Username:SORA! Character Name: Lily Hemmsworth Age: eighteen Gender: female Appearance Personality: Lily is very caring towards the younger children but has a deep hatred for those who are said to be 'Normal' and she has serious abandonment issues. History: Lily used to live with her mother,father,older brother and twin sister. Her older brother died at a young age and her mother became distant from her and her twin,Shortly before she was made an outcast,her mother also died. She used to be very close to her twin sister,but now she would rather pretend she didnt have one. Weapon:Throwing knife Fear: Death Other: Username:SORA! Character Name: Rose Hemmsworth Age: Eighteen Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Rose is very quiet and withdrawn and has been since her sister was discovered to be a demon child,she rarely socialises with others,only when she has to. Related to Demon Child [ if so, which one(s) ]: Aubury Weapon: None Fear: Losing her loved ones,never finding her sister alive. Other [ anything else you'd like to add about your character ]: i've been tortured, beaten, abused... and yet i still carry on Im sorry i dont know how to do the spolier thing! DX
"Oh"she said pushing the door to her dorm open she stepped inside
I think Alcohol is fine,personally. Just as long as its is done in moderation. Im 18 (Legal in the UK) and I turned so last november and since then I have gone out to the local uni bar with my ex boyfriend three times,these are the only times i have EVER been drunk,some people dont like being drunk,and that fine, I enjoy myself more when Im drunk,or so ive been told, Im usually a responsible person and dont like to do much but with a drink Im alot more fun. Ive only had one bad experience and that was the last time I was at the Uni,I fell in a puddle and was sick when I got home,through no ones fault but my own,I didnt realise how much Id had to drink,but I am an adult now and can make these choices. You can go out and have a good time without a drink though some people like a social drink. I have also had a few of these with friends and I didnt get drunk. Acohol,I think is ok if you know your limit and dont drink at unreasonable times like during the week or everyday. But its a personal choice so ...
"How come you dont have one?"
" really?"
ooc-Oops sorry ^^ Heath stuck his hands in his pockets and slowly made his way to his room,not even bothering to look back at his sister,he went into his room and threw the bag on the bed Felicia gaped for a moment then moved to go to her room
This is the first drawing ive been brave enough to put up on the internet ^^
"If everyone has their results you can now proceed to your dorms,remember Light angels to the Left,dark angels to the left. You have the remained of the day to unpack and settle,first lesson starts tomorrow at 9 am sharp."
Felicia continued to glare at him,while waiting for her own results,How darehe speak to her grandfather in such a manner! When the five minutes were up Heath looked inside his cup-Dark red glared up at him against the startling white of the cup
"Because"Toby said finally snapping "Dark and Light Angels are drawn into battle...they cant help themselves and there are always casualties and withyour powers unstable the result of a fight between two of you would disastorous."
~SET 150 YEARS AFTER Korra~ Jealous is and ugly emotion that has followed mortals through all their days. The cycle of the Avatar is Continuious, Aang,Korra and an earthbender name,Kai,have all protected the world and served their purpose as the avatar and have all passed on to the spirit world,now it was a young fire benders turn to save the world. Aydena is the new avatar and she is about to set of to find her air bending teacher to help her train and grow into a proper young Avatar,but she also has other worries as her run away brother is back and gunning for her as he feels that it is unfair that he and so many others were over looked for the role of avatar. He intends to kill her in the avatar state and this would mean there would never again be an avatar. Aydena is unwilling to fight against her brother but he leaves her with no choice with his continious attack,she learns that it is destiny for her brother and her to fight and that the out come could be the very one that her brother wants. Afraid she flees only to be captured by her brother and some friends he has managed to persuade to join his cause. As he is about to kill her,Arlyn hesitates long enough for his sister to strike and escape once more. can Aydena bring herself to end her brother? Name: age: Apperence: Siblings: Bending Ability: Bio: Name: Aryln age:19 apperence: Siblings:Aydena Bending Ability: Water Bio: Aryln has been jealous of his sister,as he felt from birth his father loved her more because she was a fire bender and took after him,while he took after his mother and was a water bender. He ran away at the age of twelve during a training match with his master. He was presumed dead untill he showed up and fought with his sister. Name: Aydena age:17 apperence: Siblings: Aryln Bending Ability: Fire( Domininant) water,earth,air and energy. Bio:Aydena was discovered as the Avatar at the age of two,when she accidently caused a landslide during a temper tantrum. She has been learning about the four other elements,but not how to use them as they felt she was not ready for it. Rules * There is only one Avatar * No taking over anyone Characters *keep it pg ,take it to private mail if you have to *no more than four major characters *no Yaio/Yuri *No killing anyone without permisson *No power playing *Have fun! *Post "The Cycle of the Avatar begins a new" to show you have read this!
Felicia glared at him,what was his problem? first with Heath,then basically ignoring everyone else,now this? Heath let out a laugh "It matters because we must know in order to train you properly...for every light angel there is a dark one."
" and it will change colour yes"
" regardless... It does not always go by family.. My son was a dark angel but he turned light when he fell in love.."
Heath dropped into a chair,putting his feet up on the table and his arms behind his head,he didnt want to be here and he wanted to show it. Felicia looked around her with an open mouth,she glanced up at the ceiling and saw a detailed painting of what could only be someones depiction of heaven.It was beautiful and seemed to add to the light in the room. "Ok..then lets get started as I said my name is Toby Malcolm,my real name is Tobias and I was one of the first angel's to fall- I fell with my cousin,Zacharis and we fell for the same reason.Every angel will have a reason that they fell..some are ashamed and do not wish to go into detail about it. I However will tell you why My cousin and I fell.We fell in love with a girl marked to become an angel after death...because of that she was cursed to never find peace after death and be reborn each time she died. and My cousin and I were cast out from Heaven. God can be....unforgiving at times. But falling was the best thing that happened to me for I eventually married the girl and had two wonderful children and now have grandchildren."Toby paused "You are here because you are children or decesendants of Angels-Light or have powers and you are at an age where they are most unstable,you may not think they are,you may think you are in control but you are wrong. You are here to be guided and taught how to use these power's properly and without fault or causing any injuries."again he paused as if unsure how to go on,he scanned over the faces before continuing "You will be split into light and dark angels and will have separate class and dorms areas,Im sure you noticed the school splits in two.This is for that reason."he started walking,placing a cup with a clear liquid on the desks "Left for light angels,right for dark ones. In the cup is a potion of sorts,we need your DNA to determine weither you are a dark angel or a light can spit in this cup or do a finger stick,leave it five minutes and if you are a light angel it will turn gold..if you are a dark angel it will turn a dark red colour. any questions?"
"Just take a seat anywhere at the moment and Ill start."
Felicia followed after them Heath looked around the grandhall,it was all wooden,angels carved into the walls and high back wooden chairs with tables in front of them
Thousands of years ago the mighty gods of Olympus over threw their father,Kronos and took over the ruling of the world. They ruled for many centuries, thinking that they were unbeatable,they meddled in human affairs wherever it pleased them. They used mortal women to have children on the earth to help them win battles and rule with an iron fist. But their time was soon to come to an end. As their demigod children had,had enough of all the fighting after trojian war and plotted to go to Olympus and destory the horrid Olympians who had hated their father,but had become so like them. An go they did and the demi god's carried out their deed and destoried the Olympians one by one. They left Zues for last and with his dying breaht,he cursed their bloodlines to eternal suffering and promised that a day would rise that they would need the power of the gods...but they would not be there for their children had made a grave mistake. Everyone assumed that all the gods work on the earth would dissappear as they did...but no it reminded,but faded more slowly. Temples began to crumble,scrolls disintigrated..people forgot about the gods. Only one thing remained from the God's rule and that was Taurus,prision of Kronos. Now in the present day Zues's curse has become true to its word as Kronos is breaking free from his prison and there is no one left to stop him. He informs the humans that only the blood of a god can defeat him once and for all... But there arent any gods left...and this is where the search begins... Name: age: apperence: godly ancestor powers: Bio: Names:Ariadne and Adonis Hesoid. age:18 apperence: Godly Ancestor: Zues. Powers: Lightning,thunder and anything to do with air. Bio: The twins's parents died in a car accident when they were five years old,since then they have been living in an orphanage just outside their home town. Neither knows their true bloodline and are in shock and disbelief when they do.
"Yeah Grandpa...I wanna get to my dorm and do my own stuff."Heath said Felicia rolled her eyes,she knew 'his own thing' involved adult magazines and tv channels as well as a few joints. "Right...everyone in the wont take long."
"No."she smiled "I dont think you are."she glanced back at her grandfather,who shook his head "we were just about to go in the the introduction."