sry about that here: Riku wields Oblivion (MUST BE ACTIVE TO USE RIKU AS A PARTY MEMBER IN HOLLOW BASTION) 11CEF7B0 0000002B
It should work for both and i dont know about the second one usually it freezes when having 2 rikus
sure that would be nice to and sephy on the same team!
im not sure if this is what erkz used but its what you wanted: Dw Roxas (Valor Style) 01CC3876 00000002 Dw Roxas (Valor Style) X4DD-ZTCX-2DR83 8B86-N8PB-93TG1
Im back for like 10 mins or so Riku wields Oblivion (MUST BE ACTIVE TO USE RIKU AS A PARTY MEMBER IN HOLLOW BASTION) 11CEF7B0 00000074 sorry it took so long i had to go somewhere and probably will be leaving again
oh...may bad i was kinda in a rush...hold on plz
yes this code is it trust him.
i dont know you will have to see it by yourself, i've never used those codes
Valor 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0002 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Wisdom 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0003 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Master 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0004 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 or if you prefir the neo moveset mod: Sora-Valor [ID-01] [Class B] 01CB9736 00000002 Sora-Wisdom [ID-01] [Class B] 01CB9736 00000003 Sora-Master [ID-01] [Class B] 01CB9736 00000004 P.S I have no idea if these are going to turn out the way you planned
i think this is it: Anti-form has oblivion equipped 10340BC4 0000002B I guess you can use my sig its not mine i found it on google...buts it really easy to put a sig up...but just pm instead of posting here, its spam.
i tried going to the regular 1000 heartless fight and the session work it hasnt froze...but im all out of ideas...maybe i'll come up with some later
im sry i dont know what to say other than keep trying but pm me the exact copy of the codes i gave you and you used...i cant do anything for like 30 mins so when i come back i will try my best to help you.
thank you very much! i need to go right now and be back in like 30 mins. But dont you have armax did you try the codes a gave out? Did they work for you?
here i couldnt find that specifically but this will give you all the weapons: Stock x98 Of Every Keyblade For Sora 00340D09 00000062 10340D0A 00006262 10340D0C 00006262 00340DE3 00000062 00340DE4 00000062 00340DE7 00000062 40340DE8 00040001 62626262 00000000
yeah here: Infinite Drive Gauge 201A02A0 00000000 201A02BC 256EFFFF
I think they are called PAL codes hold on real quick i will help... here: Go here this is the PAL thread.
i'll figure a way...try the codes by themselves without any other codes except the ones i gave you. Make sure your in The Underworld when you load your game then before you do anything after it loads tell me what happened.
Here: Donald is Ally Roxas in all worlds. MCWJ-WCDN-C62R4 GMWR-9JX2-Y7BNF X7JY-KEBA-AT5HU T70D-5PU2-HBMQ4 P4JJ-Z203-5Q92G PR9X-WNMF-7Q483 Y91Q-1TBJ-172E5 U06U-BB96-WEV09 RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8 TY0H-YADA-BHKJY one moment for the other codes... Riku Replaces Donald U8CJ-CVKY-UDC5B VM7Q-1KHP-WZKTC Riku Replaces Goofy WWDA-FPXU-8A42R BQXU-8D77-RAXU7
I used those exact codes and it worked for sry i cant explain why it doesnt work for you...maybe you accidently entered something wrong you should double check your work roxas and duelist, plus i load mine up from hollow bastion and the underworld.
i dont know why its freezing for you guys...i tested them and they work and so did someone else and they said it sry...i'll look into it.