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  1. Patsy Stone
    I know what a pulsar is >_> I meant the duck aspect of the name. I think it much more resembles an upside down duckling or chick =/
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Patsy Stone
    LOL What about the gay penguins who try to "adopt" chicks from heterosexual couples? There have also been studies to show that the brain structures of homosexual men and women are more like those of heterosexuals of the opposite sex.

    I would love to be able to choose to be straight, but I can't physically do it and it's insulting to be told otherwise.

    I would also like to add that I posted this thread while rather drunk and after first reading about the human rights abuses in Africa. I don't actually think that cutting off all aid is a good idea, but certainly changing the way it is delivered is necessary. Perhaps bypassing local governments?
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 25, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  3. Patsy Stone
  4. Patsy Stone
    I thought you meant because it looked like an upside down chick or duckling =/
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 25, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Patsy Stone
    All you keep saying is that we shouldn't do this because of what MIGHT go wrong. It has already pointed out that most other technological advances (including fire and the wheel come to think of it) have gone wrong in some sense of their functions being misused. I don't see how this is any different.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 25, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  6. Patsy Stone
    The only choice gay people have is to be themselves or to pretend/lie to everyone else. In my mind there is only one moral choice there and it is to be yourself.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 25, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  7. Patsy Stone
    I lol'ed too, especially as the first Terminator movie was on tonight xD
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 23, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Patsy Stone
    I would like to point out that all current plans are for life on the scale of bacteria. Bacteria that can process nuclear and dangerous waste, clear oil spills, produce fuels etc.

    Also, @Peace-and-War, you sound like the kind of person who refuses to leave their house because they might get hit by a bus. Even that's a kind of analogous, there are lots of amazing things you can do outside your house but bad things can still happen no matter your intention. Doesn't mean you stop going outside.

    And yes, as Styx re-iterated, you can through away pretty much all modern technology. I'm sure most inventions have been or are currently being misused.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 23, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  9. Patsy Stone
    People who think we shouldn't do this because it could be used as a weapon should throw away most of their modern appliances and belongings. Virtually every modern advance has a military application, no matter how novel. That moots that point.

    As for the playing god argument, we play god all the time. Even the cultivation and selective breeding of crops and animals is technically playing god.

    I really don't see where the problem with this is =/ Unless of course it gets in the wrong hands, but that is always a danger. Just look at electricity and nuclear fission. As well as mass production and the invention of steel. Neither World War would have been possible on the scale they were without any of those inventions.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 20, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  10. Patsy Stone
    When I said that it doesn't deserve any aid, I mean that the literal billions of pounds/dollars that has been poured in seems to have made little if any difference. Either through the corruption of their governments or from the rebel organisations that seem to exist in every country against said governments the money and aid doesn't get to where it needs to go.

    I say either leave them to sort it out or actually physically step in and do something about it before we waste more money that could do so much good at home.

    As for the homophobia laws, it just shows how backward the societies still are. And on the topic of missionaries, that is the fault of the churches not of the people of the countries involved.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 20, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  11. Patsy Stone
    WHY THE FECK DID I PUT NOT D: ?! That was meant to read as I have now edited it to read. That was the worst word leaving out ever ._.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 20, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Patsy Stone
    By employing safe sex and when you do it just for the craic? Safe sex being the most important thing. Prevention of STD's/STI's is the most important thing.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Patsy Stone
    I remember saying I would never drink. You will drink. Same thing will happen to you with sex. The thinking/logic you are employing is the same logic that states that you are safest staying inside your house. In that, if you leave your house you could get hit by a bus or a car or stabbed by some randomer.

    You shouldn't let statistics let you stop you living your life =/ Sex is awesome when you do it right.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Patsy Stone


    xD I'm not that bad =p I've decided on neither lol Although given my circumstance I could choice on the latter.

    But I'm not going to =] I'm just going to continue living my life ;D
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Patsy Stone
    The only mindset that they are stuck with is whatever religion has told them that it is "an abomination" that has to be eradicated (almost always the Roman Catholic faith, but virtually always Christianity in general).

    I don't see why the UK should waste aid on Africa. We should get what resources we can out of what areas we control then leave and only come back when they have figured out how to create a civilised society. They are pretty **** at that kind of thing =/
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 19, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  16. Patsy Stone
    Lol Trust me, I didn't know the extent of it either. It sickens me so much. I refuse to send any aid of any kind to Africa anymore. Why should I? When people who are born the same way as me are being sent to prison or killed because they are born the way they are.

    Africa is a shithole that REALLY needs to sort itself out before it deserves to receive any aid.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 19, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  17. Patsy Stone


    I ran out of vodka so I will have to either survive on more vodka that I can get from the kitchen or depression that I can draw from within myself =/
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Patsy Stone


    I've had a bit too much vodka =D
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Patsy Stone
    To be honest, I did. A lot of people do. Infact, most people do at some point. And if they aren't picked on, they get something happening to them. So why lie about it? It's what actually happened. No names are mentioned so what is the problem? =/
    Post by: Patsy Stone, May 19, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  20. Patsy Stone
    It was reported on the BBC news today that Uganda is set to introduce the death penalty for "serial homosexuals" although this may be downgraded to life in jail.

    Even so, this is ridiculous. It has been PROVEN that being homosexual is from birth. Do they realise the irony of what they are suggesting? I could say that the death penalty should be introduced for black people (although I don't have the backing of religious texts), it's the same kind of thing.

    And it isn't just Uganda, in Malawi a gay couple were put in jail for 14 years each for basically loving each other =/ As well is the abominations instigated my many other African nations.

    When will this madness end. When will people realise that gay people do not choose to be the way they are. When will they realise that if they they decide that gay people do not deserve the same rights as everyone else then they undermine their own basic rights? Ugh, it sickens me.
    Thread by: Patsy Stone, May 19, 2010, 28 replies, in forum: Current Events