Hey Forsaken c:
I was thinking of a name change for myself for when I turned prem, but I couldn't think of anything. The I was all like, "I know, I'll just do what I do when I'm thinking of names for stuffed animals!" So I went on a cat names website, clicked on 'universe', then saw the name Nova and I was all like, "OMG YES!!!!!!!111"
Dude your stories are pure amazingness. you have great ideas. :)
Cool video. I quite enjoyed that. If you would like to RP, you should give it a shot. Just make sure you use good grammar, don't post only one sentence, and as long as your character contributes to the story and you've read all of the rules, you should be fine. ^^ Then you can join any RP you want :) I actually prefer the original over Brawl ^^; Brawl and Melee are hard to win at. :/8D: I own at the original. No one can beat me, cuz I'm a cool kid. All the cool kids play the original all the time still. :lolface:
Heyy :) And lol I need to download MSN.
Haha, for the duration of that episode, I could not tell if Soul was joking around when he said he was going to play along, or if he was being for reals XDD "Oops, sorry, my finger slipped." XDD Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. What's up?
OMG YOU MADE A CAPITAL LETTER EVEN THOUGH YOU SAID THAT YOU REFUSE TO! You've been caught c: Defeat. w00t! Add me- iamveryawesomelol@hotmail.com And I love the fact that I SEE NOTHING HERE! Even though it says there's a video o:
Good thing indeed c:
D'aw, can't rep. you :( I repped you in spirit ^o^ Ron, Fred, and George were always my favorite characters. Spoiler It's a shame that Fred dies... ; ;
Sounds awesome :P Yay procrastination! And lol Christmas, it's just an expression ^^; Uh oh... Is your iPod okay? :(
Lol, killed two birds with one stone. Awesome :) What's up everyone? ^^
What? Flee? I'm a cat, why would I- Oooh... *dashes* Mmm, dinner. Now I'm hungry D:
Woohoo! *dances* Thank you :3
I wanna join :D I love this anime, haha. :P Blair- Nova :3
Really? :) Awesome 8DD
I'm doing okay :D Just tired. Always tired. But oh well. How are you? :) ... What?
Hey. c:
That's terrible. :c I'm sorry.
Lol yeah. I stayed that way forever just for fun :)
I hate snow. But I remember one time I was at school and we were eating lunch outside when it started snowing for the first time that year. A few kids stood up on a table, joined hands and started singing, "Dashing through the snow, on a one-horsed open sleigh..." It was pretty cool :)