my friend code: 2148-9102-1954 just pm first when you want to brawl, so bring it!
by relocation codes u mean like fighting sephiroth in front castle obvivion or relocatating cutscences?
can i have wisdom form with normal sora's moveset plz?
so whens the tourney
did you know that you can have like 5 soras at once using the ally sora code and the reaction modifier? And you can do the same thing as the eternal session with any other reaction command, i like aurons bushido. EDIT: That also reminds me can we modify antiforms drive slot to make it a different drive?
don't worry it works perfectly all u have to do is hold down the trigger button down b4 u walk into a differnt place
Are you sure? I thought we could move the fights wherever we want...have u or somebody tried it before and fail?
nope sephy can only be played on the emulator and i think terra and that riku in the picture too.
u can use the room modifier codes to move the 1000 heartless battle, where do you want it moved too?
Im back in business! Im caught up with everthing so far...but are there any code request or codes that need to be tested? Edit: I made different codes using the codes in eternal session, you can do it with all of sora's limits
i play as shiek and marth
so if i have ally roxas in i can play as hooded roxas wherever i go?
They are from the front page and many attachments...
Im sorry...Can limit form be put into normal sora and have his regular animations?
Okay thank you now i can help out with final mix codes!!! YUSSS...
a copy of kh2 fm+...i have to make a copy????
i dont know what that is but i do have a modded ps2...that should work rite?
Well...i dont have the game yet im about to buy it but i wanted to know if i still could use my US ar max on it...
Hey! It has hasnt it!?!? But do you know if i can use the codes for fm+ ultimate hits? Do i need another master code?
okay thank you! And also when you play as Cloaked roxas can you play with him anywhere else other than the roxas fight?