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  1. Dinny
  2. Dinny
    Oh wow that sucks omglob at least you get to get back into school mode because my motivation has been laughing at my lazy butt all weekend long
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Dinny
    Huff puff I got the timezones mixed up and failed to submit oh well! Sign me up for the next one instead hehe
    Here are my guesses (I am terrible at guessing sobs)

    1. Midnight Star
    2. LaRiA
    3. C
    4. ~Phoenix~
    5. cstar
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Dinny
    Pokemon Gold - Attempting to only use one Pokemon starter for the entire game (Totodile)
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  5. Dinny
    Try Dick, I think that's worked before.

    Meanwhile since I have no dope to buy X/Y I crank up the GBC and play some Pokemon Gold. Can I join the Pokeparty now
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  6. Dinny

    Post by: Dinny, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  7. Dinny

    zero .
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  8. Dinny
    yieee <3 Arigatou Saxima-sama u w u
    Profile Post Comment by Dinny, Oct 12, 2013
  9. Dinny
    "Not sure. Homework I guess,"

    She let out another small giggle. The obvious discouragement in his voice amused her. He was right though, they needed to do homework. Heck, even she had to. She's kind of adapted the Ryder Duvont lifestyle when it came to homework lately. Though unlike her boyfriend, once she actually got to work she would do what needed to be done and would finish it. Hah.

    "And laundry. I think it's time I did some laundry."

    Elisa brought her hands to her lap and looked over at the blonde boy who hopped out of bed. She gave a delighted smile, swinging her legs from under the sheets and off from the edge of the bed. "I'll help you out!" she said excitedly and meant for it to be both for homework and laundry.

    "Do you wanna go back to your house soon, or stay here more? We can go if you're still mad at Richie about yesterday."

    The smile quickly disappeared from her lips and she looked down to the floor. Her hands formed little fists on her lap as she muttered, "I-I'm not mad at Richie..." and she wasn't. She really wasn't. That thought of Richie lying to her about yesterday out of spite or whatever still lingered in her head but she knew that he wouldn't do that. He wouldn't... right?

    Her blue eyes traveled to her bags sitting at the corner of Ryder's room. She still had clothes. There should be no reason to leave but part of her was a little afraid to face Richie right now. She couldn't exactly understand why but she could feel her stomach knot up with the thought of seeing him and talking about yesterday.

    She gulped down a lump on her throat then looked back up to Ryder, smiling once more. "That won't be necessary. Let's go down, have breakfast and get to laundry!" her chipper tone returned in a snap and she hopped out of bed, grabbed his free hand and lead him downstairs.

    The air of delicious smelling breakfast embraced the entire first floor of the Duvont home. The two followed the scent to the kitchen and Elisa halted for a brief moment as she saw the younger twin, squeezing Ryder's wrist slightly before recollecting herself a second later and smiling. "Good morning, Richie." she greeted politely then took a seat for breakfast.
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dinny
    Awwwman I overslept and messed up the timezones in my head and missed the livestream > <
    I'll tune into everyone's lovely voices later. I'm sure everyone was amazing u w u <3

    also omg get well soon jayn-senpai ; ;
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 12, 2013 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  11. Dinny

    It was not pleasant waking up on Julius' floor. He was curled on his side with a small pillow from the couch slipped under his head. He released a groan as he began to come to his senses: his head was spinning and surging with pain, his stomach hurt and his eyes felt heavy. It had been such a long time since he had gotten drunk... he couldn't even remember when that was, with Erik for sure but, he only rarely ever drank to get drunk. He usually drank only in special occasions and had the control to know when to stop. Last night seemed different, when one drink came another followed then another and another until his thoughts melted away into the nth drink he gulped down.

    His chestnut eyes felt like they were being attacked as he slowly forced them open. Another groan escapes him as he rolls onto his back and rubs his eyes. Everything was suddenly sinking back into his reality and he physically began to feel worse. He pulled his hands back to his sides then looked up at the other men who were awake - all of them were - squinting his eyes to make out who was who. He blinked a couple times and sent them a small smile as he slowly pushed himself up to sit.

    "M-morning every-" a disturbing jolt in his stomach cut him mid sentence. He clasped a hand over his mouth before muttering an "Excuse me." and scampering off to the nearest bathroom. He found it, shut the door, bent over at the toilet and then puked.

    Ugh, hangovers were so not his thing.

    It did make him feel a little better though and he flushed out all the guck, washed up in the sink and made sure he left no evidence. Tucker gulped before heading out the bathroom again, looking down at his feet as he walked. It was kind of like the walk of shame - every one else seemed so hardcore and he wasn't.

    He went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water first before joining everyone again. He put on a cheeky grin. He let out a small laugh, "Like I was saying..." he took a sip of water, "Morning everyone!"[DOUBLEPOST=1381583380][/DOUBLEPOST]

    When his eyes finally opened and met her own she found herself blushing quite furiously. It made her blush much more when he shifted a bit and grabbed her wrists. Yipes! Had all her squirming woken him up? She bit down at her lip as he smirked at her.

    "If you keep moving I'll be forced to restrain you."

    She couldn't help but giggle at what he said. Caught red handed. She looked up at him, releasing the bite on her lower lip and grinning. "S-sorry" she said giggling before quickly adding, "Y-you're just the ultimate best to snuggle and cuddle with... ever. Like, ever-ever."

    Her cheeks flushed even more. She never really voiced it out (not like she had to) before. It was always just the thought in her head but now it obviously wasn't. Maybe it was that self-doubt of her inexperience with this whole actual-boyfriend-and-girlfriend-thing that fueled her fire to say such things. She wanted to prove to Ryder and perhaps even herself that she wasn't such a lame girlfriend.

    Not wanting the awkward silence that tempted to follow after that confession, she balled her hands into little fists as she pulled herself up and gave him a small peck on the lips. Pulling back right after she sends him a shy smile before drawing herself back completely and up to a sit. She looks away from him as she begins to run her fingers down her blue locks, attempting to fix her bed head hair. "S-so... what are the plans for today?"
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Dinny

    It was so warm under the covers. His thick sheets that blanketed over her body, touching the bare skin of her legs and arms. It was so much warmer when she had realized how close she was to him. Their legs tangled together and his arms cradled her body while her own clung onto his. She fluttered her bright blue eyes open and looked up at the sleeping face so close to her. Her eyes danced around his beautiful jawline, his unkept hair, his thick, gorgeous lashes and his lips that she enjoyed. Simply looking at him in such a manner, in such closeness, made her smile.

    Elisa pulled her body closer to his, removing the little space they had between them and pressing herself to his body and into a tight snuggle. She nuzzled into his chest, smiling even more as she finally stopped squirming around and kept her form. She peeked up at him once more, just for a second, before letting out a comfortable sigh and resting her head back onto his chest.

    Ryder was so wonderful. Wonderful in every single aspect she could think of. He had flaws, obviously, but for some reason it was so attractive. Besides, they weren't even fatal flaws. Even the littlest perfect thing about Ryder could easily mask his flaws. Like the way he was always there for her. Always. Elisa knew she could never doubt that - even before she started dating him.

    Again, she pulls herself into him a bit. Just that thought. Oh, it made her feel the happiest butterflies in her stomach that would flutter all the way into the caverns of her heart. It was such a wonderful thought. She glances up at the sleeping boy again. He was so cute when he slept, without all that rough and tough attitude - which she liked, yes! But this was a nice change. He looked so gentle and tender and soft. It made her want to kiss him because that's what his kisses were like - like a cloud full of rainbows and sparkles and flowers. It was simply the best thing. It never compared to any of the kisses she's ever had before - as if there were many. Maybe... Ryder was more experienced with that?

    She looks away from him at that thought. How many girls had Ryder kissed before and how much have they kissed - cause Ryder was amazing at all the kisses they've done so far. She never had that many experience with anything. Sure, she's dated in the past but like that was one guy in the summer of sophomore year and the rest were such awkward dates she only agreed to because she felt awful for saying no. She never had an interest in anyone the way she did with Ryder. This was so different.

    Her fingers curled around the fabrics of his shirt tightly. She really hoped Ryder felt the same, that this - their relationship - this really was something. Something different. Something like a cloud full of rainbows and sparkles. Something real.
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Dinny

    "I'll go grab my board, but you owe me."

    She excitedly giggled, "You betcha! Any time, just call it!" and with a bright smile, she went ahead to grab both of their masks and put her shoes on. Elisa could not skateboard. She had tried before, with Ryder, and it was absolutely terrible. She scraped her knees a lot but she ended up mostly laughing - it was still terrible though. Of course, she would love to try and learn it - especially since Ryder was all about skateboarding! With the outbreak, it was deemed dangerous to go out as often so she never really would have the chance.

    She tied the pastel blue laces on each of her white sneakers together. By the time she had her mask on, the older twin arrived next to her holding his skateboard under his arm and putting his mask on with his free hand. Then, together, they disembarked to the cafe (Elisa just jogged along since she couldn't even ride a bike either).

    It wasn't too far to get to Crystal's. Well, it actually was, but the exercise did feel nice! They had both ordered something to eat and drink then waited since no one seemed to be around yet.

    And they waited.

    And waited.

    And waited.

