*:glomp:s Random Angel* I'm changing you from stalker.... To Shinigami. ^^ lol....xD
Yumiko shook her head, ashamed. "No... I wish I never did." She looked up at Kite and smiled a bit. "But I kissed you because, well, I like you... A lot."
"You don't," Yumiko replied. "And it won't matter... We aren't together right now."
*searchs for Tularim* Okay......? *hides in corner* Hi Sadden.
Hi Stalker #1!! *:glomp:s Tularim*
Am I all alone?
Yay! I'm finally being praised for my awesomeness. xD *whacks bat against Tularim's head* I dub you, Stalker number one. xD
"I asked my mother," Yumiko mumbled. "She says because she loved my father... Obviously. She had kids because... We'll she said, my siblings and I were what were missing." She shrugged and pulled Kite's head close to her. She then kissed his lips for a second or two before moving away from him. "Do you love me yet?" She smirked.
Maybe I would... And maybe I wouldn't. *picks up bat*
"So we'd be nobodies," Yuimko stated. "I can deal. I mean. I'm half way there." She sighed. "Why did my father marry my mother... And why did they have children. Do you know what it's like being a nobody and a somebody?"
....Don't make me beat you off with a bat again.
Yumiko shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. I feel one way, then I feel something else." She faced upwards, and glared at the ceiling. "I hate emotions."
No! Why must you lick me? I doubt I taste good....
Stopping in the hall, Yumiko turned to see if Kite was following her. "He always did that..." She muttered. "That's how he found out about Fayte and me." Seeing no one, she walked to a wall before falling to the floor. "How come.. I can't forget what just happens. I can't be heartless without forgetting it. It's all Kite's felt." She threw her arms to her side. "He always makes it hurt."
*shakes Tularim off* No more biting! It hurts! *draws blood from Knightshade* Oh wow.... Knightshade has such a rosey taste to him.
Yumiko stared at him for a bit. She then threw her head downward. "I can't pretend anymore. It happened." She stood up and rubbed her temples. "I'm going to go find Haseo.... I have to apologize." She turned her back on Kite and made her way out of the lounge. As she looked downwards, an evil grin came upon her lips. "Idiot...." She thought. "If I find Haseo... Hmph... I'll probably mess his head up with everything I know about Hotaru." OOC: Yumiko is so twisted... She's like the Grinch^^
*runs up behind Knightshade* ....*:glomp:s Knightshade* You're back! ....*bites his arm*
No! I've been bitten! *runs away and jumps on Sadden's lap* Bite me... And I'll bite Sadden! .... I don't know how that will help, but I'll do it! I swear!
Yumiko deepened the kiss, enjoying being close to Kite. She missed everything about him. But, she knew later she'd act like it never happened. She opened her eyes slightly and then shut them, avoiding tears. "Isn't Haseo coming back....?" She thought. "Does he hate me...? I can't remember..."
Asians don't taste like caramel!!!.... Or do they....? *licks arm* I'm not sure.... *runs behind couch* Don't eat me!