✌ CLOTHES ≛ MOOD » BETRAYED/NERVOUS ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOME/ERIK'S ≛OOC ✌ This wasn't right. Why was Maria here? Why didn't Erik say anything. He felt rotten inside. It felt like he was being betrayed again by his friends. As awful as it sounded, he didn't really want to see Maria right now. He was hurt. She said that she didn't want to be friends with him and Tucker had no idea about anything she was going on about. It wasn't fair! This wasn't fair! "Well don't be strangers. Come on in," He nervously gulped down, then pulled his arm away from Freya's shoulder, sliding it towards her hand instead. He gripped it lightly. He had to be strong. He had to be the better person and show that he was doing fine - in fact, better! Especially with Freya around. He had to prove it to Erik and try not to be affected by Maria's presence. Tucker held Freya's small hand in his as they walked into the living room. He glanced over at Maria who was sitting by the piano and felt his chest ache. It was proving to be much harder than he thought to ignore her, especially since she looked so different. For some reason, her sudden change of appearance made it hurt more. It spoke to him as a message saying that she had changed - inside and out. She was done with being his friend and part of him believed he would never get the chance to be her friend again. He really wished he wouldn't believe it... even think about it, but as he studied the short brown locks that replaced her long, platinum ones he still remembered in his head, he really couldn't think much of anything else. "That's an awfully short dress," "Well it appears to be doing what it's supposed to," He quickly looked away from his former friend. He hoped no one had noticed him staring at her and hoped even more that no one got the wrong idea of why he was doing that. He squeezed Freya's hand a bit. He constantly had to remind himself that she was there because that made everything feel a little bit better. His chestnut eyes looked down at her and he began to wonder what would have happened to him now if she hadn't been here... he couldn't even imagine it. Stuck in a room with Erik and Maria used to sound like a good time but now...? It sounded like a nightmare. Erik motioned Freya to take a seat in the couch "Freya, since you're here, you can get a head start on taking notes for class. I need Tucker to work the camera and help me edit the footage afterwards. All the videos will be posted on the class portal tomorrow. Maria's going to be reading everything in my stead. I need to grade these assignments." His heart sank a bit but as Freya mumbled a response, he reluctantly let go of her hand. He really wanted for him and her to work together with the filming and editing. He thought it would be fun and cute. As she and Erik took their respective seats, he gathered his equipment properly. He looked at Freya one last time. He really wanted her by his side while he had to do this... he let out a small sigh and looked to the floor, then began to walk to where he would set up his equipment. He stayed mostly silent, giving a small smile to Maria when they had made a second of eye contact as he set up. Once everything was ready, he spoke in a nervous voice. He found himself stuttering as he told her to sit and face certain ways, repeat lines, and any other commands that were necessary for the filming process. Other than that, he didn't speak much at all. No small talk. He never looked directly at her when he filmed, only at the flat image of her displayed on the screen of the video camera. He still had that tight feeling in his chest and he really just wanted to go to Freya or be somewhere else. Anything. Anything but being in a room with Maria because it hurt too much. Luckily, time didn't seem to stretch forever. Once they were finally done, he gave her a small nod and walked out of the room and back to the living room. She had quickly followed behind him but he did little to recognize that. He looked over at Freya, sending her a small smile because looking at her lifted his spirits just like that, and then at Erik. "We're done." Erik smiled, getting up and walking over to them then past them as he went to review the footage. Tucker looked back at Freya who gave him a familiar look and he couldn't have gone to her any faster. He sat next to her immediately, taking one of her hands again and holding it in his. He felt her head by his shoulder, and he leaned to her. He felt drained, mentally. He really wanted all of this to be over all of the sudden. Maria was nowhere to be seen as Freya tucked her legs under his own. He smiled down at her and released her hand to put an arm around her, pulling her close to his side. The older, brown haired man walked back into the room with a victorious expression. "Would you mind helping me edit this footage, I need to talk to you about something." Tucker looked down at Freya. He really didn't want to have to keep leaving her. His chestnut eyes traveled to Maria who reentered the living room from the kitchen. He looked away immediately. Well, he might as well go and help edit the footage now. He gave Freya a little squeeze then stood up from the couch and began to walk off with Erik. Before he turned the corner, he looked back at Freya, holding a hand up slightly to say he would be back and he meant ASAP. He was going to finish the video editing so quickly and they would be out of there in no time. He followed Erik to where his equipment last was and where the computer was. He sat in front of it and began to edit the footage while Erik told him some things he would want to put in the video. Tucker took note of all of these and continued his work. "So... how are you lately, Tuck?" He glanced up at Erik. He paused for a moment then returned to the video editing, "I've been good. The school gets me for lots of tech stuff ever since the outbreak. I don't need to stress on maintaining servers as usually as when these online classes first started but I still check the sites and portals regularly. The shelter has gone online too which is a little funny but it seems to be working." The older man walked off for a moment, pacing around his room. "Well, good to hear you're doing good." Tucker nodded, continuing with his work. He was glad he didn't have to edit much since this was just a lesson video and nothing that required much effects and tweaking. He tried not to focus on Maria's face as she read out the lessons by reminding trying to imagine she was a different person and not looking at her eyes. He cleared his throat, "You know, actually, it's been going better than good lately. Great, really! I've been spending a lot of time with Freya. She's helping me out sometimes - not really, but since she goes to the site for school work, we kind of work on the same page. Sometimes literally - just with different objectives, of course." A faint scoff was heard from Erik. Tucker glanced at him quickly again. He could see that the dark haired man was not impressed buy what he was saying. His eyebrows furrowed, then he went back to clicking away. But as he did, he carried on with talking, "And she's also super great company for whenever - not just work. She knows how to make someone smile even though the day doesn't go too great. And she's really considerate and wonderful and kind. And-" he could feel Erik loom over him. He looked up. The man still had the same expression. Tucker pushed himself up to stand, clearing his throat, "A-and it's done... Should be all set for your students." he looked at Erik one last time, tightening his lips to a line. He just looked at him for a moment. The man didn't have any physical changes like Maria did but he could swear that he had changed too.... The cherry haired man began to fix up his stuff. He kneeled down and put things where they belonged in his bag. Erik was clicking away on the laptop, preparing to post the video. Minding their own business, both men stayed in silence for a while until Erik finally spoke up, "You know," he started. Tucker didn't look up, but he listened. "...it's ridiculous that you guys are ignoring each other." He froze for a moment as he was midway in zipping up his bag. It felt like everything stopped in time. His breathing. All the sounds around him. His thoughts. All the people in Erik's home. His heartbeat. Tucker stood up with his back turned to Erik. "If you need anymore assistance, just say." He stood there for a moment, trying to think of something else he could add - especially about what he just said but the words seemed to shoot through both his heart and mind. He didn't know what to make of it at all so instead, he takes a step forward. Then another and another, leaving Erik by the computer as he made his way back to the living room, where the only person that made sense to him was.
How's it feel to be on question time, myst?? Why the username: Myst? First Impressions? Current impressions? Something that makes you laugh a lot more than it should?
Ahh Jayn-senpai I am so sorry but I seem to have this thing for changing minds and decisions for KN but I saw this now: and now I feel bad for taking it lol so I would like to change my song to Crazier Than You (because I really do love this song sorry when I butcher it lol) so Phoenix here can have When Will My Life Begin. I'm so sorry for my indecisiveness u A u
I fluff up my fluffy pillows and then lay back, tuck my legs under the covers and make sure sischu is beside me and watching too U w U
Or you're just turning anime and you know S P A R K L E S !
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ GENERALLY HAPPY ✿✖ LOCATION ↝ HOME/RYDER'S ✖ Her body wriggled down into the thick covers more. Hmmm, it seemed a little colder... ah! That was it. Still lazy to open her eyes, she pulled her hand out of the sheets to try and feel for the body that usually lay next to her. All she could feel were the wrinkled bedsheets that covered the soft mattress she was laying on. She let out a sigh and as she opened her eyes she realized Ryder had left the room. By the sound of the footsteps coming down the hall, she knew where he was but that didn't really make her feel better. As pathetic and cheesy as it sounded, Elisa only felt right when she woke up next to him. She rubbed her tired eyes and sat up.She quickly patted her hair down and licked her dry lips and just then, her prince enters through the door. He smiled at her and gave her a nod, then put his clothes in his bag. With his back turned he asked, "Hey, how'd you sleep?" Elisa was still smiling upon seeing the blonde enter her room. "It was wonderful." she said dreamily, then she stretched her arms upward, arching her back then loosened and hopped out of bed. She walked over to the desk, where Ryder was and gave him a peck on the cheek before grabbing the phone on her desk. Lately, she would only check her phone at night and in the morning since it didn't really matter to her much anymore. She just wanted to spend more and more time with Ryder each and everyday - and since he was over a lot anyway, that was nice. As she flipped open her phone, she began to talk "We're going to your place for a while, right? Oh I hope Richie will join us for things. Oh, speak of the cutie, I've got two messages from him!" Quickly, she opened the two messages but the smile on her face slowly began to straighten out then form into a pout. Oh dear. Text to Elisa:hey... uh, are you alright?haven't heard from you in a while and i just......yeah... hope you're having a good time with ryder Text to Elisa:erm i hope you have a good night!!sleep well and stay safe bbytext me soon...!!. . . please? The messages were sent hours away. She was an awful best friend, wasn't she? The turquoise teen bit her bottom lip anxiously and her expression matched exactly how nervous she suddenly was... until she remembered that he best friend's twin, her boyfriend (oh, calling him that always gave her such wonderful butterflies in her stomach), was next to her. She glanced at him and smiled, then quickly typed Richie a response. To: RichieOhmyglob! I'm so sorry for not replying,I was busy. I hope you're doing alright asI am doing quite fine. Let's do somethingsuper fun later today! n w n I'm comingover soon so be prepared! Hehehe She closed her phone immediately and turned to Ryder, regaining her happy energy almost immediately. "So! I'll just go pack my stuff, get ready and we can go! I promise I won't have a concert in the shower and take forever." she giggled then gave him another peck on the cheek. She twirled off to her closet and began to grab some clothes, folding them quickly into a bag. She made sure to include about two outfits for going out, just in case, and comfortable pajamas. She didn't forget to dump in her traveling toiletries bag, flowery undergarments, her smallest make up kit and a comfortable, snuggly hoodie she could use for anywhere. Quickly she abandoned the bag then grabbed the outfit she prepared for today. "I promise. If I'm not out by ten minutes, you have my permission to yell at me." it was only half of a joke. She did mean it, but with a bright smile it probably did seem like a joke. She darted off to the bathroom as if she was trying to beat the clock. She took the shower quickly, prepped her face to be decent with some tinted moisturizer, mascara and lip tint then exited the bathroom. Ten minutes flat. Ryder didn't even have to go bother her! She had done it! Her hair was still a little damp when she pulled two victorious thumbs up, "I did it! Haha! Alright, let's go!" she zipped her bag close, hung it over her shoulder and once Ryder grabbed his things, she reached to hold his hand. Their fingers were kept intertwined as they walked out of her room and out of her home and soon, they would be on their way to the Duvont household with her best friend, Richie waiting for them.
I just listened to everyone and holy snaps I am blown away! So glad I got to listen to everyone's beautiful songs despite missing the airing (special shoutout to skyheart for linking me plus because BET ON IT) Everyone was as fabulous as ever and sounded so gorgeous BUT NGHHHH JAYN AND SYNK THAT WAS TOO BEAUTIFUL FOR MY KOKORO I AM STILL LISTENING TO BOTH OF YOUR MAJESTIC VOICES <3
Aww man I would love to do Crazier Than You but my voice is so blergg cause I'm all sick. I'll (nervously) sign up for When Will My Life Begin instead please! n w n
Cookiie yyyy u A u
✌ CLOTHES ≛ MOOD » HAPPY-->BETRAYED/NERVOUS ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOME/ERIK'S ≛OOC ✌ The cherry haired man woke from his slumber, opening his eyes to the dimly lit room of his. An arm draped over a small figure next to him and a smile crossed his lips when he realized who it was. He snuggled up to her a bit then straightened himself out, coming up to a sit as he began to peel away the sheets over his body, careful not to wake the sleeping teenager next to him. He grabbed his phone and literally froze for a moment. His eyes darted quickly to the time that it displayed. Oh dear. It was late! He hurriedly got out of bed. His chestnut eyes looked down at Freya. Awww, she looked so cute and peaceful. Perhaps he would save her the trouble of seeing him all stressed out and looking for stuff franticly? That seemed like a good idea! He nodded at himself, then grabbed some fresh clothes out of his closet and hurried to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get dressed. Once he was done, he was back at his oddly clean (but definitely not clean in respect to Erik) living area. He bit his bottom lip anxiously. Hah. Now he had to find out where his stuff were... It took him about ten minutes to look for his wallet, keys and tech equipment. He knew he would need it. Whenever someone from the school needed his help, he made sure to bring his adventuring bag. Most of the other people in the tech department were either too lazy to get up now that they could use the outbreak as an excuse because they were scared to leave the house or they were actually scared of leaving the safety of the four walls that kept them away from the outside world. He poked his head back into his room and realized Freya was still sleeping. Phew! Good thing he didn't make much noise. He went back to the kitchen and decided it would be nice to wake her up to a nice cup of joe's. He reached for two tumblers (so they could drink it on the way) and also for the packets of instant coffee. Just as he was about to rip one of the packets open he stopped. Maybe... maybe it would be best if he made hot chocolate instead. HE wasn't exactly sure if Freya was a big coffee person... was she too young for drinking coffee? What if all this time she got decaf at the cafe before? He set the packets aside and reached up to grab some coco instead. He poured in the hot water after and stir both solutions. He left them at the kitchen and walked back into the bedroom. He crouched next to the bed and stroked her short locks gently until she began to stir, "Hey... morning." he greeted with a smile. She only mumbled something he couldn't exactly understand, "Hey so, I have to help Erik out with a project and I was thinking it would be great if you came along. Are you up for it?" he put on a big grin. He really hoped she wouldn't say no. He really wanted to grab this opportunity to let Erik realize that the girl next to him was great and wonderful and excellent. Said girl seemed pretty groggy though, as she rolled to her stomach and shoved a pillow to her face. His heart sank for just a second but he heard a faint mumbling from beneath the pillow. Before he could even ask what she said, the teenager began to crawl out of bed. She grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom. His grin reappeared on his face and he waited by the kitchen. Why she emerged, he offered her the hot chocolate he made for the both of them. "I put them in tumblers so we could just drink them on the way. Erik had kind of been expecting me for a while... haha..." he turned to get his stuff, slinging the bag over his shoulder and grabbing his keys. Oh wait! Gotta make sure he cleaned up the kitchen. He turned back to fix the coffee packets he left out but realized they weren't there anymore... huh? He glanced at Freya, who was tightening the lid of her tumbler. She grabbed her mask and began to walk out of the door. He looked back at the empty kitchen counter. He was sure that he... ah well, maybe he was getting better at this cleaning up thing more than he could remember! By the time Tucker parked his car in front of Erik's, both