i agree, wonder what else is going to happen!
well that helps! lol, the goverment, wow... this must be something major
lol, so is this admin going to tell us something or what???
everyone is, coco a little help??
Kei swore, "aura? god this is difficult," he said, "i don't know how to treat this, specially on a werewolf, i don't know if i end up hurting you instead of healing." He passed the badgages to Santeria and said, "since you know her more then me, you should know how to treat this but the aura thing might be difficult to heal or get rid off." he muttered into her ear.
"werewolf or vampire?" he asked, wondering how to help Kiara with the wounds, "can you move your arm?" he asked her.
everything is slow i think, lol anways i would love to just join and be a admin straight away! lol
*runs around in circles* where to run??? but really how did they??
hi, welcome to KHV!! i hope you have fun here, read the rules and don't get banned!
well joined today >.< wierd isn't it?
OOC: lol okay Kaori kept chasing Ject... Kei nodded and said, "what happened?" he asked while looking at Kiara's wounds.
O_o .... what is up with that new admin who joined today??
hiya!!! school is boring it should be against the law to go to school >.< how is everyone?
OOC: sorry, i have been away BIC: Kei came running toward Santeria, "what happened?" he asked, looking at Jecht "i haven't seen you around," Kei shouted at Santeria "who is this that kid?" he asked still looking at Jecht's back as he ran away, "ah, poor lycan girl got hurt," he bent over her pulling out some badgages, then looked at Revan "are you going to stand there, or are you to cool to help your own kind." he said with a grin. Kaori heard people running past her cave, "what the hell?" she asked herself when one vampire past herand another werewolf, she growled loudly and ran down the tunnel after them.
male: vincent/ cloud female: yuna
Anti Sociel Behaviour Offence?? is that it?? i can remember... we don't have that much crime in my village.
lol, as i say see lol
chav: they swear, use inproper english, drink, graffiti (sp?) and do everything else you shouldn't do >.< this is what i say about Chavs
so much for the song dreaming of a white christmas >.< We can dream on about having white winters!!! Britain has its good spots too, demi.
Kei woke up, some how he had fell asleep and realised Kiara had gone missing, "about the orbs, i'll help you later, i just need to do something." He pulled out a piece of chalk and drew a vampire clan mark, before heading off down the cave, every few minutes he drew the mark and a arrow pointing towards Santeria. He clicked his tongue and listened to the echoes, "woah, so many tunnels." he whispered to himself. Kaori bandaged her hand up before walking down the cave for no reason, she saided whistleing again.