I am alright, rather cold at the moment, but thank you for asking. And yourself?
Hello Ben~
Oh god please, come and hug me. So cold. After a boiling shower, three cups of tea, and being wrapped in blankets. Still so cold. EXACTLY. My whole family were giving out to her, as was all of our friends, and just basically everyone. My brothers friends included. Although we (myself and my oher friend, whos house we were at) kinda scared her while watching the first one, as we were saying the lines with them and singing the songs and blargh. BUT STILL. DISGRACEFUL OF HER.
Good evening all. I am so cold. It is unreal. Went swimming in the freaking sea. Oh god. So cold. Didn't help that I stayed in for an hour or so, but meh. Male stripper movie had mostly naked male bodies, so I approved. Movie was then followed by lots of pizza, watching the first Lord of the Rings (which Ingfish had never seen, disgraceful) and then we ended up watching very strange and scary late night tv. Followed by swimming today. So cold. Cannot warm up. And that was Danus yesterday, last night and today, in case anyone actually cares. How are we all?
Nothing much it has to be said, sitting in my room wearing my Thor helmet for no reason. Indeed. And yourself~?
Neither am I to be honest, just thought I might throw that fact out there :3
Thank you for inviting me~
Random but true fact! The Irish sea is the most radioactive in the world, due to the nuclear power plant in Britian (Seffield or something like...
Alrighty, and the sea, and a random street or something. Indeed, if its not cloudy and rainy, it is not like Ireland at all :3
Oh god, that image. Never playing KH again. Ohh, Brave is out for you? Lucky duck, I really need to see it, looks ever so adorable <3 Hope the...
Blarghhh, late reply, apologies sweetie <3 And oh my, do get a picture. I shall try and get you a picture of the real Ireland if you want~?
They have never been drunk before then, silly people. And haiii
Good evening everyone~ Being dragged to the cinema tomorrow, and then going back to my friends house. Only agreed to it because we are seeing Magic Mike. Male strippers, yesh please. And it's still raining. Blargh. How are you all?
Please .
I cannot stop shaking, and it is starting to worry me. I am wrapped in blankets and the like, with a hot water bottle, so I am not cold. I ate...at least one meal today (pretty sure I did anyways, cannot remember) so its not my hunger shakes. It is hard to even type, which is very...odd. Just wanted to throw that out there. Hello all.
It was wonderfulll, I am enjoying being Thor. Midguardian fools~ Ohh, very nice my darling, very nice. How long, per day, do you spend there? I think that is what might happen. Indeed. And my headcanon for you is Finny in a kilt xD Muwhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
Indeed indeed, and I just threw a cup on the floor shouting "another!". Gave my mum a heart attack. Ohh, how was camp? And how long were you there for, just the day or what?
Welcome, welcome sweetie~ Enjoy your time here, blather on to everyone (we are all ever so friendly, to the point of it being rather creepy) and post a lot. Have fun, don't be a stranger~
Goodness, everyone looks ever so lovely. Indeed, indeed, I could eat you all up. Not that I will. Unless you ask nicely. But yesh. Advance apologies for my face, but I needed to prove how freckly I am. Just because, why not. And I got a Thor hat. Spoiler Spoiler I am the mighty Thor. Indeed. Complete with serious Thor expression. Spoiler Super dramatic picture, don't ask me why, my brains not working right now. c: Spoiler LOOK AT THOSE FRECKLES. ignore the spot, teenage skin ;; Spoiler My lovely William T. Spears, on my windowsill. Spoiler Shoessss <3 I am 5'7/5'8 in these heels, it is wonderful. Spoiler Bounce bounce Tigger~ Spoiler Another dramatic pictures, a drama queen I am. Also no smiling, ever. Blargh at my face. Blargh. Spoiler Front and back of my wonderful Batman converse, I adore them.
Not all that heavy, but not super light...meh, it will work! Muwhahahaa. Destroy everything~