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  1. Dinny

    I'm fine. I am very well aware of the fact that I can't swim Tucker.It wasn't like I was trying to go for a swim. I was taking my shoes off to stick my feet in when the kid knocked me over.

    He looked away from her, still with furrowed eyebrows, "Well you shouldn't be staying near the deepest end of the pool." he barked as they finally reached the steps to climb up on. It really wasn't helping on how much they were snapping at each other but he couldn't help it!

    Thank you for saving me.

    It didn't exactly sound too genuine, almost forced. As if it was just protocol to say thanks after having someone save your life (it probably was). He stayed quiet and simply nodded. The girl he just saved betrayed him when he felt like she was one of the incredibly few people he could certainly trust without a doubt. Of course, as per usual in his life, he was proven wrong. He let out an annoyed sigh before pulling himself up from the pool. Water poured from the fabrics of his shirt and shorts - not even dripped - but literally poured.

    He walked past her then took a seat next to her. He looked at her, she seemed really distressed about what just happened. The feeling of guilt and hurt slowly began to creep back up at him. It was really wrong of him to get mad. It made him frown a bit. Maybe something like this was why they had broken apart as friends. He was probably really horrible to her, just like now. He opened his mouth as he was about to ask if she was alright but she chirped in right before he could.

    It's your fault, ya' know, If you hadn't been sitting there staring at me, I wouldn't have been so distracted. Why were you staring?

    He was completely caught off guard. His chestnut eyes widened at her and he immediately turned his head to the opposite direction, "I-I wasn't st- What are you talking about?! I wasn't staring." he nervously scratched the back of his neck, still not turning to her. Was he really staring? Ugh, he just wanted to check if she was leaving because he knew he couldn't take any sort of confrontation with her! ... so much for that.

    He glances at her quickly for a second, then shook his head and got to his feet. Without a word he simply stood up and walked away from her. He really didn't know what to say. Like, at all. He walked up to the chair where he had left his towel and grabbed his things. It was going to be really rude if he just left like that but that wasn't really the reason why he got up to get his things anyway.

    He headed back to her. He sat back down next to her, then gave her the towel. He still couldn't look at her and didn't say a word but as she grabbed the towel, he let go of it. It was a very weird silence. He set his hands behind him slightly and leaned back, looking far off to the people all the way in the other end of the pool as he took a big, deep breath and then spoke, "I wasn't staring. I was just checking where you were .... ..... .... ... .. and, I'm sorry for snapping..... I was just... I was just worried. I know you can't swim."
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Dinny

    I've got the couch, If I catch anyone touching my bag, they're dead.

    Elisa's mouth remained completely shut as Lennox spoke and quickly left - in fact, her breathing stopped. Wow. Her attitude was as tough as her looks - it really matched and for some odd reason, she kind of really admired it too. She was always into that grungy type of thing going on - she was just never cool enough to pull it off. Hah.

    She gulped and exhaled as the ivory haired woman walked out of the room. Her bright blue eyes traveled to the black leather bag that Lennox dumped by the couch. She made a mental note to never touch the bag that lay there. In fact, to stay away from it as much as she could.

    Um ... I'll ah, Elisa?

    Her head turned towards the brown haired teen who took a seat by her bed. She smiled brightly at her,"Hooray!" she was happy that she didn't have to sleep alone. Of course, Pierce was definitely not Ryder - in fact, not even the closest proximity to him - but she would rather sleep beside her than make that pillow dummy of her boyfriend again. She excitedly sat beside her sleeping buddy, "Just so you know I might cuddle up. If you're not cool with that just tell me and I will restrain myself with all my might!" Of course she hoped Pierce wouldn't mind at all but it was only polite to say.

    She turned to Seraphina, "You can have that bed all to yourself. I hope that's fine with you?" she couldn't help but stare at her long, red locks as she spoke to her. They were very beautiful. She was sure her blue hair was a mess after that long and hot car ride but the girl across her seemed very photo ready!

    Elisa, still with the energy she's had all day long, jumped up from the bed and onto her feet. "Anyway, I have to go too! I promised I would meet Ryder and Richie at the beach. I'll fix my stuff later, Pierce just leave some space for me but I'll be fine with anything!" She quickly pulled the thin blouse off from her head and shimmied out of her shorts, revealing the super cute floral/tribal bikini she was already wearing underneath. She bent down to grab her light blue towel and draped that over her shoulder before putting her sunhat on her head. She placed her sunglasses back over her eyes and turned to the two girls left in their room and with an excited wave she said, "See you guys later!"

    She ran straight out into the beach - which was too beautiful for words! Oh how she missed the beach. She took her slippers off and walked through the hot sand, trying to look out for the twins but they didn't seem to be there yet. From where she stood she could already see some familiar faces! The mysterious girl from her room was there along with Julius and she could spot the light reflecting off from Evan's white hair in a distance who was already enjoying the water!

    She couldn't help but feel jealous. She wanted to swim too! She looked around once more, hoping the twins would appear but they still weren't around. Getting a little taste of the water without them shouldn't be too bad, right? She began to run down the shore, already taking off her hat and her sunnies. She quickly dropped the towel on the dry sand, placed her sunglasses and her hat on top then kicked off her slippers and ran towards the water.

    It tickled her legs as the water splashed around as she ran. She could see Evan near by and she waved at him excitedly before diving forward to feel the water all over her body. She resurfaced and ran her hands through her wet hair, giving it a shake. She grinned brightly, then turned back to the shore. Finally, the twins were there. She jumped up and down, waving her arms around with even more energy than before,"RYDER! RICHIE! OVER HERE!"
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Dinny
    1. Nate
    2. GS
    3. BTD
    4. Hyuge

    ( ??? )
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 27, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Dinny

    He gripped the arms of the chair he was sitting on tightly. She probably wouldn't come over right? She wasn't just going to stand there and do nothing. Heh. What a hypocrite he was. That's exactly what he was doing but sitting! His stomach was up in knots. He just wanted a good swim with this beach heat. It would have been totally fine but no, Maria suddenly appeared.

    Their friendship really dwindled down to nothing and he really, really, really wished that it didn't but he felt incredibly betrayed. He didn't do anything - or rather, didn't think he did anything to receive that horrid voice mail that informed him that they were no longer friends. She, along with Erik and Sean, were probably the only people he would ever have no problem opening up to and then out of the blue something happened to them and every time he saw her he would just get more and more reminded of that. It beat him up a lot inside.

    So much for getting rid of a horrid mood. His eyebrows furrowed together. Maybe, maybe he could just ignore her! Maybe that would help him out a bit because he really was trying to just have a good time at the pool and maybe he should! So what if she was there? There were a bunch of other people around, sharing the pool too! Right! He could stay in one end and she could stay wherever she wanted. Heck, perhaps she went away.

    Tucker, after a deep breath, turned back to where he had spotted Maria. Still expecting her to be standing there, he was quite caught off guard to realize she had disappeared. Aha! Maybe she did leave! A small sigh of relief escaped him and then h-

    A loud shriek echoed through the pool area. His head immediately turned to where it was coming from and he spotted a girl falling into the pool. Even as it happened very quickly, he recognized the girl to be Maria - spotting her short brown locks and the dress he spotted her in. A child was running the opposite direction, ah, probably just bumped her. He shook his head slightly with a small laugh, remembering how clumsy that girl could be sometimes.

    No one in the pool area seemed to be alarmed by a tall, young adult falling into the pool but that's when Tucker's breathing halted suddenly. Maria fell into the pool. Maria. Flashbacks of the time they spent as camp counselors together ran into his head. Maria wasn't seen during the ferry sinking before - only spotted after in the clinic in a pretty rough state. She also never joined in on the water activities during the years after - and he remembered why: She couldn't swim.

    His chestnut eyes immediately darted at the 8 feet sign of the pool. Of course, she was at the deepest end. Without any hesitation about all the thoughts in his head just moments ago or about the existing or non-existing rules of the pool area, he pushed himself forward out of his chair and into a sprint. He ran until he was close to the eight foot mark and then dove into the water.

    The water was cold and incredibly refreshing but that didn't matter right now. He opened his eyes underwater, the chlorine stung only a bit but despite his blurred vision he could see Maria's body sinking to the bottom as she struggled. Her arms flailed about and it looked like she was attempting to swim back up but really just didn't know how. He swam faster and when he was close enough, he reached for her wrist with his left hand and pulled her closer to him then wrapped his right arm around her waist. He kicked off from the floor and swam all the way up to the surface quickly. He could see the surface getting close and closer and closer then,

    finally! The sunlight beat down on their faces without the protection of the cool waters and air filled his lungs. He gasped and continued to move his legs to make sure they stayed afloat. He took a couple heavy breaths as Maria coughed and fought for some air for herself. He looked at her, still breathing heavily, "What were you- what were you thinking? Are you okay? Maria you have to be careful you know you can't swim!" As he spoke, or rather half-yelled, he let go of her wrist, kept the arm around her waist and slowly tried to get them towards the steps they could use to get out of the pool together. He couldn't help but get mad at her a bit and it was probably not right of him to do but with all that tense and awkward emotion between them he kind of just cracked.
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Dinny

    The moment he got into the room after Erik, he sat down on their bed and pulled out his phone. It really upset him that Freya suddenly couldn't make it. They talked about it and Tucker was really game on going - especially since he really missed being active outdoors and whatnot but it seemed a little iffy on Freya's end. Though, for a long time before the actual trip it seemed like Freya was set on going and then suddenly two days before she wasn't. Tucker had already told Erik and the others he would be joining them and he didn't really want to back out again because that felt horrible the first time. So they spent the last two days before the trip together and had lots of fun. They took care of the animals in the shelter together, went out for movies and even cooked together.

    He couldn't help but frown a bit as he looked down at her name on his phone. Unable to stand it, he quickly opened their conversation and typed in a message:

    To: Freya
    Just arrived at the resort. It's really nice. Wish you were here.
    Hope you're having a good time : )

    After hitting send he closed his phone and set it next to him on the bed. He looked up at the others with a smile, "I don't know about you guys but the heat in this place is scorching!" he pushed himself up from the bed and ran a hand through his dampened hair. "You guys can settle in, I'll unpack sometime later. I'm just going to check the pool and maybe go for a quick swim." with that, he grabbed a towel and waved to them happily and walked out of the room.

    He figured it would be alright to leave, especially since they were room mates - they would be together, like what? More than half of the time the entire trip! Plus if they all unpacked at the same time it could get a little cramped since they were all grown men. He was also feeling a little upset about Freya not being around, so he didn't want to sour up the happy vacation with a bad mood. If he just had some time to cool off and embrace the outdoors he had always and forever will enjoy - then he would be ready to keep up with the joyous company.

    The cherry haired man hummed a little tune as he walked through the decorative halls of the resort and with the help of the signs finally found himself at the pool. He couldn't help but grin as he saw the super clear waters of the enormous pool the resort had. He felt his mood improve already as he continued to look at it. He took a couple steps forward, then walked towards the beach chairs, claiming one of them and draping his towel over it.

    He could almost feel the cold water touching his skin, but he simply had to take a seat first and respect the beauty of the resort. He leaned back into his chair as he watched some of the children run around the shallow parts of the pool while some teenagers played some water games and some adults did laps. He turned to his side and saw the life guard at a distance, watching over the people as well. Hm, he hoped there weren't too many rules around the place - especially about wearing the standardly accepted swimming attire. Some places had that. He very well enjoyed swimming with a shirt on, thank you.

    Tucker began to scan the place if there were any signs of such rules posted on the walls when something else caught his eye. For a second he didn't recognize her at all, but when he remembered that she cut her hair and dyed it brown it came to him. Maria. Of all the people who could have showed up at the pool from their group, Maria stood there. He felt his body tense and knew that they had both seen each other. He forced a small smile then turned back to face the pool.

