*hides behind Random Angel* If you keep me safe... I'll give you EIGHT more apples!
*looks at Random Angel* Um.... Want some? *gives apple*
I guess we'll just have to wait... *eats apple*
O.o........*shrugs* That's good enough for me ^^ You're hired! *sits in chair* Now I just have to wait...
Wow! That's amazing! Wait a second..... Have you ever assassinated anyone...?
That.... Or Sadden could have seen through my trap and replaced my real Death Note with a fake! Next time I'll just do it the easy way and call an assassin...
Does that mean.... Sadden's ALIVE?!?!! WTF?!?! This means... My Death Note is.... INFEROIR! It's a simulation!!! *sits in emo corner* Everything I've ever known is a lie....
*looks at watch* If Sadden doesn't post in two mintues... He's dead.
Wow... That's hardcore. xD
*gasp* I thought you were my stalker....! But then I thought you were a Shinigami......With wings! xD
....Why are you happy....? Nothing... Just running around in circles. xD
I'm bored.... And hyper! *:glomp:s Knight* Hi Knight!
*runs into wall*
I wish it was true.... But it's not. It wouldn't work with Wii anyway. It just wouldn't be right.
So many mangas... So hard to choose.... I like Bleach, Death Note, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, and of course... Kingdom Hearts.
I don't see the point of killing people if you just want to die. You're not going to go down as a hero, and you're not going to be remembered for the right reasons. If someone wants to die so bad, why do they have to have the rest of their world go with them. I find that a lot of people kill though because they were treated badly by their peers, but that's still not a reason to go fire a gun at them.
*drags Tularim away from Sadden and :glomp:s him* I'll love you!^^
Well.. Are you a Chibi right now...?
"Oh...." Yumiko mumbled. "I should have knew that." She thought for moment. "Something from the heart....? This may take awhile."