ooc- Your in :)
For centuries Witches and Wizards have been hunted and excuted brutally just for being different. Things have not changed since then. The year is 2121,Witches and Wizards are widely known about and those who are caught are killed. Most are smart and hide their power's- Affinities with the four elements,each witch or wizard has one.Others try and rebel against the mortals,using their powers. This only ends badly for both sides. Though there is a place,a sort of orphanage for young Witches and Wizards, The staff there teaches them not to hate the mortals and how to control their powers, and their emotions.It is here the rebelion first started and it is here it still resides in a few teenagers who seek revenge for their fallen kin. Most put their heads down and ignore what is going on,but when others are being forced into joining the rebelion. The others must fight back and put a stop to things before the human and Magical races are wiped out completely. The only question is...whos side are you on? Affinites: Fire- People with this one seem to be the leaders of the rebelion and enjoy other peoples pain. They use their fire magic to cause pain and misery. They are usually easy to upset and should not be angered.They can control how hot and how big their fires are and they can also control how long it will burn and what kind of damange they want to do with it. Water-People with this can been seen as more calm but the slightest thing can upset them. They can control others if they wanted too,by using the water in their bodies. They dont all use their magic for evil and most are appalled at what they could be capable of doing to others. Air- Like Water those with this can be unpredictable and can change as suddenly as they wish,often they pick the winning side of the fight but switch back and forth. They too can change how fast or strong the wind is,they can also travel by it. Earth- Those with the Earth Affinity are often laughed at for being slow or weak. Seen as not being a real powerfull force,but this is the wrong thing to assume as they can use their magic just as well as other can,causing earth quakes ect. They are seen as more peacefull than others. All four- It is rare for a witch or wizard to be born with all four affinites and they are hunted more so than any of the others,by both mortals and supernaturals alike or whoever has them on their side,is most likely going to win the war. Rules * Keep it pg 13 * No killing without permission * No taking over anothers character without permission * You need to ask me if you can have all four powers or else everyone will want too *No yoai/Yuri *No power playing *Be fair to others * Have Fun * POST 'HUBBLE BUBBLE BOIL AND TROUBLE' WITH YOUR OC SO I KNOW YOU'VE READ THE RULES Name: age: apperence: Affinity: Name: Sophia Jane Archer age:17 apperence: Affinity: Fire,Water,Air,Earth.
Yeah Ive been ok...busy enrolling in college and leaving school and job hunting and such
Hi :) I've come back for awhile ...how are you?
Hi ^^ been bored recently and decided to drop by and see how this site was ,how are you?
This has been said and done before I know,but this time I mean it. I'll be on once a week to check PM'S and VM'S and thats it. Why Im leaving? theres nothing for me to do anymore on here...the sites lost all its fun and Im not even on a lot. so Yeah...bye.
Aww thank you ^^ happy birthday too! sorry its late though
No one said anything about going straight to the second one...
Harley climbed out the pool
"Come Rhea..."Percy said leading the way inside
thanks I guess
ooc-recap plz
Forrest Heaved himself out of the pool,sitting on the edge
"Also saying Zack is your role modle is slightly worrying."
"Because you shouldnt be trying to splash us"
"He's still in his room.."
"Greeaaat....You lot p*ssed him off!"
He jumped out the way "Cory...out the pool."
"Rhea come on...follow me.."
Everyone In the hall NOW! and I mean NOW!" Toby's voice sounded annoyed over the intercom