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  1. Daxa~
    NOT YET.
    I meann, I passed out in a forest once. Not there yet. Aha. Justt he first time I stayed online. Mmm.

    I woulld be worried if I was sober, it must be said.
    And I willl, I will, I gots red and yellow nail polish. OHH, Iron man nailss.
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Daxa~
    Man ban chan can glan han hand mand chand egg moo salas indeed yesh.
    Im gonna paint my nails, me thinks.

    AND GOODNIGHT ADAM. Sleep weell <3
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Daxa~
  4. Daxa~
    Soundss like a plan Stan~
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground