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  1. Krowley

    "I'm fine," he groaned as he yanked himself away from her.. He hid his pain as he walked on his own two feet just fine. His arm was pretty hurt, but he continued to clasp it as he was navigating where they were.
    "Kaida and the others were being put into prison block G," he said, as he examined the map next the elevator. As she mentioned her father, he rebuttled quickly. "I don't run. Besides, you're prioritizing you dead's threat level way too high right now..."

    He led her into the elevator and pressed 'G.'
    The two stood silently as the elevator took them to higher levels of the prison cells.


    As Hotel was disorriented and Kel was making his escape, a portal opened up behind one of his legs while he ran. The hand grabbed his leg and caused him to trip into a skid on his side. "Too slow,' Vanitas spoke as he rose from the ground. The remnant soon followed as it picked up Kel by the collar and bound his wrists together. The rmenant was powerful, tightening the grip on his hands the more Kel would try to struggle.

    "I'd drop the keyblade.... The remnant doesn't exactly have any idea of restraint.." Vanitas snickered.
    Hotel caught up with them as he cracked his neck. "You really gonna need to learn how this works Bravo..."


    Noctis and Prompto left with the others to the Prison Cell block as medical personel stayed back t tend to Luna.


    Two guards looked around cautiously before entering the room.
    One of the guards waved to Kaida. "Uhh high... you don't really know me, but I'm the voice guy from the voice system," he said pointing to the system. He had a grainy, high voice as he spoke.
    "And I'm the other guy. I'm Private Wedge, That's private Biggs," the second guard replied. He spoke with a more of a voice reminiscent of Ray Romano.
    "Dude, I told you to stop calling me that!"
    "Well, put down the fork once in a while and I wouldn't have to," he said, poking at his partner's belly. He handed a small tablet to Kaida. "Things are kinda going crazy right now and we got an encryspted message that was only sent to this tablet." The tablet read;


    Stopped the bad guys from escaping.
    Your friends' friends are being held in the other Prison Blocks. Hang in there, help is on the way.


    As the doors opened on both end, Biggs and Wedge immediately drew their
    Aux and Karina came from the left, as Beuce, Ananta, Aislinn, AJ, and Faust came from the right.
    "Everyone okay?" Aux asked as he entered.

    "Hey, it's the angry guy you kept shocking," Wedge joked as he nudged Biggs.
    "Dude, shut uuuuupp!" Biggs replied.
    "That was you!" Aux angrily stepped forward before wincing at the pain in his side.

    "Whoa, you don't look to good... Maybe we should get you a a doctor."
    :First off, I'm fine. Second... who even are you?" he asked puzzled.
    "Friends of Luna," Noctis replied. "Come on, Luna's there too.. you're not in any condition to fight,"
    "I told you I'm fiiiiiiinNNneee...." Before he could finish his sentence, Wedge shot a dark at his arm.
    "DUDE?!" Biggs yelled at him.
    "Oops.... They should really put a safety on these," Wedge said examining his gun.
    "You know he's gonna kill you when he wakes up, right?" Biggs asked.
    "Yeah, but right now I just numbed him with a mood stabalizer, right bud?"

    Aux looked down at his hands. "WhY aRe mY hANdS sooooooo biiIIiGgg?"
    "Okay big guy, let's go see you buddy Luna, okay?" Prompto asked. He and Noctis took him carefully to the elevator.
    "ShE's thE onE tHaT SlAps me... sHe's goT lOOnGG WhiTe hAiRR...." Aux spoke in a very dazed and lazy slurr as the two led him out.

    As she finished reading the letter, the doors from both sides of the cell blocks opened.
    Post by: Krowley, May 13, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley
    Aux used MP gift on Beuce
    Post by: Krowley, May 11, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley

    As Kel spoke out to his comrade, Hotel took the opportunity, and fired to ice shots to immobilize his hands and feet.
    He leapt forward and grabbed the young man aggressively by the collar. He tapped an earpiece to communicate with his other red society members. "Package secure.... Let's high tail it outta here..." Hotel opened a portal and quickly jumped through his portal.

    Luther gave a cocky salute before walking backwards into his escape portal.

    "Yo, Whiskey! Orders are orders, you can deal with them later...." Alex barked at her.
    The raven haired woman gritted her teeth as she continued to drain light from Luna.
    "Dude!" He repeated.
    She looked to Luna and dropped her onto the floor, letting out a very aggravated scream before leaving through her portal. Alex followed shortly after.

    The auditorium was destroyed and mostly empty. Several guards were escorting the council members out. Orion had also gone missing.
    Aislinn, AJ, Ananta, Beuce, and Luna were left to reconcile what to do next.


