bye!! i hope you have a great hols!
Kaori screamed and pulled out a knife, and stood facing Blade with the knife pointing towards his chest. "you're that guy i saw the other day!" she said.
Kaori nodded and looked around, then glanced at the place where blade was stood thinking someone was there but she dismissed the thought, and carried on walking.
hi, welcome to KHV, read the rules, have fun and don't get banned!!
Kaori thought for a bit and then clicked her fingers, a small blue flame jumped out then went out "hum... maybe." she said.
"no, but it feels like it." Kaori said simply.
*appears* hi, i missed anything?
"well, i feel that someone is following us, thats person is strong, i can feel it." Kaori said quietly.
"dunno, ever since we set off, i feel weird." Kaori muttered.
Kaori relaxed some how she was all edgey, something was upsetting her.
"a spirit will usually be a loved one, won't it?" Kaori asked lynn as she looked at anna and eri,. Kei did a small bow to Lynn.
Kaori faced Kira suddenly, "better safe than sorry." she said. OOC: looks like kaori has a short-temper lol
Name: kaori Age: 16 Gender: female Appearance: werewolf form: Race: Werewolf Weapon: two swords Bio: she has manages to control her werewolf powers so she is able to turn when she wants to, but her werewolf ears are always seen. History: Ever since she was young, Kaori was a lone werewolf but has recently joined a werewolf tribe. Other: she has different tribe markings to the others, some say that it was from a famous travelling werewolf clan which got killed by vampires. Played By: true darkness
Kaori kept watching Rachel, always staying a few paces away from her, like a shadow.
i know... lol
*turn emo!!* EMO!!! EMO!! I WILL HAUNT YOU!!
lol poor you! i would hate it >.< l
hi, welcome to KHV! read the rules, post loads and have fun!!
i know, i have just finsihed a two paged long geography analysis >.< its G@Y!!!
lol ARGH!! you glomped me T.T lol