It's good to know that I'll always have people here. :)
a couple of months or so. I'll more or likely come back for like christmas. and try to come on whenever I can.
aw shites! XD lol ya but it's true.. I don't wanna believe it either but it's true.
Ya. here I am. though for how long Idk..
Ya neither have I.. Kinda worries me.
IKR! nas should at least be on. >.< where ever the guy is.
for reals. radio bingo. it's sorta like a family thing.
Damn >.< didn't win.
Yup! I'm still here! srry I was playing bingo. nearly won too. >.< so damn close...
So true! and NoN'll be back! XD YAAAY!~
Bingo night boys! wish me luck!
Nope! I wasn't even thinking when I was typing that ^^"
Of course not, cant forget em either! the for of em are like the muskateers! but only dragons and a demon XD
So true. It's been a while since I've been on in general! But ya. Ka and Haku need to get back into there.
Here we are again.
ah. Internet bill wasn't paid fast enough so it got cut. So ya. Don't know when mom will be getting it rehooked. but ya. >.< May be on tomorrow...
lol sound awesome^^ I'll have to look it up next time I go online
lol ok thanks! may wanna do that now because I seem to have bought myself a bit of time due to the Bones being on.
lol true! and ya Ive been watching some too as well.
lol yes! It's russian! XD I have a friend who knows a bit of it. and she showed me what my name would be in russian! It's awesome XD and ya still...