Spoiler: Did you think I was lion? 8D View attachment 43348 View attachment 43350 View attachment 43351 View attachment 43352
A question. Would you like to exchange 3DS Friend Codes so that we can play Triforce Heroes when it comes out? My friend Izzy and I are likely...
I know the anniversary was yesterday, but the NES was such a huge revolution in the lives of many and in the gaming industry itself, so I thought it a crime that there was no thread for this. I'll be honest, I'm not old enough to have had a NES when I was growing up. I played one, but I never owned one because honestly, my family wasn't in the most amazing situation. My parents lived in another state making money to raise me (I wasn't necessarily planned and my grandma frankly didn't have the money to help them out as much as she'd have liked). Anyway, I still had the joys of gaming. I did start out playing the NES. I remember playing Mario and Zelda a little bit, but it wasn't ever enough to make a huge impression on me. It wasn't until my uncle got a SNES that I truly got into gaming as a hobby. I remember he brought home A Link to the Past and Street Fighter Alpha 2. It was amazing, honestly. A Link to the Past was like... The original Zelda, but better. And Street Fighter was... Well, cool, but I wasn't amazing at it. I knew how to punch and kick, and that was all. When my parents came to get me, I was sad I'd have to give up gaming as they had the money to keep me with them, but not enough to give me a PS1, the hottest thing on the market. It took three years, but eventually my dad bought me my Game Boy Advance with the Legacy of Goku, because I adored Dragon Ball Z. I was always trash at that game, and I never really experienced it as my dad would always try to beat Raditz in the first boss fight. After that my uncle came to live with us and I was graced with a PlayStation 2. As time went on, my collection grew. I started getting into Sonic and I got a few of the old Pokémon games (Blue and Yellow AND Red), but I was never amazing at them or anything. I eventually got A Link to the Past for the GBA and DBZ Buu's Fury and oh my god I loved that stuff. My childhood game again. Along that I was starting to play Street Fighter and Marvel vs Capcomin the arcades and loving that. I didn't game devoutly much more for a while. I did have an original DS but it got stolen from me in 5th Grade. After that... I just stopped. I had a little sister now and we couldn't afford to stay current. On my 17th birthday, I was graced with a Nintendo 3DS and I haven't looked back since. I was able to get a job and feed my gaming habit, so I've been more current with everything. I managed to get a New Nintendo 3DS XL and I LOVE playing Smash. A Link Between Worlds was a love letter to me, because it's been 16 years and I still love A Link to the Past so revisiting it was glorious. And now here I am, awaiting Triforce Heroes, and the future of Nintendo and gaming in general. Thanks Nintendo, for such an awesome lifestyle you've helped me get into. I wouldn't be myself without you, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Babe thanks but you can always text me lmao xD
Retweet, reblog, and hit us up on Kickstarter. PINTEREEEEEEEEEEEEEST!
Here is your first message c:
Did you get to play the Demo? It's super fun! I'm getting it too.
Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li
"Well. If this ain't the most horror movie thing I see since I got 'ere, I dunno what is!" Rogue frowned. It... Was? That was it? It just... Was? We're they expected to believe it wouldn't kill them like Ultron wanted? What was their guarantee at all? As if thinking the same thing, Pietro spoke. "What? Are we supposed to believe you aren't some freak like Ultron? He uploaded his conscience into you!" He turned to Iron Man, rather upset at the whole situation. "And you. You never learn, do you Stark? Wasn't enough that Ultron has my sister, now you go off and make something probably worse? This thing is supercharged with Thor's lightning! That's enough to make it powerful. More powerful than all of us combined." The speedster turned his back on the Justice Avengers and the X-Men, "I knew this was a bad idea. I'm leaving. I have to bring my sister home." "Pietro, wait." said Jean Grey, one of Scott's X-Men, "I know it seems crazy, but... I can read this thing's thoughts. It's thinking. Not like a computer, but like a person. It's almost... Human." She turned towards the biomechanical construct. "Pardon the intrusion in your head, but... That was all I needed. Just to know if you truly were like Ultron or not. Jarvis, I- er... Whatever your name is... You have me convinced." Jean looked at Scott and the others pleadingly. She wouldn't be able to get into a machine's head. This... Thing was no machine. It wasn't human, but it was certainly not a machine. It... It was. It existed, and there was no way around that. "Feh. I ain't convinced entirely. But whatever. If this thing's our best chance 'gainst Ultron, so be it." Rogue said, clearly annoyed. Pietro crossed his arms and shook his head, reluctantly staying.
