This is from Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Shinji Ikari Raising Project and I don't think you should read it because from what I know about you and your tastes, you probably wouldn't like it. I love it, though.
What's in it for me?
This volume of The Shinji Ikari Raising Project actually came out in 2010. I'm just catching up.
The best part is that it's official. I can't wait to have money again so I can get the next volume.
I hate shows like that.
As long as it has nothing to do with me, I couldn't care less. I don't support polygamy, but won't throw a fit if it's legalized either. On the other hand, if I end up in a polyamorous relationship I'm going to get out of it immediately. It's simply not the kind of thing I woudl be comfortable with.
I was really scared when I read "confirmed for PS4" because it immediately made me think that meant it was canceled for PS3. I'm glad that's not the case.
Yeah, that's where the name of the song came from!
Did you know that the original title for War and Peace was War: What is it Good For? The author changed it because his wife liked War and Peace better.
This week's episode almost brought me to tears. Spoiler I really wasn't expecting Tsubaki to break like she did today until next week's episode.
Final Fantasy XII because it's already great and there are lots of battles that deserve to be shown cutscene style. Personally I'd prefer if they adapted the manga version but it's all hypothetical so I guess it doesn't matter.
Finally a country that understands my feelings about Twizzlers. I don't know these girls' names, but Ivory Sweater is my favorite. Her sense of snark is simply wonderful. Maritime Blue Sweater vaguely reminds me of Hank Hill.
LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY TERRIBLE LIFE Every weekday I wake up at SEVEN IN THE MORNING to go to a job that only pays $40/hour. That's BARELY enough to pay for my Super Triple Deluxe Cable TV and Internet Package along with my Unlimited Data and minutes phone plan that I need because it's the only package that works with my solid platinum iDroid 4GBA. By the time I've paid all my essential bills, I have to settle for a lobster dinner the likes of whichh any commoner in Beverly Hills would get from their local McDonald's. And if that's not bad enough, I can't even afford a decent butler. I mean yeah he's snarky and all, but he doesn't even have a super posh English accent! Apparently you have to pay extra for that.
Oh. I thought you were just substituting your name for your username.
11/10 wi- Wait, wrong website.
More importantly, where did he come from?[DOUBLEPOST=1421518822][/DOUBLEPOST] I'll go make a thread called The Search for the Missing Amaury.
I'm pretty sure the original Grand Theft Auto did that, but I can't remember for sure.
No, we hate slow people.
And then there's that one gal who decides that right after lunch when everybody needs to clock in is the best time to use the time clock to check her hours for the week.
But somehow shooting a woman sixteen times in the head because she runs a puppy mill makes them hate you again.