    Once Alex got his order, he sighed at Kaida. "This isn't over..." He retreated through his portal.
    Gilgmesh looked around as well after Hotel spoke through his earpiece. "Aww man... just when it was getting mildly entertaining..." Gilgamesh stepped back through his portal as well.

    Quill, Stratos, Kaida and Castur were left to reconcile what to do next.



    Hotel, X-Ray, Whiskey, Victor, Kilo, Kel, and Alpha made there were from their respective areas. "Head count..." Hotel announced as he looked around to see who was missing. "Where's Zulu?"
    Sho's voice rang in their ear piece. "That zero got nullified hardcore... Vanitas and his remnant took him out."

    Hotel sighed as he groaned to himself. "Great... we got a man down and the kid won't keep his new dark toy at bay. This was supposed to be a quick pick-up..." Victor sighed.
    X-Ray looked around. "Yeah... speaking of which- Aren't we supposed to be on like, our ship or something?"
    "Sho?" Hotel asked in a change of tone.
    Sho typed away rapidly. "Some Zetta son of a digit is counter-hacking me! I still have control of most functions, but he's not letting you leave... All hatch doors, docking exits... guy even rerouted your portals."
    "CONVENIENT, (cough, cough), excuse me..." Alpha coughed loudly as he spoke the word.
    X-Ray scoffed. "Thought you were supposed to be a computer whiz or something..."
    "What happened to the prisoners then?" Kilo asked.

    Sho typed away at the keyboard. "They were rerouted. They're in one of the Cell blocks... He's blocking my signal though... This guy is becoming a real pain in my cosine..."
    "We have Bravo though," X-Ray said as he looked to Kel. "Why don't we jet?"
    "Because without their close friends and family, we have nothing to use against them in the future." Victor replied.
    Hotel thought to himself as he ran his finger over his eyepatch string. "New objective. Five of you go after the hostages.. I'll stay here with Bravo."
    "The Princess... is mine..." Whiskey spoke in her accent.
    "Dibs on the lemon head," Kaizo added.
    "I got the one armed woneder..." Victor chuckled.
    "When do I get a Rival?!" Alpha argued.
    "ENOUGH!" Hotel barked. "Go the Prison blocks, find our hostages and get back here ASAP! No fighting unless you're provoked.... NOW GET TO IT!"

    Everyone silently understood as they fled through their portals again. He activated his ear piece and spoke to Vanitas. "Vanitas, change in plan, you and the Remnant get to Docking Bay A... Got a situation and we may need back-up..."


    Vanitas shrugged as he looked to Karina after hearing Hotel's order.
    "Not that I would take orders from Hotel, but, I doubt I'd have much fun here... Remnant! We're leaving!" Vanitas portaled out.
    The Remnant wasn't paying much attention as he was continuing to pummel Aux.

    Loud bursts of contact were heard as the Remnant moved from place to place and tossed Aux back on the ground.


    There was a silent voice that only Aux could here.
    "What?..." Aux asked as he breathed heavily.


    Aux put up his hands in a boxing pose to shield himself.

    i gave you everything...
    now i will take everything...

    The Remnant did as Vanitas told him and portaled out.
    Aux slowly picked himself up and looked at Karina as he staggered towards her, holding his side with his broken thumb. "We have to find the others..."
    Post by: Krowley, May 10, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley

    The woman's eyes widened, offended by Luna's question as she was offended by her question. She lifted her hand into the air, controlling the chains around Luna in the process. She dropped her hand hard, slamming Luna into the ground and then towards the west well of the auditorium, crashing several seats in the process.
    "Je vais te purger!!" She grabbed the chain with her hand and swung her into the other wall.

    Prompto threw chair at Whiskey, having her summon another chain and bind Prompto to the floor.
    Noctis leapt forward trying to use anything as a defensive weapon. "Who are you!"
    She breathed deeply, trying her best to speaking English. "I... am Princess Amelie... of Ridania." Her eyes narrowed to Luna. "And you... took somsing from me..." She tightened the chain around Luna.


    With his good eye, Hotel fired, two shots, crystallizing and immobilizing Aislin's lower half. He then took his other pistol and fired a powerful snipe shot through the Aero spell, shattering
    "You're hardly in the position to be making demands son..." Hotel instructed. "I got a strict blueprint here, so unless you've got a death wish, I got a schedule to keep. Now..." He pointed his gun more towards Kel. "I'ma need you to come with me." He turned to Alex. "X-ray... take care of the magic man and the blonde kid..."



