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  1. Patsy Stone
    Maybe, FINALLY, the American government will come to it's few senses and realise that BP actually did a good job in dealing with the disaster and will try to comensate the UK with how much it DETROYED THE UK STOCK EXCHANGE AND PENSION SYSTEM.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  2. Patsy Stone
    Well, if his employer wants him to work somewhere else then they want him to work somewhere else. It happens all the time. What is clouding people's judgement is the who donation business. That is completely unrelated to this. They are not making him move because he has given a kidney; they are making him move because he is needed elsewhere. I see no problem in this.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  3. Patsy Stone
    You need to be much more specific if you want any sort of clear responses.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Patsy Stone
    It's funny how much trouble this thread has caused. I suppose what made me create this thread in the first place was that someone I know said that an animal existed "as god made it". This pissed me off to no end. Science has proven almost beyond a doubt that the theory of evolution is sound. It makes me so angry that people can still be so stubborn and idiotic to believe that life just spontaneously appeared in it's entire complexity what 6000 years ago? Even though we have a MOUNTAIN of evidence to prove otherwise. Also the fact that the opposing camp has zero evidence to the contrary.

    Then, creationists try to change society to fit their teachings/lies. That pisses me off. There will be no creationist displays in the Ulster museum whilst I draw breath. It is far too much of an insult against humanity.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  5. Patsy Stone
    The so called "carrying capacity" of the earth is highly disputed and the number of human beings supportable runs from less than a billion to over 20 billion. It all depends on what sort of global structure is implemented. Independant national structures will be very difficult to co-ordinate.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Patsy Stone
  7. Patsy Stone
    Anyone but England or France.

    England because English people tend to be arrogant *******s about the whole thing going OMG WE ARE THE BEST TEAM EVER AND WE ARE GOING TO WIN. The commentators assume that England are getting to the next round and start planning the matches. I mean like, wtf GTFO.

    As for France, Thierry Henry is a dick and they are losers for cheating and thereby knocked Ireland out of the World Cup.

    On another note, if North and South Korea had gone to war before the first match of the World Cup then Ireland would have been put back in =D
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  8. Patsy Stone
    I have many friends who are Christian (a very close friend of mine is VERY Christian) and I know and understand that religious belief and a person are two things to be considered independently i.e. I can really like the person but dislike their beliefs. I hate it when it comes between me and people that I otherwise like. But belief in Creationism really takes the cake for me. It is so utterly and obviously wrong I can't see how any intelligent person can say that it is true. I see it that a person would have to be totally ignorant of a MOUNTAIN of modern knowledge to belief such rubbish. What makes it even worse is that the Minister for Culture in Northern Ireland wants to put Creationism exhibits in the Ulster Museum as well as at the Giant's Causeway Visitor Centre. That is such an insult to knowledge and truth that it makes me feel ill. Although I suppose, if Creationists are allowed to do that then I am allowed to go into every Protestant church in Northern Ireland and put up all of the evidence of evolution (as the Catholic church is not Creationist, I was corrected on that by a friend and by the news funnily enough xD). Freedom of speech after all =] On that note, I had every right to say what I said in the first post. The right to be offended is not in the American constitution so far as I am aware (feel free to correct me).

    I debate using facts and evidence. I sometimes offer opinions, but I will always endeavour to back them up with enough evidence. I do not see an irrational response with no basis in fact as a response in a debate. It might as well be ignored as it has no place in rational discussion.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Patsy Stone
    I don't see how this hasn't got more attention lol

    Anyway, yes it was a horrible accident and yes; from I've heard BP were cutting corners on saftey inspections. But what gets me SO pissed off is the constant demands from America for BP to pay for everything. ARE YOU DEAF, THEY HAVE AGREED TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING FROM THE VERY BEGINNING.

    Makes me sick. Also the fact that Obama's inability to speak delicately has destroyed the pension system in the UK. Well done sir.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  10. Patsy Stone
    They shouldn't have the right to overreact.

    This is why we shouldn't have a more regulated press, all the press seem to exist for is to spead dischord, violence and hatred. The whole BP oil spill thing is especially ridiulous in that respect, but that's another story.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  11. Patsy Stone
    Wait, they rejected a THIRTY PERCENT PAY INCREASE?! As well as a signup bonus? Are they mad? Or just greedy losers?

    Bloody unions.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  12. Patsy Stone


    It is in the sense that it is not a choice. In the same way that being born black is not a choice and being born from Jewish parents is not a choice. Basically, people are born gay and have no choice in the matter. Therefore it is "technically" a racial matter. Although, I wouldn't really call it that as such as it isn't as obviously to the general public.

    I'm going to bed now, so I shan't be replying for many hours =/
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Patsy Stone


    So bascially you are lowering being gay by saying that it is a concious choice and not something "inbuilt" i.e. something no chosen by the person in question.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Patsy Stone


    What about masturbation, or recreational sexual acts between opposite sexes?
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Patsy Stone


    Are you going to argue with the gay penguin couples? ;)

    And yes, if you live in the same country as me =p
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Patsy Stone


    ...who believes that homosexuality is wrong and inhuman may go impale themselves upon the nearest sharp object as no civilised/intelligent person has time for their stupid **** =/ I mean, what they are "preaching" is basically racism. If any of the people are black or like Jewish then they are insulting their entire race, never mind the entirety of homosexual people.
    Thread by: Patsy Stone, Jun 8, 2010, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Patsy Stone
    I lied earlier, I'm actually a Time Lord. My age is a mystery even to myself.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Patsy Stone
    Exactly, things can ALWAYS get worse.
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Patsy Stone
    Bad Romance - Chew Fu Remix : Lady Gaga
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  20. Patsy Stone
    I read bass as ass and wondering how someone could remove it in the first place xD
    Post by: Patsy Stone, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone