Haha, it's fine. I'm going for Multi Media Arts, mainly because I actually don't know what I want to do after HAHA
This seems apparent. EDIT: Loxare, I REALLY LOVE YOUR AVATAR THE CUTENESS + FEELS UGH Welcome back Tale! I've made a return today too huehuehuehuehue /shot
Ah I see, well best of luck on that college stuff! I'm actually starting college later this year, yipes. Should be interesting tho.
Well this seems pretty nifty /waves awkwardly
Haha, yeah. My life had never been that eventful for that short of a time lol and yeah, I'm doing much much better so hooray! How have you been,...
^ definitely.
ABOUT THAT. huehuehue It's kind of a long story of school, getting pretty sick, cosplay and trying to get back on track with life LOL
Tummer! Congrats on QT n w n 1. How are you doing? I've missed talking to you! 2. Pokemon team for facing the Elite Four? 3. What musical world would you want to live in and why? 4. Are glasses cool? 5. Initial & Current Impressions? 6. What are the top 3 films you're looking forward to in 2014?
How about aliens then? I like aliens.
Constantly traveling between fiction and reality.
/hugs you lots and lots
Lying in bed all day while being a queen and having everyone as my slave (=U w U=) ♡ A very very Merry Christmas to everyone!! Cuddles to everyone, hope you're having a great time!!
Digimon Battle Spirit 2 I like to drown myself in nostalgia some days (plus it's on my phone so hooray easy access)
This Love - Angela Aki
That's wonderful to hear! Congrats to the both of you c:
I think I'm just the type of person who gets super excited and starts to awkwardly grin and squeal when more news on the ipcoming games come up, whatever it may be. This is great to hear though! I'm getting even more excited even though what had been shared doesn't seem like anything super new but that last comment from Nomura is getting me crazy hyped. Thanks for the article/scan, Misty!
Thanks naomi! I hope so too hehe ♡ I hope everything is going absolutely great this holiday season for you!!
I'm tying my best to get back into anime and im actually quite excited for some of these! Some of the art is super appealing and cute and the story lines look interesting! Some don't really make sense to me but I don't want to be quick to judge (esp. As someone who really got into that one swimming anime...) I don't really recognise anything in particular but I'll gladly give some of these a shot!
Ooooh nice nice ♡ im so happy its finally holiday break lol im doing okay, thanks cat!