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  1. Airi Ban
    Promote the previous system because of the new system's flaws.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Airi Ban
    That's what I was thinking it was but it looks similar in shape to the D-link gauge as well. Plus EX could just be a placeholder name if they do keep it.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Airi Ban
    I want all of that except for 4 and 7.
    I'm indifferent towards 4. I'm not against 4 but I'm not for it. If it happens, it happens.
    As for 7 I hope it does not happen actually. Keyblade Armor was cool but I think it should stay as something just for the BBS crew to make it feel more unique. It would be nice to see Sora and Co. get something similar but different though.

    In addition to what you said, I'd also like to see that EX gauge and what it does. I know it's still development but I want to know what it is if they keep it.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Airi Ban
    I can also imagine at one point they said
    Employee: We should also focus on our console competition instead of trying to compete with Apple for who knows what reason.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Airi Ban
    I feel I should put another E3 gif here that basically says the same thing
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Airi Ban
    I don't know much about the specs for the Xbox One other than an overview, but if the Xbox One doesn't get many sales and KH3 doesn't get many sales then that would be a loss of profit. If I remember correctly Square got majority of their sales for FF13 and 13-2 from PS3 even with the 360 version and it did well enough. It doesn't really affect my actual hype for the game as I'll be getting the PS4 version and it should be same for both versions (or the PS4 version will be better) but I do see your point.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Airi Ban
    There are three methods
    White mushrooms: You have to use certain magic on them and they have a 10% chance of dropping it. Here's a pretty good guide on everything white mushroom related

    Black mushrooms: You have to kill them with a critical hit. It's pretty unreliable from my experience

    and Rare Truffles: As you said you need to juggle them. The best place to do this is in neverland on the deck of the ship.

    Overall, I recommend finding White Mushrooms.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  8. Airi Ban
    Well he hasn't really gotten a chance to get older. BBS was a prequel, Coded was about Data-Sora, days took place before kh2 while Sora was sleeping etc. They probably just haven't had an opening to age him properly before since one thing has happened after another. With KH3 he's supposed to be more "mature" which may include age or may just be his attitude.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Airi Ban


    My Xbox works fine for now and I don't ever intend to buy another one.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Airi Ban
    omg xD
    At least they've got a humorous one in. I don't think I ever would have guessed this to be official.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. Airi Ban
    Land of Dragons, Castle of Dreams, Halloween Town and Disney Town or castle are my number one wants to return.
    I feel like Castle of Dreams may have a good possibility. And they could probably do a lot more with Land of Dragons this time around.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Airi Ban
    Mega Man official details for those who want them:
    Mega Man will have his Leaf Shield and Flame Sword attacks in the game. He uses Rush as his double jump, and also has access to a Metal Blade and Crash Bombs. Mega Man can also do a slide attack.

    When he gets KOed, he splits into atoms like the NES games.
    Source: Siliconera

    Not much to go on but it's something at least. The KO part is going to give me a lot of nostalgia.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Airi Ban
    Without a doubt, a great conference. And KH3 news definitely made the fanbase excited. I hope for the game to be released in March 2015 (japan) or March 2016.
    Definitely hoping for this. Kairi being playable in KH3 has been my hope for years.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Airi Ban
    So, there's also two new pokemon. Noivern and Villion.
    [​IMG] Villion is Bug/Flying type
    [​IMG] Noivern is a Flying/Dragon type and the first dual type to have flying as it's primary type.
    Both look pretty awesome imo.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Airi Ban
    Even before the E3 conference I was leaning more towards PS4. I can't say either of the prices are bad though. From what I remember the PS3 came out originally for at least $500 maybe more. Also, the needing Playstation Plus isn't all that bad. I have it and it's pretty awesome. You get free games, discounts ect. and overall, end up saving money if you get it.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  16. Airi Ban
    I would have preferred and HD collection of Fable I-III but I guess only I is okay. I haven't played it and only played II and III which were actually quite enjoyable for me. And since this will be for the 360 instead of the One I'll probably end up getting it.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  17. Airi Ban

    I'm back

    Starting over's not too bad.
    Welcome back to the forums, BeatleManiac! I hope you enjoy it here. :)
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. Airi Ban
    Co-op (including offline), Drive or something similar (anyone else notice that "EX" gauge? could be it), and the ability to choose your party and playable character at any point of the game.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Airi Ban
    Unless Kingdom Hearts 2.5 ReMIX has DDD in it or KH3 has a sort of "flashback" at the beginning people are going to be pretty confused since DDD pretty much set up the plot for KH3.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. Airi Ban
    So Mega Man will be similar to Kirby in a way. He'll have his robot master powers where as Kirby would have opponent powers.
    I can already tell I'll luv playing as Mega Man.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming