PRISON BLOCK G "Hmm?" Xares lookedto Kel before recalling the story he gave them. "Ahh yes, my daughter. The search continues still. I sent some scout ships to look in any nearby worlds. If she's out there, we'll find her." Xares escorted Kaida and the rest of the the SOS group away from the cells, as everything was locked down once again. Aux remained silent, knowing his friend was in good spirits. His eyes narrowed on the closed doors. He had a gut feeling that something didn't seem right. It was just him, Stratos and his friend, Vanitas and Castur left in the cells. "This oughta be good," Vanitas smiled. COURT ROOM A Kaida was brought onto a podium in an intimate courtroom that could only seat roughly fifty people. On the judge council sat a woman with short blonde hair done in a very 'karen' haircut. On each side of her was armed guards, and next to the podium Kaida was on stood two smaller podiums. One for the defendant and one for the prosecutor. Beuce, Luna, Kel, AJ and Ananta all sat in the public seats as the trial was beginning. "Judge Karen Campbell presiding," one of the guards spoke. The judge waved her hand. She looked at the papers in her hand and shook her hand. "Case # 253... Ms... Kaida? Your defendant?" The general raised his hand. "General Alexander Xares your honor." She looked down at the blonde youth and rolled her eyes. "Young lady, do you have any idea how much trouble your in?" Xares lifted his hand. "Your honor, if I may-" "You may not!" She interrupted. "I've been in this profession for over 20 years, so don't you dare try to tell me when and when not to speak." She looked around. "Where's the prosecutor?" "Present, your honor!" A british voice called from afar. "My apologies, I couldn't seem to find the room." The voice trailed as a man with white hair strolled down the aisle towards his podium. It was Orion. The man no one had seen since the fall of Central Haven. "Orion Krowley. Head of the order. Present," He nodded. "Waste any more of my time Mr. Orion and I'll be sure to assign you a case myself." "Of course, " he bowed his head. Her eyes narrowed sharply back to Kaida. "Now you... You stand here accused of desertion and homicide to the former members of the order. How do you plea?"
PRISON BLOCK G After Prompto and Noctis were dismissed by Luna, they headed for the elevator. "See you at thte summit," Noctis nodded as the both of them departed. As they left, General Xares passed them, arriving from the elevator. He approched the rest of the SOS group as he looked at his watch. "Sorry to break up the tearful reunion, but I\m afraid visiting hours are over." He looked to the SOS party members that weren't imprisoned. "If your friends aren't guilty, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about," he reassured. He looked to his tablet and then to Kaida."Ms... Kaida? Your trial is scheduled in the next five minutes." He pressed his tablet and de-activated her prison cell. "Come with me, please."
PRISON BLOCK G Aux, back to laying down on the floor, shot a sarcastic 'thumbs up' as Faust departed. "Let's just say, I don't like spoiling the surprise. Any hate, fear or sadness any of you experience only gives me more power," Vanitas spoke. As Ananta asked her question, his attention turned to her. "Why is it harder for you to not believe it? Maybe there's more than one? You think your so called 'friendship' with each other is legitimate to last? All it takes is one bad move. Just one. And everyone turns on you. Your failures are nothing if not consistent... Central Haven fell. you were all dragged into darkness. And now you're all stuck here. How do you think you keep losing? How do you think we keep finding you?" "How do you know when Vanitas is trying too hard?" Aux interrupted. "Trick question. He's always trying too hard." "And you... You gave up the remnant. One of the strongest powers of darkness ever created. You're the dumbest of all." Vanitas scoffed. "At least I come with a personality..." Aux replied, still looking at the ceiling. Vanitas shook his hand. "I'll never understand you... You switched to the losing side just as you were peaking to your highest potential. Now you're stuck with these losers." "We'll see," He replied. Prompto leaned over towards Noctis. "And I thought WE went through a lot," he whispered. Noctis looked around the room. "I don't see either of our friends. Maybe we should try another cell block." Prompto looked to Luna. "That alright with you your highness?" He bowed.
