true. gotta get it together to be able to make it work! and me. Ah. I've been ok. (just got back from an art trip in Dawson City.) and ya kinda...
lol well that'll be your goal then! I can't wait to see it^^ I'm sure you'll make it total badass!
cool! I hope we'll be some of the first people to see your website^^ I think it'd be interesting to get a computer technology degree. You could do...
sounds like an awesome plan~ I hope you'll be able to get into what you want! I wish you the best of luck^^
Yes I'm here! and yay! Which school are you gonna go to?
Very tempting... though im sure they're kinda pissed that the groups weren't really focusing on KH anymore :/ then again maybe not. hard to tell...
Thnx T^T *hugs back* bah. I've at least got the general idea.. and mostly the main characters.. i should be able to pull em outta my head eventualy.
Up, Down, turn around. Close your eye and take a breath. Clocks will never seem to stop, till at least you take the drop.
Me: Yay~ XD My turn?? Lucas:*nods* that it does. *checks his phone* hm.. taxi's late.. *I know!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuu*k >.< so not cool of em -_-*
I know!! when i saw that i was all like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU*K DX" I didnt even have time to take notes on important events that...
(good honest work my ass. >.< its teen labor, i swear by it! ur work scedual is a prime example of working us to the bone. and no i wasnt alright...
Me: their both so pretty Kim! Should get them both^^ Lucas: Because they're hot, and are distracted by it.
(srry for being gone for so long. Again. >.< what the heck happened here? its all like, facebookish Dx)
Chess:Hm.. it could work i guess.
I know >.< but now its all funky lookin. reminds me of Facebook XD
Jeesh. everything looks like facebook >.<
(Aya. and right. srry that i forgot >.< )
Ah. yes it has been a while^^ how r u?