Spoiler: ****** Gambit face View attachment 43442
Boop reserving: Winter Schnee Raven Branwen Qrow Branwen Summer Rose Taiyang Xiao Long All from RWBY. c:
That trailer makin' my heart stop like daaaamn son. Seriously though, looking super forward to this one. At least watching it... Unless it's confirmed to get a PS4 port, which they'd be crazy not to localize...
View attachment 43434
He said he had a rough start because his dad loaned him a million dollars and he had to pay it all back
I just hate him because he said Mexicans are all rapists and criminals. Last I checked I was neither of those nor were many of the Mexicans I know :v
View attachment 43424
Sun Wukong, leader of Team SSSN.
Oh I have a NNID now since I got a Wii U. NNID: HectorXiaoLong I've been organizing a smash tourney too so look out for that ;P
I honestly think the worst written part of volume 2 is the Jaune arc (hehehehe), and that's saying something because it's not even THAT bad, truthfully. The Voice Acting does pick up though.
In short: View attachment 43420
Honestly IMO Volume 2 isn't skip able because every episode has a little bit of plot.
Volume 2 improved on a lot of things from, but the pacing is still bad, leading to more about Jaune than most people care for. That said, the VAing improved a bit, but as they were slightly rushed, they overlooked a few things. Even then, one episode in and Volume 3 has improved the VAing to an almost licensed dub level
I didn't ask for these tears
Are we just gonna gloss over the fact that Neo's disguise makes her like 10x hotter than before??? Also the first minute of the episode destroyed my heart. I was not prepared for Ruby to be talking to Summer. I hope this season sheds way more light on that backstory, considering Qrow is actually in this and Taiyang has had a brief cameo.
Jean nodded at Scott. "He'll know I'm in there, I'm sure of that, but if his intentions really aren't hostile, he won't attempt to block me out." Jean listened to Grayson's explanation and couldn't help but wonder how Kitty was doing. She was young but was mentally stronger than most of her older teammates. And then there was the others at the institute. Psylocke had stayed to ensure the younger students would be well off, realizing that just the professor wouldn't be enough, sadly. Ultron was one with Sentinels now, and she was worried he'd either attack the institute, or track them down. One thing was for sure though, they had a massive fight coming. "Man, screw international jurisdiction!" Pietro scoffed. He was from Sokovia, as was Wanda, so he knew that the politicians wouldn't be too keen on letting people they'd call freaks come in, "Either way, we're all good. I know most of Sokovia back and forth. Whatever metal man's up to, we can take him down." His cocky attitude seemed to have come back, much to the others' dismay. Pietro meant well, but sometimes he was just a bit much. "Hey, why don't we call my old man? He can control metal, so-" "Oh my god, will you shut up?" Rogue interrupted him, "what's your father going to do? Attack us and make a fool of himself when we beat him, again?" Pietro narrowed his eyes and rushed forward towards her, "You wanna go?" "Yes! Let's go! To Sokovia, where we have a mission to take care of." Jean said, stepping in between them and trying to prevent a fight. "Rogue, I know you don't like keeping Pietro with us, but he knows Wanda most out of all of us, and he knows Sokovia most too. His knowledge will come in handy. And I'm sure once he has Wanda back he'll just leave." Jean lectured her mentally. "Fine. But jus' be sure that he won't turn on us. He's a lil' weasel!" Rogue stuck her tongue out at Pietro and walked away, closer to Scott.
At my job my hours were cut because I was feeling a bit sick and was hurting so bad I could barely stand, I was dizzy, and I was close to puking, but my manager thought I just didn't want to work, so she cut me from Wednesdays, and Sundays I work 10-5 as opposed to 9-6 like I usually do. Yeah I'm not usually the most amazing worker and I can slack (not even like I try to stand around doing nothing, one can only straighten batteries SOOOOO MANY TIMES in 8 hours when you're at the cash register and can't leave and they never let me off to go do something else), but I've been there a goddamn year and I know my stuff, but if you'd rather have a kid that barely started and is planning o quitting by the end of the month, let me know how that goes. Also why does my manager have a compelling need to tell my dad I'm slacking? My dad has told her to just fire me if I'm a problem and I agree, honestly. I don't WANT to lose my job (who am I kidding though, I hate my job and would leave if I could find a new one), but if someone is an issue you get rid of them. Also why should I have to be the one there to close EVERY NIGHT if someone else is gonna have the keys and the combination to the safe? Like... Seriously. I could be getting off at 5 every day to do stuff I need to do instead of standing around doing nothing and getting told I'm slacking when no one tells me to do anything and I can't just walk to the other side of the store :/
I will trade for one PS4? No? Okay.
Full = Metal Alchemist