I got over $100 in giftcards that I have no desire to use ._. And $60 in iTunes :D And LOADS of makeup c: I like makeup.
Happy Day of winter solstice to you too :3 ...Idk that seemed more creative in my thoughts...
Really? I love his Go get 'em attitude. He's so... inspirational? Lol, joking. I think his character is wonderful though :)
Yes! -hides- It's so creepy! XD
Soul and Kid for sure :D Blackstar is cool, but he made me notice how much of a jerk I am ._. But mostly Soul.
Lol, I know XD And thanks :3 Wow, I didn't even realize that tomorrow is Christmas :\ Weird... This year is unexciting for me I guess.
Love is love no matter who you find it in :D Lol what isn't okay in Japan? :lolface:
The worst for me was the mattress episode and the cat motel one. They still freak me out XD
Really? It had me covering my eyes multiple times in an episode.
I miss the classics D: I liked the mattress episode of Courage. But it scared me to death *hides under blanket*
I do too. One of my favorites is the one in your avatar <3
Poor dude D:
I love cartoons o:
I have already. I have problems with weak blood vessels or something like that. They pop often, so that's why I get them. creepy and gross, but for me they stop in about five or ten minutes.
You're Forsaken again c:
...I did... Until I found Soul Eater <3
Ugh. I have constant nosebleeds. I know how you feel.
I missed talking to you too! I've been drawing alot and writing alot of songs and poems lately. And watching anime...
Lol, what's up? Long time no talk c:
I DON'T! NO FAIR D: I WANNA! Original Soundtrack c: