Oh. Okay.*grins happily* Lucas: what does being an excop have to do with being "uncontrollable"?!?
Spoiler From last post cuz I'm not awesome enough to figure out how to do what Nights does and can only do the old fashion "spoiler" D'X Ana: *lays down on the bed turning on the TV* Alright where is it *searching the DVR* Ah, there it is! *starts the show* Nightson:*flops down beside Ana and snuggles into the blankets* So warm. *grins*
Akaya:*shrugs* Lunara do you have any ideas?
Alice:*Growls and quickly twists the shirt the right way around before floping on the bed*
Lucas: Why thank you Lunara. *takes the detonator and makes sure they're out of the building before setting the detonator off* NoN:*frowns and presses her detonator* we should split before it gets to this level. *jumps off the roof leaving no argument*
Vexen:~looks like it's a change of plan here~ *flings a few spears Akus way to distract hi* Axel: hey it's no problem at all. I'm just glad you didn't use the BAD stuff on me.
Sooo... *lpoking out the window* were we goin?? Lucas: At least I'm not BIPOLAR and can control my EMOTIONS.
perfect. now if my calculations are correct this should almost last you a life time. if not then it'd last you until you've regenerated enough...
Can we go now? Their bickering is bothersome. *making herself comfortable in the back seat* Iccara:*doing the same* Lucas: Two faced you say. -_-
Oh.. Sorry Kimmy for assuming! DX Iccara:*sighs and thinks to himself* such a child at the worst of times Lucas: Ya I do.
That you two are going out! Iccara: NoN. She means they're hanging out as friends. not going out on a date. Oh.. Lucas: *sighs* Man you must be...
*blinks and looks at Kim* you like girls too? Iccara:*facepalm* Lucas: Who the hell are you?
Come on Iccara these two are getting boring. *drags Iccara into Kims car* Iccara:*gets dragged off* Lucas: PFt. Ever heard of a bad cop? Jesus you...
Iccara: Hey it was either let her race or have my sanity seriously damaged. -_- Hi Kimmy! I won the race! XP Lucas: watch what you f**kin say Nas....
Iccara: Ya you help me not your sis. so frickan heroic. *chucks the glass into the car* *continues to try and figure out who's in the car then...
Iccara:*rolls his eyes* @ss. *whispers to himself* come on NoN. I'll help you out UNLIKE your DEAR BROTHER. *turns me around and the bigger chunks...
Iccara: Oh hahaha. you're so funny nas. *says sarcasticly and helps pry open the door enough for him to slip out* Thanks man. Would of been aweful...
Bah fine I'll just let it stay there. *folds my arms in defeat then my eye twitches* GAAAAH!!! So itchy! *continues to try and itch the glass out...
I don't think so. But I do feel a bit itchy on my back. and you take a look for me? *turns around showing large chunks of glass imbeded in me*...
*kicks open the door on the other side* WOW! That was fun! *brushes off some glass and takes chunks out of my arm* Lucas: Oh NoN. You nearly gave...