Lols. I missed talking to you guys.
....Ohhhhh....I see now. Yes that was a pretty good conclusion. Jube posted the story last time. Dude you and me both. Also I probably would've rushed to help those kids too. But after thinking about it, yeah maybe there was a reason they were tied up. And gagged. Though they look liked they probably wouldn't have called for help anyway.
Whoa seriously? have fun! Also Times Square is a bit of a tourist trap. And also back when I had some semblance of respect and infatuation with...
New York side. XD
A few things kept me.
Um....can we search the clothes? But not necessarily take them? I mean it's sort of suspicious how they're folded up neatly and like the other guy said it could ahve a tracker on them.... Fine. Let's go commando.
Which is also what confused the hell out of me at first. Still not sure how it works, but...somehow it does...just barely.
You ever heard of actual Norse mythology? Right.
Yeah i don't think we were using milk.....unless my mom was....which would explain soooo many things.
Okay so i don't remember these stories from the book. But they were pretty darn creepy. (Though Jayn seems to be enjoying them a lot. XD) Also I would absolutely abhor my brother (and his friends) if he did this to me.
You probably had quite a few run-ins with other people. I associated with some violent people with short fuses. XD
No I meant Loki isn't supposed to be a "villain". He's a trickster. He just clowns around with everyone and they all end up hating him because of shiz he did to them.
Lols. I thought the first time was a typo. XD And wow...I don't think i've ever had tang. And the few time I did have kool aid it tasted like...fruit milk. It was an interesting taste. Either we got th wrong kool-aid or we were totally making it wrong. I don't even know.
Lols. East coast of the US. Along with a lot of other people. XD
Oh I'll bet.
*snicker* Yes I remember that too. And wow Spiderman threads? I approve. That's a fantastic hijack idea.
Well you did disappear for a time.
Oh lols. For some reason I was confused with March and May and yes. @_@ And ohhhh.....coolios. XD
Cerealbars are pretty cool. They're tasty. I like them as snacks. Though those milk alternatives sounds kind of nasty. Too much sugar is just ick.
ONLY A MONTH?! Well what about winter break? Also where are you?