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  1. Daxa~
    But things and blargh and I don't disappear, you all vans. Or something.

    And yesh, I would melt. But if you had ice cream it could be lovely. Indeed.
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Daxa~
    Tonight marks the forth night of no sleep. And I feel wide awake. Or at least functioning, which is better than I normally feel.
    My brain only ever works when I do not sleep. Or at night. I should move to somewhere with an opposite time zone so I will be alert in the day. But anyways.
    And it's very possible I have been watching really really old Marvel cartoons (1966 Captain America, best theme song ever) since yesterday morning. Taking a break for showers, leaving my friends house, and getting food. Everything is Marvel and nothing hurts.
    Now to retreat back to somewhere, or something, I don't know. Hai all. And yesh. Strange speech rant thing just there. I wonder why.
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Daxa~
    Good evening all.
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Daxa~
  5. Daxa~
  6. Daxa~
    My brother is asleep, so no.
    Profile Post by Daxa~ for burnitup, Jul 23, 2012
  7. Daxa~
  8. Daxa~
    Uhm. Hmm. Depends what it is.
    Profile Post by Daxa~ for burnitup, Jul 23, 2012
  9. Daxa~
  10. Daxa~
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Daxa~ for Machazo, Jul 23, 2012
  11. Daxa~
  12. Daxa~
    Oh my goodness, you sweetheart <3 Please do come and talk to me, although chances are I shall blather on and you shall be disturbed and run. But yesh. Don't be a stranger sweetie, please~
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 23, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Daxa~
  14. Daxa~
    So I looked outside my front door, and this kid was just lying in the road, dressed up as a pumpkin.
    As I am ever so nosy, I went over to him and asked what he was doing. He said his mother told him to stay outside until he made pumpkin soup, and that he was waiting for a car to smush him in to soup.
    Just wanted to throw that out there. Now get back to your flirting and insults and whatever.
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Daxa~
    But Adaaaammm, the fridge does not like me.
    And I thought we were over the whole "going to nuke Ireland" stage, and were moving into the "watching you sleep without bothering to tell you" stage.
    I mean.

    Oh hai sweetheart <3
    Blarghh maths, kill it with knives.

    Oh you, I am sure they are. <3
    Me oh my, kinky.
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 23, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Daxa~
    Oh god ;;
    And apologies for never saying goodbye last night, I fell asleep :3
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 23, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Daxa~
    Good afternoon everyoneeee.
    It's fudging boiling here. I am melting. And no ice cream in sight.
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 23, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Daxa~
    Oh good~? xD
    Well add me, and I shall try and talk to you, yeshhhh.

    Oh blargh, it's grand my dear, but we must fangirl some other time :3
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Daxa~
    Oh lovely, lovely~
    Well in my defense, I have not been on in ages, and the Diepad hates me.

    [@Cat~ Haiiii darling <3
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Daxa~
    Good good, on Skype and watching BBC News. Indeed.
    How are you sweetie~?
    Post by: Daxa~, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground