Your dream is telling you that you ARE Superman
Wow, no one partied. What a shame
They're all very awesome. My least favorite is probably the MGS one but I definitely think this was an awesome thing for the developers to get. The AC one is my fav
3DS since I already own it and it doesn't look very watered down. Once I get a Wii U I'll get the game for it as well though.
KH3 is just bringing tons of members back. Not surprised :P Welcome back, KingdomKey! Hope you enjoy being on the forums again and the mass KH3 news the site has accumulated.
The only way I could see him weilding four is if two are in the air. Kinda like Final form plus 2 keyblades in hand I guess. It would most definitely have to be something simmilar to a drive form if it happened. And we got flowmotion last game which let us jump on walls so maybe running on walls could be the next step? If it is is I'd luv to finally run up Memory Skyscraper.
I was expecting this
Accurate but hilarious 10/10
The NPCs part is very cool for sure. And being able to ride enemy's? That makes me think of how he rode the "heartless wave" for a bit in the trailer. If it turns out anything close to that then that'll be interesting to do.
Ah, the broken image. Probably my favorite reaction image of all
Give up on the children and raise them as dogs instead.
R.I.P.master08996's first gif signatureYou will be missed. Maybe
In FF games you have a bar that goes up. Once it's full you can select an action to do again but it is still considered turn based by most so I call it Action Turn based.
Depends. Do you like active Turn based games?
It's a possibility. I think if we do get a new enemy though it won't have a giant focus since I can see both Heartless and nobodies making a return. We've had enemies based on heart, body, soul, and dreams/nightmares so I could see something like a enemy based on mind happening.
When it comes to the KH3 trailer there are a few things to remember 1. It's just a concept trailer. Remember when there was a twlight thorn in the KH3D trailer? It's not 100% going to be a thing 2. It's still in development. Likely still in early development. If it was in the Realm of Darkness it would probably be noticeable like with the one castle Aqua saw. You're right
The Kingdom Hearts III is a lie
It's more like Tumblr than Facebook
I didn't know you very well but my impression was that you were a very awesome part of the staff. I'm sad to hear you're leaving. Best of luck with everything, Mike and we'll miss you.