    Zulu cackled. "Stil playing the ignorant I see... no matter. I care not for your teasing ways any more... I have ascended to a level of power beyond your comprehension..."
    "What? You got weaker?" Aux mocked.
    "Hmm hmm hmm.... ever the failed antagonist. You lost your road to darkness and ran back to the light. But not me... I have become darkness itself.. And my revenge on the world will finally-"
    He was cut off as a loud stabbing motion was made in his back. The swift assassin was to their surprise Ventus. His eyes were open, but there was no light in them. "My creation?" Zulu uttered.
    "My... dark... backstory...." Zulu uttered, trying to find his breath. Ventus removed his blade as Zulu staggered forward. Darkness began evaporating from his body, signalling that he would soon fade back into nothing. "But... I was supposed to be there.... I wanted to be in the final thirteen! Mistress... Why?!" He fell to his knees as the rest of his body returned to darkness.

    Vanitas opened a portal as he strolled through. "Sorry about him. Necessary pawn and all... To weak for the big boy league though... You wouldn't believe just how much work it is to put all your loved ones all over the ship. Both your mothers looked quite worried when I introduced them to their new prison cells."
    Aux was bothered by his attempt at tricking them.
    "Your lying is getting real old..."
    Vnitas scoffed. "I'm sure your right. But she really is quite a looker... Long blue hair, brown eyes, and a beauty mark on the left side of her chin-"
    Aux charged forward as the description was so exact in detail. Vanitas would have never known about his mother, and she was on this ship the whole time he was there...
    As he lifted his keyblade to slam down on Vanitas, Ventus quickly raced in front of him and blocked the blow with his blade.
    Aux looked in chock. Ventus was so much stronger than her looked. With his thumb injury, he was struggling to keep it together.
    He walked up next to Ventus. "And I wouldn't be trying to talk to my better half here... His fractured heart left him and went somewhere else. But don't worry," Vanitas smirked. "He's a vessel for an old friend of yours..." A dark black aura surrounded Ventus as a black and white armor formed around him similar to Vanitas'.
    "The remnant?" Aux ask in shock. The remnant punched Aux in the chest throwing him to the back of the wall. Aux grunted as he fell to the ground.
    "It wasn't too happy about being abandoned by you.. but don't worry. I'll show it the darkness that you never could." Vanitas turned to Karina. "I'm afraid I'll be your opponent for the time being. It's better if we let those two sort things out..."

    The remnant dispersed it's keyblade and cracked it's knuckles, walking menacingly towards Aux.

    Post by: Krowley, May 5, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley
    1K Bonus achieved!
    Congratulations players of Kingdom Hearts SOS! You have reached another 1,000 replies.
    All players have been awarded 2,000 Munny for their dedication!

    1,000 Posts - Anora - Nottingham - July 27 2012
    2,000 Posts - Steel - Castle of Dreams - February 25 2013
    3,000 Posts - Etrius - Kingdom of the Sun - September 14 2013
    4,000 Posts - Beuce - Camelot - April 17 2014
    5,000 Posts - Raisor - Central Haven - September 11 2014
    6,000 Posts - Base - Wasteland - January 7 2016
    7,000 Posts - Gwendolyn - San Fransokyo - February 25 2017
    8,000 Posts - Aux - Shibuya - February 28 2018
    9,000 Posts - Kaida - Ohana Island - June 21 2018
    10,000 Posts - Arctus - Monstro - January 21 2019

    11,000 Posts - Aislinn - Sanctuary - April 29 2020


    While the Summit continued and more world leaders were prepared to ask questions, something very off putting happened.

    Everyone's bracelets were deactivate and fell off their wrists.
    Several of the board members noticed and began to recognize the stirring of many audience members. "Remain calm everyone, I'm sure there's just a simple malfunctions. However as a precaution, everyone please return to your rooms as orderly as possible," the Captain ordered.
    Guards began evacuating people from the room, with more then half the audience already gone.

    Board members were were definitely puzzled and beginning to grow concerned.
    What happened next only confirmed their worry.

    The P.A. system blasted with the voice of Sho Minamimoto.
    "Greetings you brain-dead binomials.. This is your new captain; Sho Minamimoto speaking... And you've all just entered the new and improved game of yours truly..."

    All the screens aboard the ship began to flash with a new symbol.


    Several technical engineers began to try and regain control. All however, were subdued as the consols shocked anyone who tried to pinpoint his location.
    "Ah ah ah... Not so fast you zeta sons of digits! For most of you, consider this a small bit of turbulence on your otherwise pleasant voyage... but for a certain band of inferior key slinging hectopascals- The game has just begun.... but first... let's remove any extra pieces from the board..."

    Several dark purple portals appeared around the sip taking several people.

    Iso Zia and her baby have been taken.
    General Xares has been taken.
    Zeke has been taken.
    Nathan Siegend.
    Lucian Kiatespira and Iliana have been taken.



    Vanitas' cell door swung open as he tore off his collar and bracelet. The same happened for everyone else, but their shock collars were still on. They could summon the keyblade again at least.They were still however stuck behind their bars. He cracked his neck as he walked out.

    "About time Pi-face."

    As he looked around, a portal showed up under Meso, causing him to disappear.
    "Well, I held up my end of the bargain... they're all yours guys," he smirked, slowly stepping into a dark corridor.

    The doors opened from both ends of the prison hall.
    Kaizo walked through and looked at Kaida's cell. "We meet again little bird..."
    From the other door, Gilgamesh appeared, strolling nonchalantly. "And I am here also."





    As he heard Sho's announcement, Aux groaned. "Great... this guy again."
    He threw his keyblade at her door mechanism, smashing it, and causing her cell to disable. As he walked towards her, he put his hand under her hair and began to grip her collar. Large shocking bursts surrounded his hand as he made sure it wouldn't make contact with her neck. His thumb was still throbbing in pain as he managed to bend the hinge, and used his keyblade to tear the rest of it off.

    He took his stance in front of her and looked at the door.
    He grew a little more concerned as no one had entered the room yet.

    "Where are all the guards?..."

    "Oh I'm afraid they are quite preoccupied." A puff of smoke appeared as Zulu emerged from the settling dust. "Prepare to meet your doom..."

    Aux squinted at him. It was the overdramatic former SOS member. He still couldn't remember his name. "Lars?"




    Two portals appeared in the auditorium. Guards and board members were busy escorting everyone away from the threat. As more guard reinforcements were rushing to the seen, several bullets were fired from one of the portals. As bullets hailed through, guards were dropping like flies.

    Hotel stepped through one of them as Alex glided through on his electric key glider acting as a skateboard.
    Hotel inhaled his cigar as his hands summoned dual pistols from his keyblade transformation.
    A red 'X" appeared on Kel, AJ, Faust and Aislinn.
    "Think very carefully what you wanna do next, folks..."


    White chains shot through the other portal as Luna and Ananta were wrapped in chains. A woman with long black hair. She seemed very elegant and proper as she glided across the floor in her heels. "Rends le...Fause princesse..." she gritted, speaking french through her controlled rage.


    Before Beuce could jump in to help his friends, Victor stepped through the portal and cut him off.
    "Where do you think you're going?.... Hope you're ready for round two..."


    Sho's voice blared again. "Now that all our data is present... let the rave begin!"


    (yes, this is the fight music he chose)​
    Post by: Krowley, May 4, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley

    Whispers began to circle in the audience, but Orion didn't waver. "Your suspicion is not without cause young man. No Heart is a threat we hadn't accounted for and were thus unprepared to combat. But with swift nd tactical precision, we will be able to subdue, capture, and negate his abilities before he is able to use them. The same tactic that was used against said eleven keyblade masters. No bodies will be piled... no sacrifices made... simply a battle that will end before it begins. And as far as his allies are concerned, we will slowly dwindle and use the same tactic until each one of them has met justice."

    The audience seemed to be appeased and calm, lowering their chatter.
    Xares stood behind Orion. "I assure you, the team aboard Sanctuary are fine men and women who will keep peace and safety no matter the risk. You are all safe here."


    The small USB drive that was confiscated from Vanitas sat in a row of lockers. The locker it was place it began to spark from the inside. Flashes of bright neon light blue neon light emerged as Sho Minamimoto digitized from this locked box. He cracked his neck loudly and stretched his arms.

    The two guards in place of the room locked their guns on to him. "How'd you get in here?!" One of them asked.
    "Neutralize him!" the other commanded. Before either could take a shot though, Sho raised his arms. Distorted static electricity emerged from his fingerprints, shocking both guards and lifting them off the ground. They cried out in pain before falling to the ground motionless. "Pfft... basic." he scoffed, walking over their bodies.

    He looked around to the nearest terminal and walked over to the hub in front of the gate. He pressed a key that had a passcode screen presenting itself. "Password?" Sho chuckled. "Prepare to be iterated..."
    Static emerged from his fingers into the consol. The irises in his eyes turned black as green numbers begaan scrolling through his eyes. "Now... let's see your secrets..."

    As he said this, the profiles of all SOS members appeared on the screen along with several of their family members.

    Lucian Kiatespira.
    Nathan Siegend.
    Alexander Xares.
    Iso Zisa.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 29, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley

    "A very good question Mr. Alexander," Xares replied. He waved his hand to Orion who approached the inner circle of board members. "Orion Krowley, the last true and loyal member of the order is helping me build an assault on his base of operations..." Orion approached the bench as he cleared his throat.
    "While my other order members are currently missing or indiposed, I hope that they would value and appreciate the allies we have made here today. General Xares has been gracious enough to provide his support in finally being rid of this threat. Once he is dealt with. We hope to return all of you back to your worlds... And for those who have lost your worlds, the order will be more than happy to help you find a new one."

    A large applause was heard commending the two for their efforts.



    "Whatever, I'm over it..." Aux replied. He was still distraught about th whole thing, but with his hands now free, he would hopefully be able to do more than he thought possible.
    "Just gimme a sec..." Since the power was out and his collar and the dampening bracelets were removed, he tried to summon his keyblade. Large particles of light summoned the key in his hand. A bright light that the cameras couldn't ignore. A loud blinking red siren alarm went off in the jail cell. Aux, with keyblade in hand, groaned at the new obstacle.

    "Aww crap."
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 29, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley


    "Well SORRY for trying to the right thing!" he snapped at her. "I already passed on where you were, so I thought maybe. JUST MAYBE, I should make sure you were okay and not by yourself. But my entire roll in this group has just been 'the idiot' I guess. Since I've been in this group I've been bitten, slapped, punched, shocked and mocked to no end. So how about cutting me some slack for once, huh?! I'm tired of trying to the positive one. It sucks!"

    Aux continued fuming as he tried to calm down.
    "My collar didn't shock.." he whispered quietly. He put his hands around his collar and tugged at it to try and see if it would stop him with a shock. It did nothing.
    "I think your dad short circuited my collar when he shocked me... It hasn't recharged yet." He looked down at his hands and sighed. He knew the next part was gonna hurt.

    He stood up and turned away from any of the cameras.
    He looked down at his hand and began to put pressure on of his hands. He held in a very explosive grunt as there was a loud crack from his hand. He dislocated his thumb and slowly slid out of one of the handcuffs and his dampening bracelet before looking to Karina. "Ow..." he groaned through his teeth.



    As everyone took their seats, and old man with grey hair and a captain's uniform approached the pedestal to speak to everyone in the room. "My name is Captain Leonard Cranston. I am the pilot of this fine ship and have lended control of the cockpit to my crew so I could address you here today... Ladies and gentlemen... Thank you for your time and patience during the voyage of the Sanctuary." A small round of applause followed as he held his hand to slowly silence them and continue on. "Through the hard efforts of the men and women on this ship, we are able to bring together and cultivate the necessary resources to help save as many worlds as we can. This colony has only thrived this past your thanks to the people that make it possible... Next month marks the one year anniversary of our departure. But we wouldn't be able to make it this far without the leadership of the following individuals." He looked down at some cue cards. "Ms. Violet Green and her team have created a wonderful garden that allows us to harvest and Dr. Rachel Oliver's research has allowed us to increase production even further to keep everyone well fed and healthy."

    A small round of applause followed.
    "The ship has been able to run as smoothly as it was by the our head of council; Admiral Terry Hart, head of our economy and the one who has formed the board of leaders you see before you..." A woman with short black hair down to her neck stood up in her Naval uniform and bowed before sitting back down.Applause followed.
    "Resident Chief engineer Iso Zisa; who has kept the ship running below deck running in prime condition." Another applause followed as a blue haired woman stood up with a toodler in her arms, waving to everyone with her little girl's hand before sitting back down.
    "Dr. Noah Grewal, head of the computer science department whose crew has kept us up to date on all the latest technologies." A dark skinned man with glasses nervously stood up and waved before quickly sitting back down before his applause ened.
    "And General Alexander Xares... who has helped us create a defensive stance against any and all threats. His team even recently managed to imprison several of No Heart's accomplices." A resounding applause was heard as the General stood up and saluted before sitting back down.

    The Ship's captain cleared his throat before continuing. "This month's summit is here to report that we have rescued and salvaged the people of over 52 worlds this month. We opened up new positions and jobs for those in need of income. More information can be found on level two..." He looked down at his notes. "I open the floor now to the world leaders... and any new questions they may have."
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 28, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley

    The nurse examined Ventus' health reading and looked puzzled. "Everything seems to be in order... but it seems this young boy is still in a comatose state. His vitals are healthy, but it's almost as if he's not entirely there... like his consciousness has left his body.... Another strange anomaly is his heartbeat seems to stagnate every now and then. Nothing to an alarming degree... Just a shocking sensation that changes his heart rate." She turned to AJ and quickly realized he wasn't supposed to be here. "Oh, I'm sorry sir, but unless you are a family member, you can't be allowed in here..."



    Kel's father smiled only to quickly fade at the mention that his son was not involved with someone. "You still haven't denied it and as your father I have the right to pry until you do," he smirked. He looked at his watch and quickly shoveled down the rest of the cobbler. "Aww nuts, Summit's about to start. Take the plate to go, son." He quickly shoved the pie in a bag and gave it to his son. "C'mon Aiss, we're gonna be late for the summit.. You too Mr. Zeke." He grabbed the small boy and put him on his shoulders. He led Aislinn and his son to the elevator so they could go to the top floor for the summit to take place.



