Ah....all right. Bye Rat. I'll miss you lots.
Holy shiz I was totes thinking that the entire time he gave us the wallet. Tell him it's all cool and then stealthily ask Marcus why he was so nervous.
All right cool. A bittersweet end.
Get to cover and shoot the guy with the gasoline in the hand.
Burn, if you're like this with a manga, I wonder how you are with movies.
"Well? What is it?"
Well this does seem like a pretty awesome dance version of Hikari. However after turning up the sound, the tinny sound of the main melody could start to be a bit irking.
They already discussed that Dark Traitor. Also finally caught up.
Welp if we don't prepare now, we might forget later. (well...I would...)
Might as well know who the prey is. Though the third option made me snicker. XD Ask him what his name is, blatantly ignoring his question.
Tell me what happens to Illyana. TT_TT She didn't make it through the final battle.
Hmmm.......this smells fishy.....either we'll come out of this an absolute badass(more than we probably are) or we come out of this a dead body. Welp worth a shot. Ask for an extension.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Oh ho ho? Since when did this happen?
Lols. Just about all of Fire Emblem.
Bluh.....now I've got to click and drag. I rather liked the spoiler tags. Except for multiple spoiler tags.
What is with all the violence? Jesus. Listen to what he has to say.
Ahahahaha.....XD I smoked with a homo because hoes keep stealing my tacos. Looks like a lot of people are wearing white.
Hahaha....The Catman Rises. XD Oh I love Wong Fu.