    He could just run and jump into the pool. Maybe she wouldn't follow him... but then again what if the pool did have that crazy little rule? It would be pretty embarrassing to have the life guard blow his whistle at him or worse they might force him to take his shirt off which he really did not want. Er. Well, maybe Maria wouldn't go his way if he just sat there for a while? Yeah. Maybe. He gulped nervously, trying to fight the urge to quickly glance back at her and see what she would do next.
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Dinny
    The turquoise teen held Ryder's hand firmly in hers as they filed out of the bus and walk towards the resort. She lifted up her sunnies to sit at the top of her head as she gasped out an excited, "Wow!"

    The hotel they booked looked absolutely fantastic and she was just so so excited to be part of this getaway, especially after she had cleared things with her best friend Richie. She sat beside Ryder of course, but Richie took a seat next to them and quickly the two best friends filled the back seats of the bus with happy chatter. It probably annoyed Ryder but Elisa really tried to have him join in with the fun.

    As they were about to split up into groups she looked at the two twins. She pouted slightly as she remembered that from their awesome, fantastic Golden Trio - she was the only one separated and not sharing a room with them. Sure, she understood the whole gender thing but the thought of not sleeping next to Ryder for the next couple days or so made her feel a little lonely. She squeezed his hand before letting go and grabbing some of her stuff that he offered to carry, "I'll see you guys later after I've settled in. Meet at the beach front, the lobby or something?" she giggled and after they agreed on a meeting place she gave Richie a quick hug and Ryder a quick peck on the cheek then hurried off towards her room, following after Seraphina.

    She entered the room with a smile and looked at everyone. It was so nice to see Pierce part of her group! She hadn't spoken to her in a very long time. She was also excited about Seraphina - who she remembered vaguely from the musical in school. She seemed like a very nice girl - and who was super pretty and gorgeous too! The last one to join them was a new face in town. She was stunning as well, but in a very different way than Seraphina. She didn't know who she was but Elisa was happy to meet someone new.

    "So, I guess we're all going to be roomies together! Hope I won't be too annoying." she giggled, then put her stuff towards the wall. Seraphina took a seat on one of the beds, so Elisa took a seat on the other one. "So, how are we going to share beds?"
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dinny
    This super unnecessary week of school before my semester break (BIG HUFF PUFF) is crazy loaded with work and junk, I'm really sorry but I won't be able to post any time soon and my weekend is packed with drama club duties and an event I have to attend, but since semester break is after I'll be online a lot more for at least a week so hooray. Very sorry for not being able to post since last weekend and this entire week :C
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Dinny
  9. Dinny

    The turquoise teen had spent a lovely day at the park with Ryder. After sending that message to Richie she leaned back on the tree closing her eyes and taking a nap - being too impatient on waiting for Richie's response after a minute. She was going to go over to Ryder but she concluded that she'd just be a nuisance at the skate park (Plus she didn't want to embarrass herself if ever Ryder made her ride the skateboard - which was highly unlikely but she still didn't risk it).

    She didn't really recall how long she had slept but she woke up to Ryder's gentle touch. Her eyes fluttered open to see his smiling face and she gave him a sweet kiss on the lips before they headed out and walked back home, holding his hand and clutching onto his arm. She mentioned how they should do this more often and how she didn't mind if he skated. She liked to see him happy and it was so nice and wonderful to watch him do all those tricks and help out others, like the blonde girl today. Of course part of her was scared for his safety but maybe Elisa could bring a first aid kit! She could be the skater medic. Heh. That would be cute. She could even make herself a little outfit!

    The thought made her laugh and she told Ryder as a joke, in which she received mixed reactions - which made her giggle even more. After some nice dinner at the Duvont home she showered and got ready for bed. She made sure to check her phone and she smiled at the text. This was great! She was too sleepy to respond and decided to speak to Richie at breakfast instead in the morning. With that she cuddled into Ryder's warm body and fell asleep again.
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dinny
    Profile Post Comment

    heyyyy babe <3

    heyyyy babe <3
    Profile Post Comment by Dinny, Oct 17, 2013
  11. Dinny

    He had been spending some much needed time with Freya, simply lounging about and enjoying each other's company - which he adored very much. He had her by his side when they watched some television and even helped her out with some homework she had been neglecting (he promised not to tell any of his teacher friends that he helped out). As they exchanged smiles, laughs and warm hugs he had received a phone call from Erik sometime in the afternoon.

