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  1. SORA!
  2. SORA!
  3. SORA!
    Your both in^^ I'll just go start us off

    edit: I posted ^^
    Post by: SORA!, Jun 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. SORA!
    Hi :) I'm fine too thanks
    Profile Post by SORA! for Feenie, Jun 2, 2012
  5. SORA!
    Prep or rebel:
    year: (1st-7th)

    Name: Rhys Michael Innes
    apperence: [​IMG]
    Prep or Rebel: Rebel leader
    year: seventh
    Parents: Michael and Caroline Innes
    Siblings: Eva Innes

    Name: Eva Bethany Innes
    apperence: [​IMG]
    prep or rebel: Prep
    parents: Michael and Caroline Innes
    Siblings Rhys Innes
    Thread by: SORA!, Jun 2, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SORA!
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    your Son/Daughter has been accepted into Shorewood Academy for younsters.
    We hope this school will help your child to grow and prosper and we can assure that they will recieve the best education that is freely available. Acommidation has alreayd been sorted and Fees have been paid all we need now is the children to start the semester.
    Please send back the slip enclosed by the 29/6/2012 to ensure that your child has their rightful place at Shorewood.
    yours greatfully,
    Head Master
    J. Jacobs.

    Shorewood Academy has recently just been built,so its still relatively new,only five years old. It was designed to turn the new generation of youngsters into proper respectable young men and women,but like every school, they have their problems as a few of the children have rebeled against the idea of having their education take place in some stuck up snobby area,full of posh toffs.
    Some children are hard to controll and some just cause choas and misery for their teachers,but like every school they know how to deal with them-by crushing their spirit.
    but whos side are you on? The preps or rebels?

    Second in command:
    Hall monitor:
    Eva Innes

    Leader: Rhys Innes
    Second in command:
    Conterfit guy:

    Art: Mr Walters

    301-Ryhs Innes,

    302-Eva Innes,

    Time Table

    Alarm- 8:30
    Breakfast: 8:45
    English: 9:00
    Math: 9:50
    Geography: 9:55
    Break: 10:45
    Lunch: 12:30
    Art: 13:30
    Home Ec: 15:20
    Day End :16:00

    Slowly the sleek black Volvo Jeep pulled to a stop in front of the school,the two children in the black either glanced nervously at their parents or shot them a glare. The boy,the older of the two was the first out the car. He was tall and blonde, tanned with amazing blue eyes, a studded earring in his left ear,his headphones dangling around his neck. He had not followed the dress code and wore his uniform. He glared up at the building. He didnt have to be here. He shouldnt have to go here. His parents didnt have to drag him away from all of his friends,just so they could turn him into ' A propper young gentleman' They just didnt like the way he was, drinking,smoking (not just ciggerettes) and getting with girls. Did they really think this school could change him that much? if so they'd better get their facts straight and get to know him a little better.

    His sister was a different story,she was tiny,tanned,blonde and blue eyed like him. she hugged her arms to herself as she looked around. She glanced at her brother as he tossed her suitcase on the ground. Unlike Rhys, Eva was painfully shy and had hard times making friends,so she was greatful for this move,this could really be her chance to change. She flicked her hair and tugged her skirt lower and held it down as she bent to pick up her suit case.
    Thread by: SORA!, Jun 2, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. SORA!
    Profile Post

    hey how are you? ^^

    hey how are you? ^^
    Profile Post by SORA! for Feenie, Jun 1, 2012
  8. SORA!
    Profile Post

    Heya ^^ how are you?

    Heya ^^ how are you?
    Profile Post by SORA! for Princess Rapunzel, May 11, 2012
  9. SORA!
    In ancient times peoples believed in gods who where physical manifestations of the forces of nature,they prayed to their favorite gods and cursed their least. But as the centuries passed the time of the gods came to an end and people stopped believing in them and turned to science for their problems, as a result the gods faded out of exsistance. Only remembered as old myths and legends.

    Now in the present day there have been whispers of their return...whispers about some teenagers who are showing powers like the gods possed. After brief research it has been shown that they are the gods-but reincarnated to take their place on Olympus once more. Just one problem though...since the Olympians have returned that also includes jealous minor gods who are now plotting to take over the new Olympus.

    Will these new gods be ready to fight them when they come knocking?


    Name: Eva Bethany Waters
    apperence: [​IMG]
    bio: Eva is the only daughter of a single parent family-her father is a marine biologist and her older brother works in the marines royal navy,her mother left her and her brother at a young age and Eva has never expressed no desire to meet her at all,she is happy with her life or she was untill she found her powers and real purpose in life.will she be able to cope?
    Family: Johnothan Waters(Father) Caroline Waters(Mother) Rhys Waters (Brother)
    God-reincarnation: Poseidon.


