"hum..." Kaori answered doubtfully, what can we do?? she thought.
no!! i'm here in was just reading stuff on the creative area thiny-ma-bob!! lol
Kaori just nodded sadly, "this going to be one hell of a journey." Kaori said with sadness in her voice. OOC: Rachel you can play as the fire princess, i would like to me someone evil!! lol
hi, welcome to KHV, read the rules, have fun and POST LOADS!! BTW finland/ Suomi rules!!
Kaori walked beside kira and pulled her a few paces away from the rest of the group, "i don't like the look of this, the memory of what happened last time keeps going over and over in my mind." Kaori whispered to her.
hiya, welcome to KHV, i hope you make loads of friends, post loads! and read the rules!!!
*evil smile* lol, where did you get the manga in the first place? BTW i have got to go to bed, ¬.¬ sorry peeps.
Kaori burst out laguhing as well, "come on, you have got to give stuff a chance, it won't be so bad living with us will it?" kaori asked.
i'm lucky i don't do that kind of stuff, i just let my friends do the talking and i do the thinking, yeaeh i'm kind lazy.
"its okay, we've got a empty house next to ours if you want to live alone, father would probably say yes as long you earn your keep," Kaori pulled a funny face.
lol, you'll get over it i think >.<
lol, its amazing!! what progam did you use to colour it in???
"he came wandering in, and ever since he has lived with us! if you want you could and come down and live with us, the clan." Kaori suggested.
wow, its amazing!!! who would thought of Larxene and Marluxia of being team rocket! :D great work!!
"oh... sorry for asking." Kaori said quietly, she put her hand on top of kira's to cheer her up, "you know, i said that my brother went to become stronger than keon? well he isn't quite my brother."
I agree with you, it also says in the bible that "god" will forgive you of your sins, no matter what, or something like that. If "god" was real and is punishing us, he/she would of killed of humans years and years ago. For the natural disasters, we are causing all of them. Instead of punishing us "god" should be helping, and leading the way. All this god stuff is just lies.
no... it was just naruto, lol, brb dinner >.<
"oh?? why," Kaori asked kindly not pushing her into anything.
ninja's like cheese did you know that????