Yikes. What a mess.
Libre, this is hardly fair. You're basically saying "what's your game of the month and why is it Street Fighter V?" But yeah. SFV for me. Fates is too much fanservice for me and SFV is bringing back Karin, so I'm anticipating it more than anything.
Did you seriously just tack on another hundred because I won? This is blasphemy. BLASPHEMY I SAY.
*Activates Lightsaber* *Slices stray alien* Guess that's that. *points blaster behind back and shoots alien without even looking at it* Oh yeah.
View attachment 44108
Yeah that's about the time I was thinking. It's when I'm free.
My Cloud/Lucina and Sheik would like to have a word with you all. @Cat~ @. : tale : . @anyone else with smash 3DS if you're free later today we should play.
I recognize comic book fans have made a decision, however, given that it's a stupid ass close minded decision, I've chosen to ignore it and like her.
"Look on the bright side. I COULD look like Harley Quinn, but I don't!" Spoiler: The Hottest of Babes er I mean Harley Quinn View attachment 44066
Out of the wreckage of the Quinjet, a young blonde woman came out, as if she were the living dead. Cuts on her arms and face showed how narrow her escape had been. "If there's one thing I know... It's that Dad's going to kill me for this..." She replaced her mask on her face, and began moving towards Agent Johnson and the Mutants. Lots of purple shapes in the sky reminded her she had to hurry. Meanwhile, Psylocke fought off all she could, making sure not to give anything a chance to stand. She stabbed at them with her Psionic Blades and threw various bolts of energy at them. Normally one would be tired out using so much power, but Professor Xavier had always told her how much potential she had, and that kept her going. She wouldn't let him down now. As a Sentintel converged on her from behind, a stray arm knocked it off course. Psylocke turned to see a white and black shape swing by. "Hope you don't mind, but you looked like you were in trouble!" Was Spider-Woman's singsongy remark. "Thank you, but now is not the time for games." Psylocke shook her head. They had sent a child to aid them. ------------ Laura glared at Scott. "You're all weak. You act like you help mutants, but you strip them of their free will and make them into slaves." She growled loudly, attempting to be intimidating. And even if it didn't work, she fought nothing like him. She knew they all had an idea of what he was like. But she was different. She was better. Just like Ultron had said. With an inhuman roar, Laura ran at Scott, aiming for a kill blow. The others would follow when she was done with him. ------------ "Ya really think you're gonna stop Laura, don'tcha?" Harley said, clearly taunting Rogue and Gambit, whom she'd engaged on sight. "Well guess what? Laura's gonna take your little friend Scott out!" With a maniacal laugh, she swung her bat at Rogue, who narrowly avoided being hit. "Like hell she will! She's just like Logan. We all know how he fights. We're prepared!" Rogue grabbed the bat and attempted to twist Harley's hands so she'd drop it. "You're funny, Sweetums! That's cute, ya actually think she's anything like him!" She broke free of Rogue's grip, "Well I... Think... You're... Crazy!" Each of Harley's words was punctuated by a blow to Rogue's body. A punch. A kick to the leg. Another punch. She finished with a knee to Rogue's midsection, and then simply shoved her away. She then turned to Gambit. "My! What a real man! Hiding while your lady gets her ass beat! Come on out! Step up to the plate!" ------------ "Okay, I think that's the last of them!" Kitty called out to Pietro as she carried two children out of a blazing building near the exit of Sokovia. She set them down, and they ran to their awaiting parents, before they turned hightail and ran over the bridge. Pietro turned to look up into the sky. He saw his sister and two others floating in midair. A fist was clenched at his side, and he felt a hand on his shoulder. "I know you want to help. But right now, they don't need our help. We'll get in the way more than we'll actually help." "I'm not worried about them... I just don't... I dunno. It's stupid. But yeah. Scott's waiting. Let's go." Kitty nodded. She and Pietro started moving at the same speed. Before she knew it, she was knocked aside and Pietro let out a cry next to her. Kitty looked up to see Pietro get hit dead on with a piece of wreckage Wanda had sent his way. "Pietro!" "Oh no!" Jean and Raven sped off in Kitty's direction, aiming to stop Wanda from harming her. After seeing Pietro, Wanda's anger had only grown. "What a shame..." Came the thick accent Wanda had. She landed next to Pietro's unconscious form and gave him a swift kick, knocking him aside. "I wanted to see his reaction to me killing you." Her eyes glowed red and she raised a hand in Kitty's direction. "Bad news, Scott. Pietro's down and Wanda's engaged Kitty. She got away from Raven and I before we could do anything. We're moving to engage her. How's the situation with X-23? Rogue and Gambit are a little busy right now, from the profanities spewing out of Rogue's head..." Jean opened her eyes after relaying her message to Scott. Kitty looked scared. She and Raven had to do something quick! But what? Their plan to restrain her had failed and provided an opening for her to take out Pietro.
Really? Last I checked they were all $100. I'm moving out soon, so I can't afford any games over $40 right now, but thanks for that heads up.
I want to get Bayonetta 2. Unfortunately, until I can find a physical copy for less than $100, I won't be getting it even alone because I've yet to play Bayonetta 1.
That is exactly what Chopper does.
Cap'n! Good to see you again! *dodges fire* TALE GET CHOPPER IN HERE *returns fire* Congrats on the marriage, by the way! I've recently become obsessed with Star Wars, most recognizably Rebels and Clone Wars. I graduated from Star Wars pilot school now and have a droid named Chopper :)
My face when I read that needlessly heartnreaking title Glen, we've had our ups and downs, but holy Wampa will I miss seeing you around. You're so recognizable and we may not even speak much but I do consider you a friend. Wish you the best of luck. Stay connected on Skype, yeah?
Sumi I know we talked that one time we were on the podcast together but you're really ****in rad lmao Your story made my night