JULIE HELLO BBYCAKES. This is HoT btw I kinda whore out my name and change it ever so often so yeah I'm never the same guy. Miss talking to you....
Daaaaaamn. The postbox is still a thing? Jeez Louise...
~>~Flora~<~Flora looked at her roommates, puffing out her cheeks a little with a slight frown. She didn't think she was imagining them. However, Veera had a point. Was any of this real? What if they were being experimented on? Didn't matter. They were here and they were roommates. The taller pink-haired young woman stepped closer to her and begun looking Veera's shoulder over. She put her hand over it, attempting to use her healing magic. Again, just like the room, she didn't feel anything coming out. She must have looked quite a sight to the other girl behind her, staring at the shoulder and holding her hand over it. Flora turned to her and smiled sheepishly, moving her hand up behind her head and rubbing it. Goodness, this lack of magic was going to be hard to adjust to... It was so surreal. This clued her into the idea that it could all be a dream even more. Everything about this certainly pointed to it. ~Lexi~Lexi followed Nat to her own room. On her way there, she had narrowly missed getting crushed by some a-hole that had made a hole in the second floor and fell to the first. After yelling at him to fuck off, she said goodbye to Nat and settled into her own bedroom. All her stuff was there, even her headphones that she had been sorely missing. "Oh! My babies!" She cried out, kissing them and nestling them back onto her head and turning them on. With her smooth jams playing, she was incredibly content, even forgetting what Natalie had told her of her fate... >->Nat<-<After narrowly avoiding death with Lexi, Nat left the latter in her room and made her way to her own. Casually avoiding the death trap on the top floor, she proceeded, deep in thought. It was super weird seeing her again, considering she had been in jail for two years. Last time she saw Lexi, her hair was shorter and she had a tattoo. Now, here she was, cheerful and younger. Clearly she hadn't freaked out and tried to defend the group yet. Finally arriving at her apartment, Natalie knocked gently, but almost fell forward. The door was hanging off the hinge, as if it had been kicked in. Natalie shook her head and sighed. How great. She got the broken room. It looked vacant from what she could tell though. But as it turned out, there was someone in the apartment. She completely caught Nat by surprise as she had to go deeper to see anything. "Oh! Hello! I didn't realize anyone had been in here yet!" Natalie approached the girl standing in the hall and smiled, "My name is Natalie, but everyone calls me Nat for short. It looks like we're gonna be rooming together! What's your name?" ]->Sarah<-[She sighed. Her exchange with that other girl had gone... A little worse than she had wanted. These people seemed to be either smart or just plain out meaner than her. Not an easy feat. Certainly admirable in her book, though. Sarah avoided the large hole in the floor easily. No sense in dying. Arriving at her apartment, she barged in. "Ugh. Finally. A place to rest." Sarah wandered the dorm, then stopped. A door was open. Someone had broken in. Maybe that girl from before wanted to get the jump on her. "Who the hell's there? I'm warning you, I'm trained in the Ansatsuken Arts of the Hadou!" She totally lied. Now if it came to a fight, she'd surely be screwed. Thankfully, it was not the girl from before, but a totally different girl, this one looking slightly friendlier. "Oh. You're not the miserable gremlin from earlier. You living in this apartment too? My name's Sarah. Sarah Anna-Marie Coleman. Longwinded, I know, but just call me Sarah and we won't have any problems." @Hyuge ✧ @Magick @Glen @Iskandar
Only if you buy Street Fighter v for the same reason next year :3
Added. I'm kiiromoeru
I feel as though this correctly represents the faces we would have made towards each other if we were near one another irl: View attachment 43247 Also @burnitup thank you! <3
Flora --;Wandering the hallways, Flora found the room she was supposedly assigned to. She opened the door quietly and noticed that the room had already been disturbed. There was a pile made onto a bed. Examining the room a little more, she found a pile of supplies all seemingly fitting her. There was money on top to boot, but would it really be okay for her to take it? There was no indication it was hers beyond the fact that it was atop her pile. Truthfully, that was all the mute woman needed to realize everything would be okay. "Do you need some help?" Flora heard the voice come from somewhere in the room. She poked around a little more and eventually made her way to the bathroom, where she discovered two more girls. One wrapping her arms in bandages and one offering to help. Flora smiled at them and bowed politely, crossing her hands over her heart. It was her way of telling them she was glad they were going to be living together.