QUADRANT V "Akray vo m'lady" Prompto said, giving a slight bow as they went to the elevator. "Apres vous," Noctis correct. "Gesundheit." The three of them headed to the elevator and were brought to the lower levels of the ship. PRISON BLOCK G "Doesn't feel good, does it?" Aux said as Kaida lay on the floor. He felt bad that she was shocked but somehow almost thankful that he wasn't the only one getting shock therapy. She seemed to be in a lot of pain though, causing him to grow more concerned. "Kaida... you okay... Kaida?" He stood up and watched as she writhed in pain. "Aww... your friend doesn't seem to have much shock resistance as you do, huh?" Vanitas smirked. "Do you have an off switch?" Aux barked. While waiting to see Kaida's well being, his head turned to Faust when he began asking what their course of trial action would be. "You guys'll be fine. I'll be locked up for life on my part... I doubt 'darkness made me do it' qualifies as a legitimate defense." THE PA system turned on in the prison block. "Releasing Prisoner G-06 and G-07." As he spoke, the bars on Faust and Ven's cell were released. A few guards came in to gather Ven's unconscious body. "This one still hasn't come to... put him in the med bay." He turned to Faust and put a small braclet on his arm before releasing the device around his neck. "You're welcome to explore the granted levels of the ship." The guard carrying Vanitas took off the collar and put on a braclet. Carrying him out of the prison. Aux stood and looked to Kel. "Kel! That's Ven! One of Eraqus's students.... Make sure one of you keep an eye on him..." he instructed. "Who will keep an eye on all of you though... After all, your traitor is still among you. I'll give you a hint... thery're in this room..." Vanitas replied with a coy attitude.
V Quadrant "See! Short and sweet!" Prompto smiled to Noctis after Luna's introduction. He turned back to the ivory haired princess and bowed. "We were actually headed to the detention center before we bumped into you! You're welcome to tag along if you wish your highness!" Noctis looked to Prompto. "I said that you MAYBE would go. I still don't think Ignis would end up being arrestedfor anything." "Yea, but Gladdy-o totally would! Man's a loose canon!" Noctis turned back to Luna. "We haven't been able to get into contact outside the Sanctuary much. "All we can do is venture around day by day. You don't have to come if you don't want to." He glared back to Prompto. "It's very rude to ask a princess to go sigh seeing in jail." "Maybe she's got some missing friends of her own," he turned to Luna. "Am I right?"
XARES QUARTERS "My honor is something I will not wager on my daughter of all people. Your little friends are accountable to trial. If they are innocent, you have nothing to worry about. But if they're guilty, well... I have no problem locking them up like the scum they are." He turned and was about to leave the room. "Be ready in 30 minutes. I will have Scott brought in once you're ready." He reached fro the handle but stopped. "Oh, and one more thing... If you ever try to assault your father again, I will not hesitate to send you down the aisle with bruises.... For too long I've had faith you would be an obedient daughter. Now I have to resort to blackmail. Like you were a criminal. Keep it up and I won't mind letting you rot in a lone cell with no contact." He left the door and closed it behind him.
XARES QUARTERS Xares inhaled taking a deep breath. "Your persistence is your strongest, if not- most infuriating trait... Half your friends are bhind bars, and lest you want them to stay in their forever, I suggest you fall in line. Aux. Kada. Faust. Castur. Stratos. I have no problem leaving them to rot for their miserable lives."
