No I'm in Vancouver ^^ told u I was leaving this morning
LOL no kidding seems like I missed alot^^“ but ya I'll be on more in the next two week
LOL u know I was online for a limited time.
don't do that! did you know I even forgot my own birthday?? So hahahaha! Might as well stab me too!
awe thanks nas! so nice XD and so sorry for being on! Internet is a ****in b!tch and we all know it >.<
Ya just shut up nas >.<
that.. f*ck I can't spell for my life XD
lol ya you kinda are XD but that's how you are~ and we all prefer you taht way^^
ah. the internet was down at the hotel >.<
ya.. odd books like my current book I'm reading, Doctors from Hell. it's about WW2 and what the doctors did. also it's about their trials and ya.....
<3 Billy Talent~
no I'd get charged internet charges. *i tried and grandma flipped at me ^^" but then again she flips at everything I do that's not right.. or is...
True. idk what the charges on my side would be, but I'm sure a few messages won't be too bad.
lol I can see you doin that but meh. At least we have eachother numbers. that way incase there are any important events that we'll be makin we can...
ya. I was thinking that too.
ya bug guy XD sadly he'll have no one ^^" and ya. ussualy I'd have 3 cards a round but grandma and auntie split it so that we'd all have 2 each....
Tamari Ya I like that pairing too.I also like InoCho. sadly Shino doesn't get a girl/or guy ^^' and ya np. I understand bingo XD did you tell her...
Meh. I like KibaHina. for some reason I believe they just click better then stupid sasuke and naru.
Nope~ I'm pro SasNaru~
Sasuke quite sniping people who talk about your Naru! XD *dodges the bullet* lol