    The summit took place in a large auditorium, with a small group of higher ups of the Sanctuary in the center of the room. Around the stage was another circle of nearly a hundred seats.
    These were reserved for several world leaders that were permitted access by their bracelets.
    Close to a thousand seats were placed outside that circle for common folk and other spectators.

    Nathan Siegend took Aislinn, Zeke and his son to a small row in the back of the auditorium.




    It was a lot to take in, but Aux tried not to focus on the messed up marriage arrangement and try to get her spirits up a bit.
    "If there's anything I learned while travelling with you guys is that patience is one hell of a virtue. Take you for example. You're a different person now then you were back then. So am I... You keep talking like all the hard decisions have to be on you. But they're not. You have a whole group of people you can depend on." He leaned back against his cell wall and looked up as he noticed she was avoiding eye contact. "But I think so far you made all the right calls... You tried to do what was best for your friends until you or us got hurt... And you managed to communicate with one of our inmates that allowed me to come find you... I wouldn't have purposely gotten in here if you weren't worth rescuing y'know. Now we just have to rely on the others or wait for the power of convenience..." A he let out a sigh, he followed it immediately with a quickly. "Heh, still can't believe you stabbed your fiancee with scissors. Did he cry?"
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 26, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley

    "Well if they're gonna end up anywhere, it'll probably be back here. Place has more security than ten prisons...." He looked back to his soon and leaned back in his chair before being hugged by a small boy around his knee. "Hey it's Zeke! Howdy bud!" He tussled the little boy's hair as Kel was immediately embraced by Aislinn. "Hah! I knew you had a girlfriend! If that's your missing friend though, she's been here for a bit of a while."



    Aux sat with his elbows over his bent knees. "Just because he's stronger now doesn't mean he's won y'know..." He looked at his own hands realizing just how much fighting he's been doing. "When my grandfather was training me, every day was 110%. I was always taught that there as no room for failure... and that to be strong I needed to destroy all the darkness. And now years later I'm strong and what did it get me?... I miss my family and my home... I haven't seen them in almost 5 years now." He turned back to face Karina. "But even with all the power I got, I'm still losing. And after I lost that power, I'm still losing." He scooched a little closer to her cell to try and get his message across clearly. "But I haven't lost. And neither have you. You only lose when you give up... I threw you into darkness, but you didn't give up. You lost your keyblade, but you didn't give up. And now your dad is trying to destroy your spirit by throwing you in prison without your friends...."

    He tried to feign a smile. "You're too stubborn to give up after all that."
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 25, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley


    "What I do is no longer any concern of yours... It's almost as if you're a broken record sometimes," Xares sighed. "You become dreadfully predictable once you decide to rebel against something. It's as if you're trying to convince yourself that defeating me will somehow give you new purpose..." He looked over to the floor ridden Aux. "You there... what do you make of my daughter?"
    Aux was confused at the sudden question. Make of her how? As a friend? As a love interest? "I uhh... don't think I'm her type. But from what I can tell, she's got a lot of rage, she thinks I'm trash, she hate's you-"
    "Not that you imbecile..." Xares sighed. "She has this ridiculous notion that she is strong enough to overpower me. What do you say to that? You were once on the opposing side."
    "Yeah... but given the current circumstances-"
    "Is she on par? Yes or no. It's that simple." Xares interrupted. "Your collar will shock you if you're lying..."
    Aux sighed as he looked to Karina. He then turned to her father. "If my daughter were able to fight for herself, would she defeat me?" Xares repeated.
    "In a fair fight?" Aux asked. Xares nodded.

    Aux looked to Karina and back to her father again. Why did it matter what he thought? Her father was clearly a strict military type. And Karina was... Karina.
    "No... She wouldn't beat you." Aux solemnly replied.

    Xares turned to Karina. "You see? Even your enemies can tell clear as day."
    "She would actually destroy you," Aux added.
    Xares scowled as he shocked him again. He put away his device and turned to leave them.

    "I have a summit to attend to. Have fun amusing one another..."

    Xares left the two in their seperate cells. Aux was left breathing heavily, recovering from the last shock.



    "Truth be told, your mother and I were kind of dragged into this whole thing. It's only by chance that we found you really... But believe you me, your mom was worried sick. I would not wanna be you when she finds out where you've been," he chuckled. the elevator stopped at the food court level, as he guided his son through droves of people to find the vendor he was looking for. "Two cobblers please." He handed the vendor 500 munny and took his son to an available table. He sat with his legs spread out and stretched his arms. "Because of my battle experience, I was promoted to one of the captains for a few squadrons on the ship. You wouldn't have believed the face I made when I found out they black bagged you and your friends..." He took a few large bits of his cobbler before looking to his son. "What's wrong? Not hungry?"
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 25, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley
    LEVEL 6

    His father looked down at the door. "Ah. So I did..." He unlocked the door and opened the door. "Let's see yer fancy key sabre do that," he chuckled, guiding them out of the room and locking the door behind them. He walked his son towards the elevator and looked around their surroundings. "Y'know this year has been a crazy ride without you son. Turns out there's this whole order of people and governments outside our own world making the big calls...." He looked back to his son and didn't want to bother him further with the politics. "But let's forget that noise for a minute. What about you kiddo? Got a brigade on your back? What worlds have you explored? got a girlfriend yet?" he nudged playfully.




    "No... Just more trash to roll around in," Xares replied dragging in Aux by his collar. He was in the same cuffs as Karina.
    Aux looked up to find Karina in a torn dress. Quill was at least right on his intell. "Hi Karina..."Aux awkwardly waved with his cuffed hand. "Nice dress."
    Her father shoved him into the adjacent cell with angered force. As he hit the wall, Aux turned to Karina. "Your dad's a treat by the way."

    Xares activated his shock collar on the hgihest setting, causing him to fall to his knees. "Do all the trash you associate with talk back this much?" he asked his daughter.
    "You have your daughter's temperament, sir..." Aux was shocked again with a straight faced and unimpressed Xares. "Before I leave I'm curious about this Remnant was discussing.... Some sort of greater power? If you got rid of it, I want to know where it is... "
    Aux looked up. "You want an all consuming force of darkness to make you stronger?" he asked.
    "Power is power, son... doesn't matter where it comes from. With some testing, I can eventually weaponize it. Co-operate and who knows... maybe your life sentence turns into 40 years with probation."

    Aux stared blankly before he burst out laughing.
    Xares scowled at him. "You think you're in any position to mock my offer?"
    Aux tried to wipe away tears of laughter from his eyes with his shoulder. "Heh, it's not that... it's you... I almost turned into you. Getting stronger by any means necessary. That was me in a nutshell a year ago... If I didn't have a change of heart, I would've ended up like you."
    "A powerful, authoritative tactician?"
    "A weak, scared old man that doesn't want to lose the power he's been hoarding."
    Xares glared at him. "I've achieved greatness you could never dream of."
    "Lucky me," Aux smirked.
    "To think this pathetic boy gave you so much trouble for so long," he said as he addressed his daughter.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley


    Aux was dragged in front of Judge Campball who stared at him with disdain and disgust.
    He looked around wondering if this was how the trial was supposed to work. "What?" he asked.
    "For similar charges as your blonde friend earlier, you have on top of that; assault, kidnapping, and a mess of other charges. Just who the hell do you think you are?"
    Unsure if it was rhetorical or not, Aux quietly replied. "Faust the travelling magi-" He was shocked by Karen before he could finish.

    "You giant turd, you don't get to sass me in my own courtroom. I swear the nerve of the inmates today... It's like you want me to give you the max penalty!"
    Annoying as this woman was being, max security was where Karina was being held. At last according to that Quill character. He wasn't given a lot of options to exactly doubt his words, so he decided to just try to get sent out as quick as he could.
    "Your defendant will be-"
    "I'm good," Aux interrupted. "I'll defend myself."
    "Excuse me? Did you just interrupt me in MY courtroom?"
    "Yes. But... is there maybe someone else who could take my case."
    "I'm srry, do you have a PROBLEM with the way I run things?"
    "No, I just have a problem with you. I don't think you're going to do a good job with this case."
    "Such an arrogant man... You think you have the right to dismiss me because I'm a woman."
    "No, I'm dismissing you because you're old and won't get the facts straight."
    A large vein began pulsing on Karen's forehead.
    "I've already made up my mind.." Her fingernails began scratching her desk on top of marks she had already left there from previous cases.
    "Give me one... good reason... why I shouldn't send you to max." She looked like she was going to burst.

    Aux took a long sigh. "Because I'm trying to be better. I did alot of things I'm not proud of. Things I thought would help me become stronger and give me more of an identity. But none of those actions helped me. It's only when I started traveling with this group of peple that I started to improve. I mean... I still mess up at being a good person but... I'm somewhat accepted. For the longest time I was against them and now it's just in the past... It no longer defines me. What I do now means more than who I was." Aux had a strange epiphany as he was saying everything out loud. He was silent for a few seconds.

    "Is that all? No even an apology or reasonable defense for your actions?"
    Aux still remained silent as he thought more.
    He snapped out of it and realised he was supposed to try and get himself sent up the river. "Sorry... I was just thinking how that haircut makes you look fat."
    All of Karen's nails scratched against her desk in a loud screech.