V QUADRANT As Luna approached the spot where her compass was leading her, a firendly young man's voice called out. "Yo Luna! Princess?" He walked closer to her as he tried to get her attention. He ran directly in front of her and his smile quickly dimmed. He had a slender build,who at first glance looked like a street punk. He had blue eyes, light freckles and short, unruly blond hair. "Aww man... wrong princess... Yo Noct! It's not her!" He looked at his compass. "Stupid thing sent us the wrong lady!" Another brooding man with dark spiked hair approached her as well. He seemed a bit saddened, but not surprised. "Sorry we made you came all this way... I didn't know Lunafreya was such a common name...." he awkwardly shrugged as he scratched the back of his head. "Looks like your Fiancee is still M.I.A bud..." the blonde man sighed. "So are Gladio and Ignis it seems..." the brooding man said, trying to think to himself. He quickly looked up at Luna and shook it off. "Oh, sorry... My name name is Noctis... this is my friend Prompto." "We're homeless!" Prompto said with a smile. "So uh... what kingdom do you hail from miss...." XARES QUARTERS II Xares fell back out of the way, and grabbed Karina's wrist. She twisted it behind her back and pressed her face against the dresser. Xares put a small comm on the table and hit play. "Well, you're the most well equipped to find her. I'd be more than happy to search, but we'd essentially be running around aimlessly. Please, let us know if you find her." He stopped the recording device. "You wouldn't believe the technology my association with the Sanctuary has given me." He tightened his grip on her wrist. "Your fake fiancee believes you've run off. As will the rest once they receive the news. You aren't needed anymore... So for once in your emotional life, stop being an embarrassment to the family.... Your mother will be bringing you a dress. You will wear it, you will be presentable, and you will say yes when Scott proposes to you. Are. We. Clear?"
XARES QUARTERS II Xares inspected his watch. "I suppose I could allow an early visitation seeing as how we have the summit this afternoon..." He looked back at the two boys. "You and your friends can visit the prison block in the basement levels.... They're located in Prison Black G... 2nd Base Floor." He pulled out a communicator and gave confirmation to the rest of the ship. A small intercom was heard in the halls and main floors of the sanctuary. "Attention all citzens aboard the sanctuary... Visitation time has been moved. You may now visit any detainees in the next five minutes." He turned off his comm and turned to Kel and Beuce. "That should give you all access now... I'll be trying to locate my daughter in the meantime" He pressed a few buttons on his tablet. "I've arranged for Faust's release as a sign of good faith, but the other four will have to stand trial." Once their hearings are complete, I would be more than happy to arrange a departure vessel for you... I understand you've all been doing your hardest, but provided you are given the proper channels, there may very well be some official partnership in your future." He shook Kel's hand. "You've been doing this alone as a group, but if you don't mind being more democratic and following a protocol, we could provide many resources." He walked them out of the door and towards the elevator. "We can discuss more at the summit, but you should consider the offer," he said as he shook Beuce's hand. "You never know when you need a hand," He gave a small salute as he watched them go down the elevator with the two of them going down the elevator. He turned to the destroy room and closed the door. As he walked down the hall further, he opened another channel on his communicator "Channel S4," a voice replied. "Is the line secure?" "Yes sir... About those instructions you gave us..." "What about them?" "You asked us to destroy a room and say your daugter escaped... Why go through it all Why didn't you just detain them?" Xares sighed. "Too much noise. Noise creates panix. Panic creates loss of faith. And loss of faith loses allies... This is a simple measure to make sure everyone gets what they want.... Oh... and make sure that room is cleaned up." "Yes sir," the soldier replied. PRISON BLOCK G Still in his talk with Kaida, he didn't take note of the item that Quill discretely threw to him. Aux watched her humble friend and felt a little better. "I didn't mind the teasing so much. It was like a confirmation that I actually had friends. Back in Central Haven, you were one of the few people that I actually bonded with. I rarely.talked to people and all I did was train. I only talked to you and..." He couldn't think of the name again... "-The teachers..." He tried to recover, but he still couldn't get another silhouette out of his head. He chuckled to himself as a quick memory came to mind. "I remember the first time I met you, all I thought was... 'wow, she's small.' But you kept training and fighting and here you are now. One of the few members of the order still around. That's something to be proud of too. No matter what happens when you get out, you'll always have my respect." He gave a small fist of power as if giving her props. Kaida's Friendship level is maxed. "Besides, not like it can get any worse..." XARES QUARTERS II Xares unlocked the door and stepped in "Well I'm afraid your cavalry will not be arriving to save you." He closed the door behind him as he approached his daughter. "I decided to double back on my original tactic and go for a more diplomatic approach." He reasjusted the lining of his jacket as he looked in the mirror. "I managed to convince your 'friends' that you ran off again... Surprisingly not a lot of doubt from them. I suppose it's not out of the realm of possibility to imagine you overreacting... Is it?" He asked her in a condescending tone.
