It's been a while.
All of our real names should be legally changed to our KHV names. Amaury would be legally changing his name every other week though.
Cordaitaceae is an extinct family of prmitive conifers So much info on that page.
liuqadnyC .
I remember one morning where I saw a Meow Wow fall down the stairs from a stray gun shot. I believe it was experiencing Auto-erotic Asphyxiation and having a heart attack at the same time. In the end I got it crushed by a rock.
The Spam Zone is one of the biggest parts of KH vids and has changed so much over time. Honestly I prefer the new spam zone when I look back at the old 2006-2008 spam zone threads. They aren't as entertaining as the 2013 threads. Even the threads I saw in 2012 from when I was a lurker were honestly more enjoyable.
I definitely enjoy Miracle's work. My overall favorite has to be his AC3 song too bad the game wasn't as great as the song And yeah, there's a vid per post limit.
PS4. The Xbox One does not appeal to me nor do it's games.
I prefer the old games. Main reason being the 2d style as opposed to the 3D games we keep getting now. I always felt Sonic was best as a 2D game series. That's not to say I don't like the 3D games though. Some, like Sa2 and Unleashed, are in my favorites list. I am interested in pretty much every Sonic game that gets announced though.
Graceful Assassin for me as well. I originally heard it on the gameboy and liked it best. Getting to hear it again on the PS2 version of COM was a real treat.
Record your average day on the internet. You are not allowed to turn the screencam off. You must show everything you do.
There have been several rumours about Versus XIII being cancelled in the past but Nomura has never said that Versus XII/XV was cancelled. And as it was shown at E3 and is confirmed to be at TGS it's very safe to say it's still not cancelled
Nomura himself said the game was a bit early to announce. Meaning it was still in early development. Also, that's a placeholder date.
You can't use physical attacks or magic. Good luck
It could come out near Christmas in 2015 or 2016.
We just need a flood unversed plushie now.
You're back? Dang, it's been forever.
Mark should just change his name to Mark
Online support is definitely something I'd like to see and I'm interested as to how the smartphone support would work. Sounds like it would be interesting.