I have a lab report due in on friday and I haven't started it yet :(
Omg lol Really? Also, I set such a poor image for myself. I'm drinking or in a drinking establishment in like every photo xD
I was in GAME with my dad and wanted to buy an 18. We went up to the till and I handed it to the guy and he said "I can't sell that to you, you're underage". So I handed it to my dad, right in the front of the guy like, and he bought it for me. It's kinda pointless =/
Spoiler Spoiler
What Mother's Day are you all aiming for? :S Mother's Day is in March =/
Fix' d
Eddie darking, no-one does e's anyone. Parallox abuse is all the rage nowadays. That's better Eddie! Eddie... Is that Saffy one sneaking about here?
Eddie, Eddie, I don't think that's Bolly =/ It has to be Bolly! FLASH FLASH FLASH Wait your turn boys!
Chuck Norris is a ****** that likes a good piece of meat.
I'm saying that evidence in general voids virtually every argument for the existence of a higher power except for the "The <<Insert holy text here>> says so so it must be" and "I feel he exists therefore he does". Feelings are evidence to nothing. In the past religion tried to explain everything, got miffed when science tried to butt in and eventually had to concede that science was right. Also, there is no faith in science, there is knowledge. Knowledge is based on objective evidence. I know the theory of gravity is right. I will know that it is right until (and there is very little chance of this happening) there is evidence to the contrary. And the funny thing is, all it would take is one bit of objective evidence to disprove a scientific theory such as gravity. And in the hundreds of years of research and searching there hasn't been any. The same can certainly not be said for the existence of a higher being.
Hello Eddie, got the champers? Odd bins were out.
It also doesn't mean it is necessarily any of the above, or actually "real" for that matter. I see it as being science, as you have called it. I say this because all the evidence points that way. I live my life by what I know, and what I know to be right.
Typical overemotional American.
I have sat up all night watching the election results come in. It is now 6:07am and they still have no idea who is going to win with 543/650 seats decided. But we are headed for a hung parliament. That'll be a lot of very happy wives ;)
Matthew Thomas Hunter the Second :>
I voted Alliance. The Green party have won their first seat EVER!
Actors act because they are paid to do so. They may also find it fun, but they are doing it in a media where they are expected to. The Spamzone is equivalent to a playground or and other public social meeting area really. I and most people I know would find it rather weird if someone came up to me dressed as a fictional character and pretending to be them. That level of escapism is disturbing.
My brother is maddening me with his attempts at his auditions for a member of the cast for Guys and Dolls ._.
I would just rather people would be themselves and not pretend to be fictional characters. As you say, they don't have to listen to me. They also don't have to even read what I have written. That is a part of free speech; people are free not to listen/read what people have said/written. However, I believe that people should always be themselves and keep lying to a minimum =/