    Hey Tuck, I've got a bit of a situation over here ...

    "Uh, hey man, what's up?" The cherry red haired man liked to believe that their relationship had gotten better ever since their drunk night full of laughs together. He glanced down at Freya next to him for a second as he spoke and gave her a small smile before returning his attention back to the phone.

    Erik, on the other line, then began to explain that his younger sister was in town and was inquiring about the shelter - if they needed any help. By the tone of his voice Erik didn't sound too happy about any of this. Tucker could understand, he had known Erik for a while and had met his younger sister, Lennox, as well. She was quite a handful and the two always seemed to butt heads. He remembered when he was younger he would be kind of happy to be the only child when he would watch Erik and Lennox bicker.

    He gave it a moment of thought, recalling if they needed help in any way. An extra hand was always useful! Since Maria did kind of drop out from helping... Sean was a little upset with that if he remembered correctly. He cleared his throat, "Well, with everything online there isn't so much to do - I mostly do all the inventory and stocks and online management but I suppose Sean might want the help in the actual shelter of tending to the animals and fixing stuff. If Lennox doesn't mind going outside more than most people during the outbreak I'm sure Sean would be very appreciative for the work and could get her as a paid employee? I'll send him a message and I can get back to you, if you want."

    He heard the other man let out a sigh of relief and with a small thank you he hung up. Tucker let out a small chuckle as bittersweet memories from his later teenage years alongside Erik came back to him. He glanced back down at Freya and smiled, excusing himself for having to do something. He called Sean up and he seemed a little excited about it! This was a good sign and after some chatting with his scruffy friend he hadn't seen in a while he hung up and called Erik again.

    Tucker explained that the plan was to go to the shelter tomorrow after lunch. He said he'd be going there too and he'll help Lennox get settled in with the job. After things were agreed on, he went back to Freya and told her about the situation. He asked if Freya wanted to come along to the shelter which she seemed excited about but of course, he said she could change her mind tomorrow. After some dinner, the two got ready for bed and he fell asleep embracing her with a smile on his face.
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Dinny

    The turquoise teen leaned back into the large oak tree they sat by - well, she sat by. Ryder had gone off to skateboard by the skate park just across. She shut her eyes for a moment as she finished packing up what they used for their little picnic. She was very happy when Ryder suggested a picnic earlier - though with the skateboard he carried she kind of understood why. Heh, oh well, picnics were always so nice and sweet and romantic - and spending a time like that with Ryder was always magical.

    She fluttered her eyes open and turned to look at him. Oh! He seemed to be pointing her direction and she could see that the young girl he was with was looking over here too! She sat up from relaxing on the tree's trunk and gave them a huge grin while waving at them. She couldn't make out who the young girl was, but she was sure she recognized her face from the distance. She just couldn't give it a name. Ryder smiled and then returned to their conversation. She couldn't help but continue smiling as she lowered her hand to hug her knees and watched them.

    It was beyond adorable to watch Ryder and the little blonde girl. He was teaching her how to skate and do that jumpy trick she was working so hard on. This, again, showed the much sweeter side of Ryder she loved so much. She let out a sweet sigh, Ry really was amazing. She couldn't help but feel really lucky to be able to call him as a boyfriend, in fact sometimes she couldn't even believe it. What amazing thing did she do to deserve such an awesome dude? She was childish and liked superficial things like fashion and spent most of her time on the internet - even before the outbreak. Her boyfriend was pretty much the opposite and she wished she could do things he liked - including skateboarding but she was just so horrid at it. Like, that little blonde girl would kick her butt at skateboarding any day. What possessed him to like her? Why did he even put up with her?

    Well, whatever that was she didn't really care much - of course curiosity made her mind it a bit but as long as she had him, that was beyond ample for her. As her thoughts trailed off, she grabbed the camera and zoomed in as much as she could at the two and snapped a shot. She smiled at herself as the photograph turned out really well with the natural lighting and she raised the camera again to take a couple others. It reminded her of how Ryder would sometimes play with his little princess of a sister, Ariella. She enjoyed the company of that little girl very much and sometimes it also made her wonder how it would be like to have younger siblings... let alone a twin! Ha! Two Elisa's... now how would that be like?

