Good...morning/day/afternoon/evening/night everyone~
All the hugs for youuuu <3 BATMAN. Was it good~? I need to see itttttt. And tell me about college, tell me all. Where is it, what are you doing...
We really really should. I should be able to get on later, so maybe then~?
Good afternoon all~
Hai Kitty Cat. Just because, ssh.
Good evening all.
No nay never, no nay never no more, shall I play this Wild Rover, no never, no more~Cause I have had stupid Irish songs stuck in my head all day and I wanted someone else to suffer Ah. I see, I see. Silly old bears, the lot of you/them/us. Oh, now that's a good idea. I shall go look for some..
DT, you should be in bed. And what is going on in see forums? Or am I allowed to ask that? Super confused Danu time. I should just retreat back to the kettle and make tea, yesh?
Good afternoon all~ Trying to convince my brother to wear a pair of my heels, just to watch my dads expression. I like heeled boots. They make me tall. And I have to make Ingrid a cake, as it is her birthday tomorrow. But I fail at baking. Cooking, yesh, I can do that. Baking, no. Things explode. How are you all?
And all mine to you <3~ Lovely lovely, I shall start to watch it when I get some lovely free time :3 Thank you sweetie. Shall be wonderful, indeed c:
<3~ Ohmygodthatsoundsamazing. Ohmygoodness. I have a feeling I would end up sobbing from it, but still. ADORABLE. Linky link please? :3 I shall be at the airport, with a sign. Indeed.
Oh good, I am very glad to hear that~ I am grand, thank you sweetheart c:
So tell me sweetheart, how are you~?
You are now my adorable little baby <3
You charmer <3~ And now Danu is more interested, indeed. Explain please, I like the sound of this. That could work~
T'is Ingrids birthday on Saturday, so I am showing up at her door with cake and we shall watch crappy daytime tv all day. And then I have one of my friends 16th on Tuesday, and shall be staying over at my other friends house that day. Yesh yesh. BUT BATMAN. SO EXCITED. Oh you <3~ Right, time to own up to not having a fudging clue what a "BL" is. Or I might know it, but my head is all dodgy right now, so yesh. Sounds wonderful, wonderful indeed.
Sweetheart, my computer hates me and shall not allow Skype to work (as with MSN, although it let me on last night) so blargh. APOLOGIES. I feel like an awful person now How have you been~? I shall try and be on more, for you <3~ And I must say. That theme you have. Adorable. So adorable. I shall sae up and fly over to help you. Indeed.
YOU. Haiii <3 I have missed you my dear, apologies for never being on. Tell me, tell me, how goes life?
Indeed, I am blarghly busy these days, between being dragged out by family and/or friends, having to go shopping for stuff, strange appointments and swimming in the freezing sea, I have no time. But apologies, I shall try and be on more <3 My poor darling ;; Apologies for not being on lately, I have missed you <3
Hiya Benny <3