Sexy .
Praise be to Curry.
Super mega bump goooooo~ Uhm yesh. Hope you are all doing well, much love to each and every one of you, indeed. <3
Not silly, mentally different. And hello Hu-Bu <3
[video=youtube;YvUbbYX9BMs][/video] So I could now be soaking and getting a cold because I ran around in the rain singing this. Worth it. Hai all.
It is always good to blame someone~ Oh my, that is quite wonderful of her to do, yesh indeed, yesh indeed. And they were lovely costumes. Oh blargh, you poor dear. I do hate when people decide to tell you stuff about random things when all you want to do is sleep, but you cannot sleep, as it would be rude to tell them to get away. Blargh. Have a nap?
Lets blame Mary, always a good person to blame. By Mary, I mean nearly every Irish woman over the age of 60. They are all called Mary. Including one of my grandmothers. She has five or six friends also called Mary. Indeed. So you got a bargain? Good good. Very good indeed. Oh goodness yesh, I shall make one. My stomach grumbled reading that, scared the life out of me. And why thank you dear, being rained on nearly every day does have its merits for once c: We can, and cuddle and drink hot chocolate and wrap ourselves in blankets, indeed. THEY ALREADY ARE, EVEN THE HAPPY FLUFFY ONES MAK ME CRY. I NEED TO GET AWAY FROM THEM. BUT THEY PULL ME IN.
Oh blargh, I know that feeling, I know it well. Always when you are in the middle of something time consuming and important. I shall end up smashing this laptop someday, it bothers me. Buwhahahaa. Oh my goodness, I see, I see. <3 :3
Good old hot chocolate, I may make myself a cup, you just got me craving it. And it is, it really is. Not the nice rain, that you can run around in, or even the super heavy rain that is rather scary but ever so wonderful, but that one thats in between the two and makes everything disgusting /rainexpertDanu We can be emotional together, I made the mistake of reading fanfics. As I was in the mood for some adorable fluff. BUT NO. ANGST. EVERYWHERE. TEARS. AGH.
Well there are tons of them! Like ever so many pictures, ever so many indeed. Oh my, that is lovely of her~! And you do not look odd, you look lovely, just lovely. D'aww, merci sweetie <3
I did see both threads, I did indeed~! The amount of effort put in to some of those costumes is amazing, ever so amazing. And yourself and your friends ones were wonderful sweetie, they really were <3
Myst sweetie, I have missed you <3 And I shall try, I shall try.
Rather bleh, getting worse. But still, I shall be grand someday. Hopefully soon. Oh, I saw those pictures you posted of the convention thingy! BABY CLOUD <3
Hurrah for overemotionalness, I always end up like that, with very dodgy results, indeed. <3 I did, I did, t'was just lovely. Rather grumpy now though, as there was going to be a beach party type thingy today, but nooo, it has to start lashing rain and get super cold and blargh. It was lovely yesterday, and the day before. Blargh. How are you darling? Good afternoon sweetheart <3 Drink some tea or something~?
Only for you baby~ But yesh, t'was lovely, indeed it was. How are youu?
That was wonderful. Ever so wonderful. That introduction Droid <3 But amazing work darlings, now that song shall be stuck in my head all day~
I am gone for one day, and miss all the exciting drama. Honestly. I have no idea why everyones gone all scary and crazy but blargh. And Kelly sweetheart, that was just wonderful. Thank you for putting what most of us are surely thinking into words, thank you indeed. Anyways. Good afternoon everybody, I am dead on my feet. Indeed I am. Had both Ingfish and my darling Kate over last night, and we stayed up watching RDJ (Sherlock Holmes 2 and Iron man) and then some lovely Tim Curry. Dead on my feet. Cannot function. Arrgghhh. Anyways again. Stop typing Danu. All my love. To everyone. Or anyone who wants it. Indeed.
Is it really bad I used to have a massive cruch on Boy George. And used to pretend that himself and George Michael would get together and I would be the third wheel. Ehehehee. Heh. Heh. AND I LIKE THIS SONG.