to change*
Nightson: awe but I was winning! *pouts but gets out anyways*
*the vile shatters spilling a bright green liquid all over Akus clothes* Vexen:*quickly dodges Nights and makes a spear go for Aku and Nights at the same time*
NoN:*goes inside as well* Lucas: Well. *looking around* maybe over there. *points to a random building* ~Ya. something is up with those two..~
Akaya: Hm. *pretends to thing* That cute waiter from the food stand? *smirks*
Alice:*blushes even more* Oz... *hides her face in his chest*
Nightson:*can sense Ana right on his heels so he goes faster*
Vexen:Gah! *quickly withdraws from the two* C-cleaver. I should of seen that coming. but you should of seen this as well! *tosses one of the viles at Akaya* Akaya:*still in alot of pain from the consistent memories flowing back to her*