hot coco from each of their tumblers were drained. He rang the door and kept an arm around Freya, resting his hand on her right shoulder. He looked down at her a grinned. This was going to be great! The dark haired older man opened the door, holding a cigarette in his hand, of course. His expression seemed quite stunned when he realized Tucker had not come alone. He grinned brightly at him, "Hope you don't mind, I brought Freya along. She could help as well if you needed anything and she's really wonderful company." Erik didn't seem to budge even at the cherry haired man's excited words. Tucker cleared his throat but before he could go on and say more amazing things about Freya, another figure appeared past the doorway. A woman, holding a cigarette of her own stood in the distance. Oh? Well, fair game now! Tucker didn't realize Erik brought a plus one too! So now they wer- wait. "M-maria?" He didn't realize he said it out loud to begin with. He barely recognized her! Cut locks, dyed hair - but when his chestnut eyes met her icy blue ones there was no denying that the once previous blonde stood there. That's when his chest tightened. He quickly recalled everything that happened between them and all he could feel was pain when he did. He gulped nervously, glancing away for a moment. His gentle grip on Freya's shoulder tightened a bit, and he pulled her a little closer for some sort of comfort. He cleared his throat, looking back to Maria and muttered, "N-nice look. It suits you." His eyes traveled back to Erik and he smiled at him, even though he kind of wanted to glare at him. This was a set up for sure. He knew that something had happened between him and his long time friend as well but he didn't realize that it would resort to something like this.
\evil dinny laughter\ (which honestly doesn't sound so evil at all omglob) IT IS FATE THAT YOU DIDN'T. ONE SKY ONE DESTINY
Sorry Plums, the universe doesn't agree ueheheh :3 You tried.
✌ CLOTHES ≛ MOOD » FRANTIC ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOME/CAR/FREYA ≛OOC ✌ He could feel his palms sweating as he turned the corner to his street. His chestnut eyes quickly glanced at the small figure who rode shotgun. He licked his upper lip nervously. God, why was he so nervous? It's not like he and Freya didn't spend time together - in fact, he could barely remember when they were last apart! The thing is, it would always be in her place. Not only did it give the cherry haired man an excuse not to fix his room - or rather, entire apartment - but it felt more comfortable like that. Tucker barely ever had anyone over at his place. If he recalled properly, only Sean and Erik had ever been to his place. It just felt more comfortable like that... but now, that was certainly not the case. What made it a lot worse was it was Freya! Of all the people, it was Freya who was coming over. No, no of course this was a good thing! At least they wouldn't be apart but it was definitely not decent at the moment. When was it when he cleaned his place last? The week before this one? Urg, he really wasn't too sure. He's been at Freya's most of the time so it really didn't matter! But now it did! And boy, was he freaking out. He was supposed to go back home alone. He had already mentally prepared himself to miss the teenager during the time they were together. It was all very relaxing and wonderful and happy. Indeed, it upset Tucker when he was about to leave but it definitely caught him off guard when Freya put a hand to her hip and said assertively, "I never stay over at your place, I'm coming with you." He barely spoke since then. He tried to come up with reasons in his head to not make her go, but honestly, there was just a million more fantastic reasons for her to come along. He cleared his throat as he parked his car, setting the engine off and unlocking the doors. He looked at her with an anxious smile and reminded, "Don't forget your mask." He put on his own and then together they hopped out of the car and began walking to the apartment. He lead her by the hand the whole time. As they climbed the short flight of stairs up to his door, he dug into his pocket to pull out his keys. Once the key was in the hole he looked back at her, clearing his throat once more, "U-uh, p-please don't judge me for the pigsty I live in. I-It's usually much cleaner, w-well n-not really but y-yeah don't judge me I promise I'll clean evey-" With a smirk, she pushed her way into the room before he could even finish his sentence. Tucker grimaced and immediately ran in after her, shutting the door behind him and knocking his shoes off (and practically falling) then in a very panicked manner, he began to clean up. He dumped things into drawers, grabbed clothes off from anywhere and threw them into the laundry, filed the papers together and kept them in the cabinets, stood his bike properly onto a wall and fluffed up pillows. As he did this he could hear Freya giggling and beginning to help out which was not right! No! She was the guest! Whenever Freya would get something to put away properly, he immediately grabbed it from her and just offered her to sit down and let him handle it. He really didn't want to be a burden to her. After about ten short minutes (Tucker's world record for cleaning up his space), he slumped to the couch beside the teenager and rested his head on her shoulder. He breathed out a little sigh of relief, "Okay. Now you're free to judge." he said with a dorky smile as he looked up at her. With a small laugh he gets up again, "Well it's getting late, we should head in. Um, I'll just go get dressed. Entertain yourself with anything. Sorry I don't have a television, I'm not a fan of shows or movies... hahah... hah. Um. But. Yeah! Just. Oh!" he pats down a pile of animal magazines in front of her "if you're interested, here are some magazines from the shelter. There's the apartment public wifi so you can connect to the internet. Um. Yeah. I... I'll go." he nodded and quickly shuffled to his room. He fixed the bed quickly then got some clothes. He exited his room, crossed the living area - with a small wave to Freya - then locked himself in the bathroom as he got dressed. After he exited the bathroom, Freya had changed as well and since they were still in their lazy moods they went to bed. They cuddled again, which really made Tucker nervous at first - especially since they were also at his place but as Freya fell asleep next to him, he calmed a bit. Before he slept, he got a text from Erik: are you busy tomorrow? I need your help with a project. He looked at the sleeping teenager snuggled up next to him. She could come too. Erik and Freya weren't in such bad terms in school before, sure he had that awful conversation with the older man but this was good! He could prove that Freya really was amazing and wonderful and fantastic and excellent. He smiled as he thought about it then quickly types up a response before falling asleep. To: ErikSure! See you tomorrow : ) He was too lazy to type anything else. Besides, the more the merrier.... right?
✌ CLOTHES ≛ MOOD » FRANTIC ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOME/CAR/FREYA ≛OOC ✌ He brushed his hair back with his right hand, letting his fingers rake through them. The cherry red locks of his hair were still a bit damp from his shower. Alright, a little more than damp, as water dripped from the tips of his hair and onto the plain, grey v-neck he changed into. He grabbed his phone on the bedside table and noticed the little reminder he set for himself. Apparently, it was time to check out and manage the website of the shelter. He's graduated from just animal-rescue-volunteer work to actual work with profit some time ago, but never officially - but now as the odd epidemic of the unknown but fatal virus spreads, most things turned to online resources. He's been helping out with the school too, especially since he was big on the tech department but now he had to balance the site of the shelter too since Sean was not big on the tech department (at all). He set the reminder for later in the afternoon once more then, he gave his head a little shake and wiped his hands on his dark jeans as he headed back downstairs. He just came from the bedroom, dumping his dirty laundry into his duffle bag and checking his bag. Aside the realization in regards to the tech world, in real life, he was down to his last set of clean clothes! This meant he had to visit his apartment again, clean up, do laundry - all the boring stuff. All the stuff alone. As he reached the end of the stair case, he smiled to see the person who he had been spending the past few days with. Freya. Oh, Freya. He walked over to her. It was the usual routine as the epidemic struck. He would come over with most of his necessities, clean clothes, toiletries and his laptop then when he ran out of clean laundry he would go back home and camp out there for a couple days - usually get busy with errands and things he had to do like the websites and taking care of the animals over at Sean's, then he would go back to Freya's for his moments of pure bliss. He sat next to her, placing an arm over her shoulder. It was really nice to be with Freya. Hugging and snuggling with her was always the best, even though he would still get really nervous. It was worth it. Totally worth it. He cleared his throat, "So, um. Anything new on the news? Done with school things?"