    Then again, it could go very polar like how Ryder and his twin Richie turned out! Hm, Richie... she lowered the camera to her side as she began to think of her best friend again. They still haven't really spoken about the other weekend and it was really driving her insides mad thinking about it sometimes. She'd usually just try to ignore it by snuggling up to Ryder and trying to forget. She eyed her phone. How long would that last her anyway? Plus she was over at their place a lot so she couldn't exactly avoid him. She knew she had to confront him about it soon. Maybe now was a good time?

    Elisa looked up towards Ryder again, and for that second she did she also saw the young girl he was with do the jumpy trick! Wow! She quickly looked back at her phone and gave herself a determined nod. She could do this. That little girl did her trick superbly so she could do this! Besides like the young blonde in the skate park she had him to, no matter what respond Richie had for her things would be okay because Ryder would always be there. She took a breath and began to type.

    To: Richie
    Hey babe! Um, I just wanted to ask you about the
    other weekend... about the drama club meet? I
    know I should just ignore it but I can't seem to...
    Ry and I went over to the cafe but no one was there,
    not even you and um... what happened?
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Dinny

    so close yet so far
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. Dinny
    Submitted! Best of luck with your project, Misty! n w n
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Dinny
    Username: Dinny
    Doll's Name: Sailor Jupiter
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. Dinny

    The cherry haired man woke up feeling much better than before but also much worse - if that made any sense. Physically, he was doing better finally not feeling too hungover but man, it was just too long away from Freya. It didn't really put a smile on his face when he thought about her because he would just end up remembering she wasn't in his apartment but back at her place. He knew he should have left for Freya's that night and not slept over Julius' even though he really wasn't in the state to.

    Letting out a sigh, he gave himself a determined nod and leaped from his bed. There was absolutely no use on just moping about and waiting for her to come over (most especially since he just recalled that he'd go to her place in the morning). He stuffed some new clothes into his bag, grabbed an outfit to wear and then showered quickly.

    His mood increasingly became much happier as he kept getting ready to leave since it was slowly sinking in that he would be seeing Freya soon! Hooray! He hummed a happy tune as he grabbed his keys, phone and mask before heading out of his apartment and locking the door behind him. He stuffed his things into his car before heading to Freya's place.

    He made sure to grab some breakfast to go from Crystal's Cafe for the both of them to share. It was just a nice little thing to do - especially since he kind of abandoned her yesterday. He really wanted to make up for it.

    Once the man was finally at her doorstep, he rang the doorbell with a bright grin under the mask he wore. His backpack was strapped on, his keys and phone were tucked into his pockets and he held the warm bag of breakfast in his hands. He was so excited to see her again!
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Dinny
    It took a while for Tucker to leave the Professor's place as well. Even after vomiting he still felt really off but by the time everyone had started leaving he took off as well, thanking Julius for a good night to escape reality because he really needed it.

    As he started his car and made his way back home he thought about the night. He only vaguely remembered things but he was really glad he got to spend a nice time with the three men again - especially Erik. He hated feeling weird and angst with him so it was nice to spend time like the old days.

    As he parked his car and walked up to his apartment space he sent Freya a quick text saying he'd swing by tomorrow since he still felt pretty beat. He took a quick shower and then snuggled into his sheets and fell asleep quickly.

    The day was a little weird. Despite the opportunities they had to be alone together she and Richie never really spoke about yesterday.

    So the day just went on, but at least they got their homework done along with Ryder's laundry. It was pretty much an ordinary day - aside from the now awkward situation with Richie which really got to her but she didn't really want to think about it anymore because it just made her upset.

    When it was finally time to go to bed, she made sure she snuggled as close to Ryder as possible and then fell asleep.
    Post by: Dinny, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Dinny
  19. Dinny
    awww hope something fun turns up for you then! hehe

    Post by: Dinny, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Dinny
    Profile Post Comment

    Hahaha yeah lucky you omg

    Hahaha yeah lucky you omg
    Profile Post Comment by Dinny, Oct 13, 2013