FloraAwaking with a start, Flora immediately noticed something was not right. She sat up, still fully clothed and ready to leave, just as she had been before she passed out. But, where had she passed out? Perhaps it was exhaustion. Living with the death of one so close to you takes its toll with all the nightmares, and soon you fall asleep wherever. Rubbing her head, she examined the bedroom closer. There was a light draft, so she opted to close the window. But the draft was still there. Flora's eyes widened. Had she been locked out of her magic? Had she forgotten it? No, perhaps it was the shock of being here all of a sudden. Yes. Her master had warned her that sudden emotion would be very bad towards her magic. She wasn't a master by any means, but rather quite advanced. Flora stood, and decided to find more people. If her survival training had taught her anything, it was that where there was people, there was a way out. NatNatalie jolted awake. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep while studying. She had a test that she couldn't afford to miss. But... This wasn't home. This was NOT her bedroom and she was not anywhere she recognized. "Oh god, oh crap..." Natalie looked around, noticing the simplicity of the room. A couple more beds, perhaps for more inmates. She felt like a prisoner here. Natalie proceeded to the door and attempted to open it. Surprisingly enough, it opened. "Well that's good. Maybe someone can answer what the hell is happening here." LexiUpon coming downstairs, Lexi immediately noticed someone she recognized that looked incredibly different. "Nat?" She said, the obvious surprise taking her, "Nat, is that you?" Lexi ran up to her younger friend and wrapped her in a tight hug. "What in the world happened to you? Was I asleep for that long?" Lexi did a check of herself. She seemed to be the same weight (as far as she could tell), her hair was still blue, and she hadn't seemed to age a day. Yet here was Nat, at least two years older than before. Ignoring the girl standing on a stool attempting to boss them around, Lexi hung onto Nat, smiling like an idiot at having her best friend here too. ♠️Sarah♠️"Obviously some supernatural force has brought us here, Alexandra." Sarah said in a loud voice from behind Natalie and Lexi. "I would go so far as to say we're dead and this is a cold hell made of our worst fears. You fear being stuck in one place, like your prison cell, you murdering ass." She twirled her hair and smiled, "And as for little Natalie? Probably afraid she won't have Alex to coddle her face." It was then that Sarah noticed the girl attempting to make a speech sit on a stool angrily. Oh joy, a victim! "Excuse me ladies." The redhead said with a sly grin, matching over to the girl on the stool and leaning on the table. People like her were far too easy for target practice. "So, what's up your butt? You seem disappointed. Not enough people giving a crap about your attempt at a speech? It's okay, just practice and get a new look and you'll be good." Sarah smiled, "I'm Sarah, by the way, the one person that knows what I'm doing most of all of us. Nice to meet you."
Thought of my next claims I want, and it's gonna be Harley Quinn from the Arkham series because I love her and Jean Grey and Kitty Pryde from X-Men Evolution.
And part two: Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) from Avengers: Age of Ultron/X-Men: Evolution A young mutant woman with incredibly destructive powers and unstable emotions. She joined up with Ultron to seek revenge on her father and her brother, who left her in an insane asylum as a child despite her pleading with them. Abilities: She is able to manipulate reality itself and probability. It is a incredibly unstable power that is linked to her equally unstable emotions. Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) from Avengers: Age of Ultron/X-Men: Evolution Wanda's twin brother who reluctantly joined Cyclops in the Justice Avengers. His goal is to bring his sister home, but his true loyalties lie to Mystique and the Brotherhood of Mutants. Abilities: Pietro's mutant powers allow him to have heightened metabolism and super speed. He can run at a speed of up to Mach 10, although this tires him out severely.
where was my dear Betsy in Last Stand? I missed her completely if she was in it. Wow. Missed opportunities indeed if I couldn't even notice my second favorite character.
fox's X-men movies are usually surprisingly underwhelming. The Last Stand had a pretty okay final battle scene, but really only because wolverine told a dude to grow his balls back. Origins sold me on Gambit and I'm not fond of Channing Tatum playing him.
Claiming now: X-23 (Laura Kinney) from X-Men: Evolution A young girl made from HYDRA's attempts to replicate the Weapon X program. She escaped and was found by Ultron, who convinced her that by ridding the world of people, she would be better off. Her main goal is to take down Wolverine, as Ultron has convinced her it's his fault she was never allowed a normal life. Abilities: Two adamantium coated claws on each wrist and one on each foot that she can extend and retract at will. She also has a healing factor and heightened senses, almost animalistic. Rogue (Anna Marie) from X-Men: Evolution One of the newest mutants on the X-Men team. Having an undying loyalty to Scott, she followed him to the Justice Avengers to help take out Ultron and his pseudo-Brotherhood. Abilities: Can absorb the powers and memories of those who come into contact with her bare skin. She has a bit of a hard time controlling it, but it's useful to extract information. Psylocke (Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock) from Wolverine and the X-Men One of the older X-Men who's stayed behind to watch the mansion while Scott, Rogue, and a select few others went to aid the Justice Avengers. She believes all these events are a foretelling of worse events yet to come. Abilities: Her mutant power allows her to manipulate psionic energy to create objects such as knives or even blasts of energy. Will post the rest later. Phone is almost dead.
If the character in the play demands he have hair, then he has to have it. Also something about the lighting. When you have a clean face the lighting is different from the non-shaven one and so forth. Same goes for dyeing your hair and all that.
Yo Cal. There's a crossover RP thread for OCs in the RPA and MoK and I brought back Natalie and Alex so if you wanted an excuse to use Estelle...
Oh boy. Here we goooo... Username: Morrigan Aensland Name: Alexandra "Lexi" Brians Age: 17 Appearance: Lexi Species: Human Special Powers: None. Personality: Fairly quiet around strangers, but a really obnoxious and silly girl around her friends or people she feels comfortable around. Her jokes and sense of humor are also rather dark and morbid. Original Roleplay: Cupid's Brew Link to Original Form: Here Username: Morrigan Aensland Name: Sarah Anna-Marie Coleman Age: 18 Appearance: Sarah Species: Human Special Powers: None Personality: Manipulative and abusive. Likes leading people into humiliating situations but makes sure no one will be physically harmed (can't have a criminal record, can we?) Likes making new friends but doesn't prioritize them. Original Roleplay: Cupid's Brew Link to Original Form: Here Username: Morrigan Aensland Name: Natalie "Nat" Williams Age: 16 Appearance: Nat Species: Human Special Powers: None Personality: Reserved but reckless if left unchaperoned. Also very curious, but not intrusively so. Tends to flirt quite a bit, but it's just for the laughs. Original Roleplay: Cupid's Brew Link to Original Form: Here
Finished all the X-Men movies and I have to say that this is the order I like them in: 1- DOFP 2- First Class 3- X-Men 4- X2 5- Origins (JUST BECAUSE OF HOW GREAT GAMBIT WAS SORRY) 6- Last Stand 7- The Wolverine
Sure, I'm down. Just gonna age up my character a little. Username: Morrigan Aensland Name: Flora Age: 24 Appearance: Here Species: Human Special Powers: Magic, basically. Fire magic, water magic, lightning magic, etc. The basics. Personality: Cocky and slightly aggressive. Instead of being sweet and caring like before, she's evolved into a bit of a warrior with a much bigger fighting spirit. Despite that, she's traumatized from losing a friend deep down, and the trauma made her go mute. The fighting spirit is a facade so that those around her do not lose morale. Original Roleplay: KH SOS Link to Original Form: Baby Flora