PRISON BLOCK G He wanted to tell her. But what if he was wrong? What if it was just an illusion and he was going to worry her over nothing. He instead bit his tongue for now. "I just... haven't seen him in a while. Was trying to think what he would do in a situation like this. He was always pretty level headed." Aux nodded as he slumped down to sit with his arms over his bent legs. "I get what you mean though ... It's like ever since we left the realm of darkness, everything's felt off. Like something's missing." He gave a quick look to everyone around before looking back down at the cell floor. "Back on that Island, I wanted to capture the little blue alien. But that was the wrong thing to do. I wanted to leave the mermaid people alone, but that was wrong. I thought going to the underworld was the right move and almost got people killed. I just... I've been doing the wrong thing for so long that I don't even know how to make the right choice anymore." He turned his head to Kaida. "Why am I even trying to help you? I thought I could make up for what I did for all of you, but nothing's changed. Even when I'm trying to be the good guy, I'm still the bad guy." "And you always will be..." Vanitas chimed in. "CAN YOU NOT?!" Aux barked at him, causing his collar to shock him again. "AHH!" He yelled in frustration, only to be followed by another shock. He then muffled through his mouth another frustrating grumble.
PRISON BLOCK G Vanitas chuckled. "Maybe that music will help distract from your upcoming despair. How does it feel to be on the bad side? All their trust in you... Their friendship.... all gone to-" Aux moved to get a better view of Vanitas as he interrupted. "Oh will you SHUT. UP!" Aux spoke up while still trying to keep his composure. "What's the matter buddy? Regret switching sides? Or maybe you're still having doubts?" "No... Pretty sure I don't regret finding my light again." "Hmph. Your fear of darkness has made you weaker." "Did I really talk like that- Did I really talk like that!?" Aux asked himself before asking Kaida. "Vanitas... Look around. No one here has thought of you in months. I haven't seen you in half a year! Half these people don't even know who you are! Everyone's kind of been dealing with bigger problems. Not like your exactly on top of your game. You're stuck here like the rest of us..." Vanitas chuckled. "Hehe... I'm EXACTLY where I'm supposed to be." Aux slowly looked away from him. "Yeah. I'm done talking to you," he bluntly replied. Vanitas shrugged in reply, closing his eyes as he stood against the wall. Aux looked to Kaida, wondering if she knew about Seiza's death. He wasn't comfortably talking about it, but there was never going to be a good time. "Kaida... when was the last time you saw Seiza?"
XARES QUARTERS II As there was no response from the other side, General Xares knocked again. "Karina?" He backed away from the door. "I thought if I gave her the option to leave, she'd feel more trusting. But if she's not even replying to you two... Stand back." He backed away from the door, moving the other two to the side. He kicked down the door with a powerful kick. The room was destroyed. Some sign of struggle. The room was scathed and torn like a wild animal had been here. The General looked back and forth, his breathing beginning to fume. He brought out his communicator and turned it on. "Security, report!" Xares oredered. There was a small pause of radio slence before a voice replied. "General? We've been trying to contact you for over 15 minutes! We-" "What happened in this room?" he demanded. "Sir, we've replayed footage and-" "Did they hurt my daughter? Who is responsible?!" "Uhh... your daughter sir." General Xares made a look of confusion. "What?" "After you left, she destroyed her room. She went to to the military's docking bay. We saw her taking one of the ships. We tried to detain her, but she pulled one of our weapons and hijacked a ship.... Ship Model AE-45" "I want that ship's guidance position tracked!" He barked at them. "We tried sir, she destroyed the positioning system. We can't remotely guide her back either. She's navigating freely and we can't stop her. I'm sorry sir..." General Xares thre the phone against the wall, breaking it. He leaned against the dresser and hung his head. "I lost her again." He took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry boys."