    By the time what felt like forever had passed, Elisa wore her signature pout and looked down at her phone's screen. She had texted Richie some minutes ago asking where he was but she received no response. Was everyone busy? Was this a joke? She honestly felt like crying a bit. Did Richie lie to her?

    Ryder probably noticed how upset she was and offered to go back. Reluctantly, the turquoise teen agreed so they paid for their things and left. Her boyfriend did not skate at first, making sure an arm was kept around her but she gave him a reassuring look and told him to skate. He didn't buy it but by the time Elisa started sprinting ahead to prove her point, he skated along. Elisa needed that run. She just wanted to distract her mind completely. She didn't want to think about the drama club or Richie.

    By the time the two returned to the Duvont household, Elisa went straight to the kitchen to pour them both a glass of water. With cold beverages in their hands she and he walked up the stairs and into Ryder's room. She placed the half full glass of water on Ryder's desk before falling backwards into his bed. She let out a deep sigh, staring up at the ceiling while her legs dangled off the edge of the bed. She tried her best to sound as perky as ever and even tried to put on a smile but it all seemed very wrong for her, "Sorry that was such a flop. But uh, hey...! You got to skate so that's good!"
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Dinny
    If it is permitted, I would love to join the next one!
    and just some suggestions lol

    Last book read
    School/Work bag
    Phone case
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 8, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. Dinny
    Don't worry, papa, you already have c: <3
    Profile Post Comment by Dinny, Oct 8, 2013
  16. Dinny
  17. Dinny

    She really had to remember how to keep up with her phone nowadays. She stared down at her screen as she sipped on the fruit juice she had in her hand.

    Text to Elisa:
    omg guess what!!
    the drama club is restarting via prof julius and fatime! ^ u ^
    we should meet tomorrow at crystal's cafe for the meeting!
    i hope to see you there, have a super great sleep! <33

    Her aquatic eyes looked up at Ryder who sat across from her. They were just chilling at the kitchen table with some fruit shakes that Elisa had cooked up after some video gaming sessions. Of course, she was quite terrible at it but it was really nice when her boyfriend would come close and teach her all the cool battle and fighting techniques. She licked her lips after taking another sip.

    "Did you get a text from Richie about the drama club?" she inquired, reaching forward to hold his hand. Her eyes followed this action. The warmth that she felt when her fingers touched his was nice. It made her smile. "It's down at Crystal's. Wouldn't it be nice to go out?"

    She was probably beating around the bush. It made sense. She was scared he would say no or reluctantly say yes which would make her feel guilty. She liked the drama club! Ryder never really took much part in it but perhaps this would be a good thing for both of them to do! Keep themselves busy while staying together - and somewhere in that flowery mind of hers she thought it would also be a good way for the brothers to get closer, which would be very nice.

    Her fingers intertwined with his, then she looked up and their blue eyes met. He didn't look too sold on her proposal. Hm... oh! Lightbulb! She gave him a cheeky grin, knowing what she would say next would more than 50% let him say yes willingly, "We can skate on the way, if you want?"[DOUBLEPOST=1381196879][/DOUBLEPOST]

    After a wonderful morning and afternoon spent with Freya, he was driving her back to her place to drop her off. It felt a little strange going to her place and not actually entering her home. The thing is, while they were relaxing and having a lot of fun together he had gotten a text from Erik:

    To: Tuck
    You, me, Evan, and Julius.
    His place. Drinks. Not
    optional. Adults only.

    He remembers looking at the last sentence with a sour thought. He knew what the older man meant. Adults Only as in No Freya. It almost made him not want to go, especially with how betrayed he had been feeling because of Erik and Maria, but in the end he messaged the older man back:

    To: Erik
    Fine. I'll be there.
    He felt awful with responding with such a tone, like really, really awful. He wanted to send another quick message apologizing for how he put his reply into words but when he glanced at Freya, he stopped himself. He felt like Erik was really closing himself off from how wonderful Freya was and she didn't deserve that. No one did. Though that wasn't enough to stop him from going. He wished it would be okay with Erik and it definitely wasn't in his plan to mess up his friendship between Julius and Evan.

    He halted his car in front of her apartment, and looked at her. He gave her a small smile, "I'll try to drop by after but it might be too late and I'm not sure I'll be able to, but I promise I'll try." with that, he helped her with her things, made sure they both had their masks on and then big her farewell for real as she disappeared into her home.

    He frowned a bit when he couldn't see her anymore and then, sighed and sulked back into his car. Man, everything felt pretty dull without Freya around. It was kind of crazy, but he couldn't help it. He started his car and began making his way to Julius'. Perhaps the drinks might help this sad feeling?
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Dinny
  19. Dinny
  20. Dinny
    my weekend is going pretty gr8 so far u w u

    Post by: Dinny, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: The Playground