This isn't a techy comment or suggestion or anything cause dinny is not at all techy but I just wanted to say I'm really loving this version of khv!! I can only access the internet with my phone right now and the mobile site is super friendly and very easy to use! I can even use it just one handedly (which is all I can do right now) and it's just such a great improvement. I also really enjoy how everything looks and the back to the top button helps so much. Wonderful job, staff! Thank you so much!! C:
Cat!! How are you doing? Love the Elizabeth theme by the way c:
Yeah they did!! I'm so happy hehe I had surgery the day becore yesterday and if I recover properly, all my imbalance problems should go away....
I have more questions for you! (I tried) What magical race (from any one video game/story/etc) would you be for a day and why? Do you have stuffed toys still? Would you still go for ice cream today or is it too cold for that? If you had chance to change your real name, would ya? Who inspires you most when you write?
I have also returned alongside Razzy hehe Hello again everyone!! :3
Hahaha okay, once I think of some I shall flood your qt thread then hehe the philippines seems to be recovering okay, from what I hear on the news...
Catching Fire was my favorite book out of the trilogy so I had some expectations even though I read it a long time before the movie. I'm probably just someone who is easily impressed or amazed but I really really enjoyed the adaption. I was suddenly brought back to the book as if I read it a couple hours before. I appreciated how closely they worked with the book and how the littlest details like how katniss' expression would sometimes be for a second and other subtle things that reminded me of all the feels I had in the book and ho2 everything ultimately worked out. It's not something I would see again unnless I had a chance and I don't need to pay for it lol or it was on tv but still great film!!!
There is no such thing as winter in the tropics u A u Though, I'm pretty sure if it snowed here that would mean something pretty awful.
Naomi-san-chan!! I've missed you so much! Didn't want to flood your qt thread so vms yey hi /hugs hugs/
^ @Razgriz Thirteen is the best eren I cry so good /claps a lot/ Also aw man you guys are so beautiful and handsome ahhhh
Heheheherpderp AND YES OMG I FEEL YOU
Superhero - Tim McMorris
Omg naomi san congrats on QT you qt hehehe ♡ How are you doing today? Have you had hot tea today? If you haven't would you like some? Initial and current impressions? Is it snowing over there? Are you excited for your Christmas presents?
Happy holidays! ☆
I've been very busy with school like wow no sleep u A u but other than that everything is going well. How are you?
Hello! c:
✌ CLOTHES ≛ MOOD » 1/2 AWESOME ! ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » GR8 OUTDOORS ≛OOC ✌ He imagined waking up wonderfully as he slowly came to his senses with his eyes still closed and body relaxed. The air he breathed was fresh and clean while the warm sunlight set on his skin. As nice as it was, sadly as his body tensed up and shifted slightly reality fell back onto him. Despite the ground comforting him with the smell of nature and freshness, it was quite uncomfortable on his side and back. Also, the sunlight seemed way too bright even with his eyes only peeking open slightly. Additionally, a throbbing headache coupled his already groggy feeling. However more so, the realization quickly set that he was not alone. Well of course he wasn't alone, they were all sleeping on the ground for a reason: the drunken hiking trip. Rather, it was that he wasn't sleeping alone. His arm felt a little limp and something was gently pressed against his side. He peeked his eyes open to this side and noticed a head of brown, wavy locks. His face flushed right away and his body tensed. He could feel her arms embracing him and her entire body pressed next to him. It almost felt like they were tangled together which if he were being honest, wasn't that bad! Unfortunately, he wasn't just being honest but rather, he was being a lot more panicked. Eventually the cherry red haired man was able to open his eyes completely and look around. It didn't seem like anyone was up, only Julius - who was changing the bandages on his forehead. The younger male was very tempted to call him over and ask for how he could possibly get out of their little cuddle session without waking Maria up but he didn't exactly want to bother him too much, especially with his injuries and possibly a hangover. Tucker bit at his bottom lip nervously. His heart was racing and he felt so frozen and constricted. He shifted his body slightly again, going back to his original position when he woke up - facing Maria more. He looked down at her. He was right. If he were being honest this really wouldn't be so bad. In fact, it was nice. Very nice. He just still seemed to have that big red alarm that rang like crazy in his head upon this much physical contact but he had to face it. This wasn't just some other person. Not just some other girl. This was Maria. With a shaky sigh, he finally finds himself able to move again. He pulls her in very slowly with the arm under her neck and around her shoulders and rests his jaw by her head while repositioning his other arm over her body and into a cuddle. His heart continues to go crazy, beating like what he was doing was so wrong that it was about to go overdrive to do anything to stop him. However, as he tried his best to keep his breathing steady everything seemed to settle down again. He shut his eyes. It was okay. Everything was okay. Yeah! Everything was okay, more than okay, because it wasn't just anyone. It was Maria.