UPPER BARRACKS The General left the elevator with Kel and Beuce in tow. He brought them down the hall, putting away the tablet. "Seems you have five people down in detention. I suppose I could help release Faust from his minor charges by paying his bail... but the rest will have to stand trial." He stopped as he approached a room with a golden plate that said XARES. The General knocked a few times. "Karina?" He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He turned to Beuce and Kel. The door is locked from the inside, perhaps you could say something to get her to open it? XARES QUARTERS A loud knock was heard at the door.
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ELEVATOR General Xares stood proudly as he explained. "The Sanctuary was a combined effort between the order of light and several world leaders as a contingency plan in case the worlds were in danger. It was meant to utilize resources and assistance from stronger worlds to help the weaker ones. Central Haven fell some months ago and one of its members sent out the beacon to put the plan into action. A few dozen council members were selected to help keep our democracy and well, here we are." He said, gazing over the view from the glass panning. "Weve assisted civilians without a home from over a hundred worlds. Weve also been carrying out legal justice for runaways and law breakers." He turned to Kel. "Which is why you all were brought aboard. You failed to go through proper channels when assisting those worlds. Neither you or the people you helped agreed to be apart of the world border act. Its A universal clause that allowed for foreign assistance. Your assistance however was still productive, which is why half of you were forgiven from your charges. The other half however... still have to be accountable for their actions." He pulled out his tablet. "Which include..." PRISON BLOCK G "Uh lets see," a pitch cracking voice entered the system to reply to Kaida. "Dude, what are you doing?" A deep throated voice asked him from the voice system. "Dude, I got it." "We're not supposed to be-" "Wheres your chill?! Not like they can do anything anyways *ahem* okay here we go." A sound of a rustling paper was heard as the voice cracking guard read charges. "Castur Pollux; Treason and obstruction of justice. People from his homeworld said they would give him trial kn his homeworld... Faust; embezzlement, theft, and illegal gambling. Doesnt say anything for a court date, so I think dude just has to pay bail. Stratos Himmel; Destruction, assault and terrorism. Meso Himmel; destruction, assault and terrorism. Quill; mass destruction, assault and vandalism. Vanitas, Ventus and Aux all have terrorism, abduction, extortion, assault, and a whole lotta other stuff assosiacted with No Heart. And finally Kaida; Treason, desertion, and accomplice to the terrorist known as No Heart." The PA system turned off. Vanitas chuckled at Kaida. "Sucks to be you now, huh?" He whispered. "What If I told you, you were being played this whole time? Aux was still confused about most of the charges. Stratos and Kaida specifically. He looked to the passed out boy next to Statos. "That your brother or something?"
ELEVATOR General Xares led Beuce and Kel into the elevator. He scanned one of his keycards and folded his hands in front of himself, watching patiently as the elevator doors closed. "So tell me Mr. Alexander. Why the lies?" He turned his head to Beuce. "A Mr. Faust is currently being detained. "I only feigned my knowledge to see how you all would react. You're all quite loyal to each other. But lying to one of the commanding officers on this vessel is not your smartest move..." He kept his hands folded while the elevator was moving into the restricted levels. "So why woud you go along with it? What do you think my daughter would'v said about you?"
PRISON BLOCK G A small red light came on as the tightly sealed doors were slowly seperated. "Prisoner transfer," a guard said as he and one other stood facing eachother each side of the door. They wore white armor with their faces covered in a black visor. A logo for the sanctuary on each of their chest plates. Behind them, walking slowly through the door with a smug look on his face, was Vanitas. Wearing a similar collar to the rest of the prisoners in the room. Aux glared at him in astonishment. "Vanitas?" "Hiya roomie..." Vanitaslooked over to Kaida. ""Blondie..." He looked to the rest of the others. "Arctus, aaand the rest of you... that I don't really know or care for." "Enter into Prison Cell 1 inmate," One of the guards commanded. "Yes sir," he sarcastically saluted. "Put his accomplice in Cell 6. He was holding this... What do you want me to do with it?" The guard held up a small harddrive with the math symbol for 'Pi' on it. "Put it with the rest of the confiscated items..." he answered. The guard nodded and left the room before another guard carried in an unconscious Ventus over his shoulder. A guard pressed to buttons as both Vanitas and Ventus were put into their respective cell. He pressed the same 2 buttons, shutting both Cell 1 and 6 again. "That's Ventus..." Aux softly spoke. He stood up and banged lightly on his cell. "Hey that's not- RGGGH" A guard pushed a a button on his tablet to zap him. "No talking out of you." "WHY JUST ME- EEEEEEE?!!" He was shocked again before all the guards left the room, sealing the door behind them. They left a loud echo in the Prison block after they left. Vanitas pressed his back to the wall and smirked as he faced Kaida. "So... what's been new since Corona?" (For Reference) Cell 1 held Vanitas Cell 2 held Kaida. Cell 3 held Aux. Cell 4 was empty Cell 5 held Castur On the right side: Cell 6 held Ventus Cell 7 held Faust Cell 8 held Stratos Cell 9 held a passed out teenage boy Cell 10 held Quill
ARRIVAL BAY The first words out of Beuce's mouth were a lie. Aside from that, Beuce wasn't as concerned with Karina's whereabouts as the others. General Xares deduced that Karina had lied about her engagement to him. That or he was lying to him on purpose. Either way, things were still going as expected. "I'm afraid I'll have to take a raincheck. I may not be that engaging of an audience member. The military's made me quite pragmatic...." His head turned to AJ once he asked his question about not bringing Karina to them. "Nothing much aside from a list of names and features.... I would have loved to have gotten her to stretch her legs. My daughter however can be quite... persistent once she's made up her mind. She felt I would trick her into going to some sort of dungeon if I made her leave." He sighed heavily. "She never did trust me after I took her to the doctor... I lied and said we were going to an amusement park. I feel awful about it now, but sometimes you have to tell a white lie now and then to help them." He looked at all of them. "Hopefully you understand when you have children of your own." His eyes quickly perked up as if he had been reminiscing. "Speaking of children. I'm sure you would all like to pay her a visit... Unfortunately I can only take two visitors with me to the upper barracks. Once I take two of you up there, I can always keep switching you in pairs."
ARRIVAL BAY "She certainly has her way of getting results," General Xares chuckled. "But I'm sure her stories about me have been less than flattering...." He scratched the back of his as an embarassed father would. "We... had a bit of a spat before she ran away. I was hoping to help mend things, but she refused to speak to me until she was able to speak to her friends." He turned his head to Ananta. "She was very specific about the company she traveled with." He motioned to them all infividually; "Not counting those of your friends being detained, "I believe I also have the pleasure of meeting Ms. Ananta, Kel, A.J. and..." He stopped once he reached Beuced. "I'm sorry, I don't beleive she mentioned you..." He peered his eyes as trying to get a handle on his name. "Oh wait! I remember... you must be the wandering mage Faust, yes?" he asked politely.
Upon seeing the faces of some of his targets in question, General Xares approached the group in the medical bay with poise and professionalism. "Excuse me?" He said, tapping Luna on the shoulder. "Are you princess Luna?" He offered his hand to shake hers. "My name is General Xares... I'm Karina's father," he greeted with a warm smile.