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  1. Airi Ban
    Fixed that for ya
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Airi Ban
    I have no doubts about Ansem's Apprentices. I also see Demyx and Co. coming back in KHIII as a good possibility.

    As for Riku he's pretty much the secondary main character. He was even the main character of Kingdom Hearts 3D (as said by Nomura the story was more for Riku than it was sora). No one's ever going to replace sora though. To quote Nomura's words:
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Airi Ban
    Wow. I thought Vanitas fangirls were common knowledge :P
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Airi Ban
    I kind of hope those small KH titles happen one day. Just something that has no relation to the story but still has some good gameplay.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Airi Ban
    That awkward moment when one's talking about Vanitas and the other Amaury.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Airi Ban
    Welcome back to the forums. Remember to leave your soul next to the door.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Airi Ban
    Hatok has become the next generation Amaury
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Airi Ban
    I feel as though I should have brought popcorn to the thread.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  9. Airi Ban
    And to believe that I was able to live through 41 of those plus the 20 or so spin-offs.
    It is a glorious day.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  10. Airi Ban
    To be honest I never read The Hobbit book. After seeing part one of the movie however, I was quite excited and have been looking forward to seeing part 2 later this year. Comparing the page count to the movie's time it really feels like they've tried a lot to get as much from the book into the movie as possible and not water it down much like a lot of movies do.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Airi Ban
    They took out the need to connect it every 24 hours (you still need to connect once per new game though)
    and they made it so you can give games to people without a fee.

    It is now no longer terrible but still not good.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Airi Ban
    Without a government that means that now Amaury will have his dicatatorship over kh-v
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Airi Ban
    The console is now slightly better for this, however now it's pretty much just an Xbox 360 with a required Kinect. They did good by changing what they did but it's still not going to be good enough.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 19, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Airi Ban
    Well first off, if there WAS a 3.5 you realize it would have to be a while right?
    BBS and Coded came in 2009. The 2.5 ReMIX is most likely coming in 2014.
    So you're looking at 3.5 coming sometime around 2020 or so when we have even more powerful HD than we have currently.
    It's more likely for a complete HD collection of the entire Xehanort saga to happen rather than waiting more years for an HD bundle of KH3 and KH3D.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 19, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Airi Ban
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Airi Ban
    Seems so.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Airi Ban
    I think technically there's a way around Xehanort always being around. Young Xehanort has to return to his own timeline eventually. Maybe even the Xehanorts will get too cocky towards the end of KH3 when they've almost won and thus YMX goes back into his own time. Essentially once YMX is in his own time Master Xehanort can be killed since the loop is still set even if he dies at the current time. Even then though as long as YMX goes back to his timeline and Master Xehanort is killed the loop can still go but Xehanort can be gotten rid of after a point. Xehanort will always be a part of the KH universe but it would be possible to defeat him.

    So yeah, time travel.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  18. Airi Ban
    Well going by the one KH game a year plan my prediction is:
    2013: 1.5 ReMIX
    2014: 2.5 ReMIX
    2015: KH for PC Browsers
    2016: Kingdom Hearts III
    That's a good three years to develop the game so I think it has a good chance to release then. Whenever it does release though it'll probably follow the pattern of the last few games
    Japan release: around March or April
    Other countries: between June and October
    unless it gets an international release (which would be awesome) in which case I could see it coming either in Summer season or Holiday season.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Airi Ban
    I prefer the older games overall. Especially the overhead view of the gameboy ones. The only newer one I ever really got into was Wind Waker since I really liked the sailing and Toon Link. Other than that Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword never really interested me like the old ones do.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  20. Airi Ban
    If we do get DLC I'm hoping it's the FM bonuses if there is an FM for it. Other than that DLC seems unlikely to me.
    Post by: Airi Ban, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts