XD I liked the movie regardless. I actually barely remember the book x3
Uhm... No. I didn't think that was possible. o: Since most have to apply. Why would they force you?
Rachel makes me want to punch babies. I think she's the worst female character on the show. She has the voice of an angel, but I want to throw my shoes at my television screen every time she comes on. My favorite female characters are Quinn and Tina. My favorite male characters are Puck and Artie :) PUCK HAS A JEWHAWK! <3 I really hate Finn. He's so stupid and his voice is not very good. I mean, considering he's the lead male vocal. Chris Colfer and Mark Salling have much better voices. I'm actually a little glad that Finn hasn't been singing as much in this season.
No, probably not. I only have a computer to use every now and then. Unless I post on my iPod, but that's too difficult.
Why frowny face? ): And you're very welcome (:
OMG YOU'RE STAFF! Gratz dude 8DD
11 I mean. I'm kind of better. Sorry I haven't posted in the RP. You can kill my character off if you want.
Then do 10 posts per page. Guys I'm sorry I haven't been on in awhile... I haven't been feeling well. Kind of That's the problem. If it happens again, I may actually be in trouble.
So this weekend I had an anxiety attack and had to go to the hospital for a few days because my heart stopped.
Dude, that is my #1 Starbucks drink. I love their Espressos.
I'm bad with long RPs.
"Now just hold on a second." Elaina said, slightly frustrated. This is probably some ploy. I bet Alec led me into this trap. They're probably out to get me. Go figure. "How could you possibly think I'm associated with them in any way? This happened right after we left town, and YOU were the one who wanted to leave so soon." She pointed at Alec. "I bet this is a trap you led me into. I should have known not to trust someone so blindly." Elaina scowled as Titania pawed restlessly at the ground. She turned to Serin. "Why should I trust you?" Elaina asked, gripping Lucus tightly. "How do I know You aren't here to take the Veritas from us?" OOC: Sorry for taking so long to post.
I liked the first thirteen episodes the best, but this week's episode wasn't as bad as the rest of this season. I was so happy that Puck came back WITH HIS JEWHAWK!
I hated the Rocky Horror episode to be honest. Will made me want to barf. But he was much sweeter in this new episode. I'll do that... Later. I do like Kurt. I relate to his charcter the best... Minus the gay part D: . But Puck omg <3 <3
I throw my Facebook in the air sometimes saying ayo, where’d my life go?
Glee is getting dumber and dumber homnestly D: It used to be so good, then they atarted messing everything up, and making it predictable, overdramatic, and boring. The best thing they've done this season is make the show less about Rachel.
Yeah, I was sad. I hate auto-tuning. But It was still a good episode. Puck. Puck. Puck. Puck. Puck.