✌ CLOTHES ≛ MOOD » AWESOME!!!!1!!!!!111! ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » GR8 OUTDOORS ≛OOC ✌ Once they had gotten to the top, he took in a deep breath of fresh air. The outdoors were great. He looked around and saw Erik helping the others out while Maria headed over to start a fire. He walked up to her and asked if she needed help but she seemed like she could take care of it. So, he began pulling up some things they could rest on after dropping his bag. He moved some logs and big rocks to the little fire place Maria was working on and once everyone was up, he took the snacks he scavenged out of his bag, just some potato chips to join the liquor they brought. The fire started, with a jump start with Lennox's help, and he took a seat on the ground, resting his back on one of the rocks. He took some chugs out of the bottle he was holding as Maria sat next to him. The alcohol burned up his throat just like the fire, but the familiar taste reminded him that this was going to be a great day. He offered the bottle to Maria with a smile. It wasn't before long that the group grew incredibly loud and crazy - mostly lead of by Evan, who was up to other crazy antics with wheels. The red head found himself with a ton of energy as he drank more of the happy juice. He was laughing and talking loudly and more than he probably should have and excitedly joined in on conversations from the past and jokes and silly dances and antics alongside the others. He took a small sip of the liquor from the bottle he and Maria were sharing, as he sat back down and leaned back onto the rock he was rested on. The fire was getting a little smaller and it was getting dark. How much time had gone? "H-hey... do you think we gotta- we gotta go head back today? Like, I just don't think that's... possible." he laughed.
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ EXCITED ✿✖ LOCATION ↝ ROOM ✖ Pierce shook her head no, ❝ Not really. He stayed that night, b - but we didn't really talk much the next morning and um, haven't since. There's been pretty much n - no contact since. ❞ She bit her bottom lip and sighed ❝ I just ... I dunno. I'm not good with these ah... these things. ❞ Thinking she had done a rather great job at deciphering the girl's problem but apparently not she frowned a bit. Oh dear, she knew she wouldn't be so much help and boy, she really wanted to help her out! She bit at her bottom lip too as she shifted her position again, now indian sitting. "W-well... of.... if that's the case..." she started, not really knowing what to say next. 'Analysis time!' popped in her head like a blinking red alarm. Okay, so he had stayed over and they probably cuddled. Doesn't cuddles fix everything? Then, why weren't they talking when they woke up in each others arms? Or what if they didn't cuddle... but still, staying the night and not talking the morning after and not talking since? That was honestly a little odd... However, there was no way she was planning to just leave it at that or shoot down Pierce's mood or negativity about this! She couldn't believe that she wasn't good at this, could she? Her timid little self, as Elisa always thought, was very charming and sweet! Her aquatic eyes made its way to the other girl as she grabbed her hands excitedly, "Pierce I think you should talk to him first! If he's not speaking with you, perhaps you should speak with him! I know it's a little scary but if one of you don't talk then I don't know if anything will - so why, wait right? Talk to him! Send him a text!"