T'is lovely to see you again sweetie <3 I am grand, thank you kindly for asking. How are youuu~?
Hai sweetie <3
No no no no. Prince. I adore that small man. ALTHOUGH the song was used on the ad for the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl animated program thingy. I need more tea.
IF I GAVE YOU DIAMONDS AND PEARLSSSSS WOULD YOU BE A HAPPY BOY OR A GIRL IF I COULD I WOULD GIVE YOU THE WORLLLDDDD BUT ALL I CAN DO IS JUST OFFER YOU MY LOVE. D to the I to the A to the M O to the N to the D to the pearls of love D to the I to the A to the M O to the N to the D to the pearls of love~
Can I just like hug you and never let go. <3
Oh hai, long time no speak my dear~ I am alright, thank you kindly for asking, how have you been? You are adorable. <3
Good evening all~ Went up north (as in up to Northern Ireland) to go shopping, as it is cheaper there. And I adore Asda. Indeed. I am now the proud owner of two lovely Avengers posters, an Iron Man drinking mug thingy (meant for three year olds, but meh) and I got hugged by some randomers. T'was a lovely day, and the fact that I wore my heels all day and my feet are not sore is a plus. How are you all doing? I have been neglecting KHV lately, busy like a buzzy bee. But I love you all. Stop talking Danu, you are blathering again.
Good evening all.
You should be in bed my dear. Much too late. Don't make me come over there. Would only take three hours if I broke speed limits. lack of sleep is melting my headddd
It's like the Famine all over again. And I need my lovely vegetables and potatoes and whatever else grows in the ground that I eat. Bliiiighttttt. Blight warning. Blarghhhh. And there is a man sitting on the ground outside my window. I shall name him Jimmy. Jimmy Fred the Sixth. He won't wave back. And now I shall retreat into the shadows, have fun darlings.
I just thought I might mention the fact that there is a freaking blight warning here in Ireland. And things are rotting in the ground. And it's like the Famine all over again. Also, happy half two in the morning, this marks 34 hours (or about that) of my insomnia being mean. But really. Blight.
Been better, been worse. How have you been?
Hello Kelly~
I am alive, just about. And yourself Adam?
Good afternoon all.
I do drink, although I wish I didn't. I think I shall blame both my family, and general Irish society for it. Indeed. My family have always...enjoyed their drink. So dinner is always accompanied by wine, or some other random alcoholic drink. Guinness is saved for watching tv, the vodka, gin and beer comes out when we have guests. Whiskey is for cold nights. And so on. Being around drink all my life has been both good and bad. Good, as I see no attraction in the whole "teenage binge drinking to oppose authority" that is ever so popular over here, as I know I can just get drinks from my kitchen, whatever. Bad, because I drink as a medication occasionally, feeling down? Lots of alcohol, makes me forget. But I do like the taste of say, wine, very much. Makes food much richer, and feeling tipsy, surrounded by people you know and love, is...very nice, indeed. Let's add in the fact I am under the age of 18, legal drinking age here (me thinks, might be 21) and the fact that everyone in my year in school has been drunk at least once....yesh. We fit the stereotypical image of Irish people, aye? Little rant, apologies. To sum it up: alcohol is lovely, but I need to stop drinking it because I feel bad. I have no problems with anyone else drinking if they want, as long as they don't overdo it, and don't bother me.
I don't even like fish my dear, but that looks pretty nice~ Hope you enjoyed it, indeed I do.
Five days. I drank lots of tea though, and didn't faint until day four. Indeed. Although I do still live mostly on tea. But I have at least one meal a day, so yesh. Unless I am in one of my "has not slept for far too long so body shuts down and sleeps for 18 hours" moods, as then I go a day or two without eating. But that's because I'm asleep. Mostly. Blathering on.
Obesity Index: 18bmi National: Below average You have a lower BMI than 92% of females aged 15-29 in your country Global: Below average You have a lower BMI than 80% of females aged 15-29 in the world If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 67,769,759 tonnes from the total weight of the worlds population. You're most like someone from Vietnam. I am confused. As when I tried a different BMI thingy, it gave me one of 14. But then another one gave me one of 20. Confused.