    No powerplaying.
    keep it pg 13 if you want to carry your 'activites' on pm each other
    no taking over other peoples characters
    dont kill without permission
    max of three characters (One must be human if you have more than one)
    dont complain your favorite god is taken.
    no flaming.

    Olympians Taken:



    Minor Gods:
    Thread by: SORA!, May 11, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SORA!
  11. SORA!
  12. SORA!
  13. SORA!
  14. SORA!
    For centuries Vampires and Werewolves have been fighting.
    Warring over the human race,their only food source for many years,the war is going badly,both sides have lost many of their kind.

    Now a new breed has come into focus, the were-pires,half-breed offspring of vampires and werewolves who are tried of fighting,though it is against the law for such creatures,both sides now see the advantages of having such halfbreeds on their side as they can carry out atatcks during the day while they rest and at night both sides would carry on where the half-breeds left off.

    Only one problem,alot of the Were-pire's dont want to be apart of the war other than to stop it,thus they formed a resistance...a hiding place for halfbreeds...and army for those willing to fight for fight for their lives.

    Vampires: They are super strong, incredibly fast and hunt both animal and human blood as they can survive on both. Now the blood lust has gotten so bad they can only drink human blood to survive. They sleep during the day and fight at night.
    They have special powers such as
    * Controlling the elements
    *Controlling the weather

    Werewolves: Nasty creatures who not only need to drink blood,but must eat the organs of their kill to stay satisified,they too are super strong and incredibly fast,their fur matches their hair colour and their eyes stay the same colour,they need the moon to change,which is up every night.They too have special powers such as

    * Controlling others
    * Impressive strength
    * Super sensitive hearing.

    Were-pires: The half breed race dont need blood as much and dont need the moon to take on a wolf form,they change at will.But they are not as strong as the full breeds and rest at night.Their powers drain them of engery so they cant use them as much as they would like,their powers are broken down into

    * Telekenisis - Seeing the future,knowing were people are, moving things with their
    minds, mind reading, projecting thoughts.
    * Sonic Voice- super scream
    *Invisibility and Force feild.
    *walk through walls.

    Parents:(were-pire only)
    special power:
    race: (vampire,werewolf,werepire)

    Name: Rhys Innes-Mathers
    parents: Scott Innes and Kylie Mathers
    Special Power:walking through walls
    Bio: Unlike many werepire's his parent were married before they were cursed,he doesnt resent them..only the ones who made them this way,this is the only reason he joins the resistance,he is a kinds boy who is very relaxed and laid back.


    Name: Scott Rhys
    apperence: [​IMG]
    parents: Unknown
    special power: Sensitive hearing
    Bio: To be added

    Name: Kylie Mathers
    apperence: [​IMG]
    parents: Unknown
    special power:seduction


    No more than three characters
    Dont kill anyone without permission
    Dont use anothers character at your own will E.g " Holly moves next to me."
    Keep romances PG 13,go on PM if you feel the need to continue
    Post 'The resistance' to show you have read this

    I know I said I was gone but Ive become bored and stuff so Ima back for awhile :D
    Thread by: SORA!, May 2, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. SORA!
    OOC-Hi everyone, as I said before I have personal things going on at the moment and ive had some thought and have decided that I wont be back on, no my personal reasons are nothing too serious in a bad way, i recently found out that i am expecting and i had some trouble with my boyfriend accepting the fact,but everything is fine now but i just wont have time to look after a baby and myself and still be on here, I have put midnight star in charge as she already did so and she seems to know what shes doing, i am only on to let you know :) again I am sorry i only posted once in this goodbye :)
    Post by: SORA!, Dec 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. SORA!
    Due to personal reasons I will not be posting on this anytime soon so feel free to continue or let me know now and I'll have this locked, thanks again sorry if it seems as if I have abandoned this as I said I have personal reasons for this... I'm not even sure if I will be able to come back on
    Post by: SORA!, Dec 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SORA!
    Ooc your in ^^

    We can start now

    Sophia sat infront of the mirror brushing her long red hair and tying it back from her face. She sighed, her jewel blue eyes brightening with tears, she blinked them away quickly and stood up, brushing herself down"
    Post by: SORA!, Nov 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SORA!

    Ooc your in ^^ we can start
    Post by: SORA!, Nov 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. SORA!
    Profile Post

    Sure ^^ no problem

    Sure ^^ no problem
    Profile Post by SORA! for Beucefilous, Nov 24, 2011
  20. SORA!
    ooc-your in ^^

    ooc-your in ^^
    Post by: SORA!, Nov 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home