Eh I don't think so. Good stories need some semblance of a plan at least, I'm sure.
Oh seriously? Ooh that sucks. I've still got at least a month or two.
Nice plan. Probably better than mine. Welp, best of luck to you. XD
Yeah i'm sure it would, though just about all the people we knew are gone. I miss the times back then too. And cool. Good to hear. Got future plans?
Lols yeah I did notice that Loki wasn't really....Lokiish....but eh. They needed a villain. I just liked the character interactions.
There are lots of people like that here. Because there are always some members who sort of text type. All the time.
Lols. Espada's a bit optimistic, but stay if you want, Sadden. Also, your grammar and spelling have improved by a lot. I'm so proud.
Whoa hey Sadden. How've you been? Yes the site has changed a lot and yes Database Errors are relatively rare now.
Lols niceness What. XD Looks quite scrumptious indeed. That's using your resources.
Well Kintaro got banned too.
OH SHIT ARE YOU SERIOUS?! O_O Oh mans...I can't believe Saki came back. And I never stayed around long enough either. Mans...
Oh really? Oh you'd so love him! He does comic hero comedies. XD ItsJustSomeRandomGuy. One of the ebst youtubers out there. XD
Hey dude! I decided to finally try and get a decent looking new look and possibly even a theme. XD Though for some reason, instead of finding an acceptable image for an avatar, I found something for a sig instead. - Size: [max 500x500] - Image: Okay so I know it's too big. But I'll just post the whole thing to make it easier on you so you can size it and crop it however you like. - Text: [yes or no | if yes, specify what to say] Black Monday Blues (or nothing at all if it can't fit) - Color's sort of fine as is I guess? Or black...(I know nothing about color coordination) - Specifications: Uh....what do I put here? - Match your avatar?: Nah I'll find something else. - Border: [if so, what type of border?] Nah that's fine too. - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: I don't think I'd have enough room for a credit, so a watermark somewhere, yeah? XD - Anything else? I'm new to this.
Ah all right. Yeah I spent just about all day trying to download it(internet kept disconnecting) but all right. I didn't know Jayn made games....
Yeah a friend brought it to school and asked if I wanted to read it. I said sure. It looked interesting. That day I learned that "uzumaki" meant spiral. Also there's a spiral in your ear called the cochlea.
I went to prom sophomore year. Decided not to go junior year and subsequently got yelled at by all my friends for not going so then I went senior year for the food. Because I remember the previous time I went, they had some glorious looking desserts. Still kicking myself for not getting that chocolate cake. TT_TT So yes. i went for the sweets. Also to see all the guys dressed up fancy in some nice suits and my friends looking like goddesses and fairies in their gorgeous dresses. After prom had more food. And moonbounces. Then I went home.
DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! DO YOU WATCH ITSJUSTSOMERANDOMGUY?! DUUUUUUDE! I LOVE THAT GUY! His voice.....oh his voice.....O.O It's just glooooorious. TT_TT...
You're going to post the whole book? That thing is thick you know. It took me a whole schoolday to read it all. Also I think something's up with that top image or something.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa. This whole drowning Jayn thingy is a game? Did you make it? (is it scary?)