Search Results

  1. KeybladeSpirit
    Tradition too. I refuse to support child labor in unsafe working conditions, but you can bet I'll be proposing with a man-made diamond. They're prettier, cheaper, and more cruelty free than natural ones anyway.

    True that. My grandmother's divorce ring looks really sweet. If it weren't for what it's a symbol of I'd totally want something similar for a wedding ring.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. KeybladeSpirit
    BUMPDATE: I've changed some of the information and solidified the setting and mythology filter. Here's hoping we can get enough players to get going. Fill out a character sheet (included with the AdEva PDFs), then post some general character information like physical characteristics and personal background information (but NOT the character sheet) in this thread and PM me the actual character sheet as well as information on how involved you want to be in the plot. Please note that I will need at least two pilots to be main characters. If you choose to be a pilot you are liable to fill an important role if everybody says they want minimal involvement.
    Fill out a character sheet (included with the AdEva PDFs), then post some general character information like physical characteristics and personal background information (but NOT the character sheet) in this thread and PM me the actual character sheet as well as information on how involved you want to be in the plot. Please note that I will need at least two pilots to be main characters. If you choose to be a pilot you are liable to fill an important role if everybody says they want minimal involvement.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. KeybladeSpirit
    Why are diamond sellers getting away with selling impure diamonds at higher prices than pure ones? I know the natural diamond industry is corrupt as hell, but come on.
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 17, 2014, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. KeybladeSpirit
    Wow! Best udpate ever!
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. KeybladeSpirit
    In many places it depends on what time the mailmen start and further on where you are in the route. I'm at the very beginning of my mailman's route and occasionally he'll deliver it as early as 8 AM.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. KeybladeSpirit
    I found this. How spot-on is it?
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 15, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. KeybladeSpirit
    please remember to keep the Saturn in Saturnalia.
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 14, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. KeybladeSpirit

    I want YOU

    For the Mandrake Defense Initiative.

    Ever since 15 years ago when Ramuthra breached the Pentacle surrounding Bulwark Nathaniel, Prime Minister Rupert Deveraux has been working tirelessly to establish this paramilitary force. Ten years ago our mission was simple: Reach Bulwark Nathaniel with at least one Afrit and its pilot intact to install the latest version of the Pentacle System. That mission failed, leaving both Afrits dead and mangled in a monument to those who died that day. Since then, MDI has been amassing an army to deal with the Great Spirits that surround Bulwark Ptolemy, our final defense against those wretched demons. In addition to adult who will serve ordinary foot soldiers, we are also recruiting teenagers between the ages of 13 and 16 to pilot our new and improved Afrits. Come to our open psychological examination and see if you have what it takes to be a hero to our fair city!
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 13, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. KeybladeSpirit


    More or less disgusting than foot cheese?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. KeybladeSpirit

    I want you

    Natural 20. Doublescoop achieved.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. KeybladeSpirit
    Civ V makes me feel smart when I scam world leaders out of their resources.

    Airglasses are pretty high on my list of things I do when I'm feeling like I just did something clever.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. KeybladeSpirit
    At a guess, I'd say between 100 and 150 dollars, but that's often more than I'm comfortable with. I always include a couple of expensive things on my lists just fill out a wide range of prices, but lately I've noticed myself asking for books more often and I always encourage people to buy things used when they can, especially for expensive things like games. I want to bring down what I expect from my parents to between 50 and 100 dollars and my grandparents to no more than $50. I'm not poor like I expect you mean, but I'm also far from rich and have no desire be like rich people.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. KeybladeSpirit
    I was asked to make four different lists to give to various family members because nobody in my family but me understands that part of the fun in receiving a gift is knowing that somebody cares enough about you to consider your interests and take the time to think about what they want to give you based on that. I'll post those four lists here as well as bonus list in case anyone on KHV has an interest in doing anything for me.

    List 1
    • Soul Eater NOT! Volume 3 and on (Books)
    • Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3)
    • The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya (Hardback) (Book)
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion 1.11 and on (Movie, Blu-Ray/DVD)

    List 2
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Shinji Ikari Raising Project Volume 3 and on (Books)
    • Tearaway (PS Vita)
    • The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hardback) (Book)
    • Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (3DS)

    List 3
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse Volumes 3 and 4 (Books)
    • Dangan Ronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (PS Vita)
    • No Game No Life Volume 1 and on (Hardback preferred) (Books)
    • Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call (3DS)

    List 4
    • The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan Volume 6 and on (Books)
    • Super Smash Brothers for Wii U (Wii U)
    • Old Navy Long Sleeve Shirt Waffle-Knit Outside Striped Inside (Blue to match my coat) (Red) (Green) Turns out they don't make it anymore and it's a shame because I've had this one for like years and it's starting to fall apart.
    • Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)

    KHV List
    • I need participants for Adeptus Evangelion: Angelic Siege. I have one guy who says he's interested, but I need at least four pilots (but no more than six!) and an Operations Director before anything can start to take shape. I've even got a GREAT alternate Third Impact that I can't wait to use.
    • I'd like for someone to get me back up to date with what's going on in Gamergate so I can make a signature to show my support. I'm having trouble distinguishing between articles talking about the actual issues, people bashing the movement, and people saying "WOO GAMERGATE" just because they think it's trendy. I think it's still about integrity in gaming journalism, but I'm seeing so many different views on it that I'm having trouble with seeing what the facts are. Useful links to put in my signature would be appreciated as well.
    • Advice on how I can become Tumblr famous without having any skill in art, music, politics, toucan wrangling, or doxxing people.
    • A Yami flood for old times sake.
    Also, I already got a bunch of stuff from my redditgifts Santa. Check it out.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. KeybladeSpirit
    Have you played it yet? Faith isn't really much of a female protagonist. If you never saw her body it would be easy to assume that she's just a man who takes feminine pronouns. I highly recommend that you play it because it's one of the best parkour and first person perspective games I've ever played, but it's best experienced if you ignore the story and characters entirely.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. KeybladeSpirit
    Are you sure? Because below specified a place, a website isn't a place.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. KeybladeSpirit is a website, not a place. Unless you're talking about the Amazon rainforest, in which case you need to seriously relearn your geography.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. KeybladeSpirit


    I'm 21 and feel the same way. She's not really that hot and I probably wouldn't "hit that" unless she was coming on to me and I was in a country where that's legal, but I see no problem with recognizing that she is reasonably attractive and I might date her if she made all the first moves. My parents are about six years apart and I don't think there's any stigma about their relationship.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. KeybladeSpirit
    Dealers Rooms at cons almost always have at least one guy willing to buy stuff from people.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. KeybladeSpirit
    I had a dream last night where I helped a short and black version of Santa who looked like the DJ elf in Fred Claus deliver gifts and at one point it panned out to a logo that read, "Messa with the Gross Santa."
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 6, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. KeybladeSpirit


    Mhmm, yes.

    I know some of those kanji.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Dec 3, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone