Dracula Untold was alright
why is this always the go to word for saying that manga is better than anime?
Why even preordered if you don't get anything special? I preorder physical special editions or games I see a launch day benefit from, like a large player pool for matchmaking.
was there a special edition thing though?
... Yes.
Do you not have a computer, or something? Like, at all?
Anyone not voting Hearthstone is voting wrong.
remember how happy she used to be? ;-;
I've been feeling like I'm gonna vomit through out the day Guys, I... I think I'm pregnant...
Okay seriously,why send me something from the other side of the country when there's a store literally like a 20 minute drive from my house holy ****. This is not express shipping this is ****** shipping.
Makaze: Starting fights, one post at a time In other news, PLEASE DO NOT QUEUE FOR ANYTHING EVER UNLESS YOU'RE GOING TO BE THERE 11 minute ARAM queues are ridiculous and unheard of but he, here we are
I'm personally offended no one alerted me to this so I could come in and call you all cunts I'm allowed to. It says so on my Australian Birth Certificate.
finish TTGL, if only for this scene
god you're so fucking lame
I have a fairly large problem with this statement, but only because I've spent the last two weeks playing Destiny. I'll see if I can remember all the enemy names. HIVE Thrall: Think Venom, from Spiderman, but white, and there's five of them. No guns. They run at you. Fast. Run and attack. Cursed Thrall: Same deal, but slower, and they explode upon death. Or if they get too close to you. Acolyte: Basic infantry of The Hive. They'll attack with mid range weapons, like handguns, or Assault Rifles. They take cover when they can, and wait for other units to lay down cover fire before coming out to attack. Knight: So yeah, it's a Knight. Pretty self-explanatory. Armour. Sword. Lots of health. Kill it quickly from a distance, or it'll throw up an impenetrable shield and regenerate health. Some also have long range cannons. Wizard: Big flying dudes with shields. Like, magic shield. Shoot that down before you can damage them. Assuming you can even hit them, what with all the flying around they do. And the teleporting. They'll use magic clouds of darkness to blind you and do damage. Then they'll fire more magic out of their hands. Use light based weapons to do more damage to the shield. Ogre: Think of The Rock. Now imagine him about five times bigger. Now he's a cyclops. And he shoots lasers from his eye. And punches you. And has lots of health. Kill ASAP or get fucked on. FALLEN Shank: Lightly armoured, flying, swarming enemy. Easy to kill. Dreg: Basically the same as an Acolyte, but they also want to stab you, as well as shoot you. Vandal: These guys are long ranger attackers, with weapons that do heaps of damage. Thankfully they do so much damage because they require charging before each attack. Then there's the ones that go invisible and attack you with two electricity charged swords. Captain: Another self-explanatory name. They're the ones that lead the charge on the battlefield. Light energy shield and dual wielding swords most of the time, but they'll still use ranged weapons if they're too far. Usually followed by four of five vandals and Dregs. Captain bosses teleport, too, so don't get too close unless you want swords in your spine. Servitor: Giant purple floating eyeball that shoots purple void energy at you. Splash damage. Shoot the middle of the eye for maximum damage Servitor bosses also have a void burst ability, almost killing anyone close enough to be hit by it. They can also teleport. Archon: Archons are very similar to Captains, but lack the energy shield and prefer ranged weapons over melee. They usually have cluster launchers, firing three to four separate projectiles at a time. CABAL Legionary: Think Warhammer Space Marines. That's basically what these guys are. Lots of damage. Lots of armour. Centurion: Legionaries with energy shields and jetpacks. More health. More damage. Grenades. Grenade Launchers. Rockets. Assault Rifles the size of a car. Good fun. Phalanx: NOW THESE GUYS. Legionary, meet shield. As in physical shield. Full body shield. A riot shield the height of a Legionary, with a spot for them to stick their gun around and shoot at you. They take no damage at all if you hit the shield. HOWEVER, if you can lay enough bullets into their arm when it's around the side of said shield, you'll stagger them, allowing you to get some shots in on their face. They're usually be protecting four or five Legionaries and two Centurions. Colossus: Bane in full armour, with a chain gun that SHOULD be mounted on top of a military jeep. HEAPS of health. Like, a stupid amount for a non-boss enemy. They also fire small rocket salvos that do lots of damage. If you're not behind cover when they open up on that chain gun, you're basically dead. It's over. Psion: Now these guys are the only Cabal that aren't giant warmachines. They're smaller warmachines. Smaller for the Cabal, however, means about the size of a fully grown male. These guys could take cover for days on end, I swear. They're jump out, fire a few shots, then hide for about twenty seconds. They use psychic powers along with their small weapons to deal lots of damage, with their main psychic attack being a burst of void energy that will travel in a straight line until it hits something. If that something is you, you're in for a world of hurt. VEX Goblin: Goblins are the Vex paratroopers. But instead of parachuting in, they teleport in. Ten of them. Ready to fire. Best way to stop them instagibbing you is to throw a grenade as close to the center as you can, and hope you and stagger them. Getting a nonlethal headshot will actually cause them to run at you firing wildly until either you or they die. Hobgoblin: Hobgoblins are basically regular Goblins, but with the same shield as Knights. They regenerate health behind it, and then come back ready to murder you. The shield doesn't just protect them, though, but any other Vex close to them. It also does solar based damage to any Guardian that gets too close. Minotaur: Minotaur are big ass mother****ers with cannons mounted where their right hand should be. Lots of health and lots of damage. They won't take cover, either, meaning that you need to either run far away, or kill them quickly, because they won't stop until you're dead. Harpy: A Harpy is a flying triangular Vex that is very agile, but when it attacks, it will open up to reveal three tentacles that will swing at you if you get too close. Only problem is, they also shoot lasers from the middle of their body, which happens to be their eye. Easy to kill, but also easy to be overwhelmed by. So please don't call the enemies in Destiny "samey" because they're not. The only time you should be calling them anything, is when you call them predictable, after playing for two weeks.
Oh, I don't doubt there is good design, but I really don't see the difference between any of the Halo games when compared to themselves, or any other FPS. They're Generic FPS in Space, as opposed to Generic FPS on Earth/Mars/The Moon.
This is literally the only thing I can focus on in your paragraph. Like, you're literally mad that they're doing well at streaming things people want to watch. Edit, NOPE WAIT THERE'S MORE Are you ****ing high? Like, actually legitimately high?
almost level fuggin 20 error code: bee will not get the best of me Oh cool, mission from Nathan Fillion
That one asshole that plays Nidalee