    "-AND HE WILL ROT THERE UNTIL HE DIES!" She banged her gavel as Xares ascorted him out.

    LEVEL 6

    His father nodded as he went on. "Well... even though part of my is steaming with unyielding rage.... I can't exactly be mad at a boy trying to follow in his old man's footprints." He chuckled a bit. "Well now that you're here, I'm not letting you out of my sight." He quickly shut the door behind him and locked it as he took his son by the shoulder and patted him on the back. "Sure we got a lot to talk about, but first- Let's get some grub. I'm starving... Y'know there' a place here that has a pretty mean cobbler I've been meaning to try on the food deck.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 23, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    LEVEL 6

    Kel's father stood there for a few seconds, still unsure if it was actually his son. Without even thinking, he quickly grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug.
    He gripped his hands into a fist around his son. There were no words, only a deep sigh of relief that his son was finally returned back to him. The feeling of relief, didn't last however,
    He let go of his son and grabbed him by the shoulder. He took his hand and smacked his son upside the head "Where the hell have you been!"
    His emotions kept switching between joy and rage.
    "You got so much taller..." He switched back to anger. "Why didn't you say anything!" He smacked him upside the head again as his hand trembled , unsure of what to feel next.
    "Start talking!"
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 23, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley


    As Kaida was brought in, Aux still saw the darkness beginning to stir inside her. He had never seen darkness stir in her like it was now. Something Vanitas did or maybe something in the trial. Either way, the second his cell was let down he quickly ruhed forward and threw his arms around Kaida. He used the opportunity to quickly sneak the tin plate from Quill into her pocket. "This anger doesn't define you," he quickly said before getting a harsh shock. Two guards pulled him away from Kaida and pushed her into her cell alon with Vanitas into his. Aux was then slowly dragged away.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 23, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley

    Karen leaned over her desk and glared at Kaida.

    "Excuse me?"
    The courtroom fell silent.

    "You do not come in here- YOU DO NOT COME IN HERE AND TELL ME THAT MY SYSTEM IS FLAWED. It's little punks like you that are ruining this system. If I want you in bars, it's because you deserve to be in bars. I am not being prejudice and you are disrespectful for even thinking so. The system is only against you, because it's so obvious you're guilty. I would love to talk with the rest of your order members but unfortunately they aren't here right now. It's just you and him," she motioned to Orion. "He is the adult, you are the child. Do you understand that? Look at me when I'm talking to you. You don't get to talk to me like that and question my bias like that. I have been doing this for longer than you've been alive. Since you've come to this court room, you've been disrespectful, disinterested, and to be frank, just rude. You don't get to claim Kangaroo court because things aren't going the way you want. That is childish and you are being a child. If I wanted to deal with a child, I would be running the ship's daycare centre. But no, I'm a judge. I deal in the law and sentencing of punishment on this ship. If you think you can do a better job, then by all means, study law, work hard for once in your teenage life, and be appointed or elected as a member of the judicial system. But that won't happen when you go around yelling kangaroo court whenever you think the court is being unfair to you. That, missy, is what is known as a bias. It's taking your own subjective opinion and implementing it into a session that is meant to discover the truth through fair and legal process. But I suppose you don't know much about the law, do you Ms. Kaida? You have no last name, you have no courtroom etiquette, and you have NO RIGHT to claim my system is unfair. I mean WHERE THE HELL do you get off telling me what I'm doing an what I'm thinking. I thought by appointing you a defender and providing you legal council was a generous act on my part, but you still have the GAWL to call me out on how I treat this system. You know I can't even say I'm surprised with the way you carry yourself aroudn since you stepped foot in this courtroom. If you don't care about the court hearing, why the hell should I right? I could sentence you to death or send you off floating in space because who cares, right? It's all stupid DUDE. This thing was rigged, MAN! You don't get to just eject yourself from your own judgement just because you don't feel it's worth your time. It's worth Mr. Krowley's time, It's worth Mr. Xares time, and it's just barely enough to be considered MY time. If you weren't a minor, I would send you to the most ruthless, maximum punishment I could. But seeing as how you are just barely saved by the fact you are under eighteen, I'm forced to give you leeway in providing a more lenient sentencing. You say master Shiro is still alive in well, then FINE. I sentence you to stay in that cell block G and stay there until Shiro crawls out from his grave as a reanimated corpse, gains the ability to fly off to the realm between and somehow make it to the sanctuary during that time."

    She banged her gavel to finalize her sentence. "Get this girl out of my sight."
    The guards took Kaida and began leading her back to her cell.



    Aux read the notes that Quill had been passing to him. He thought that Quill was just throwing trash his way butafter reading the notes, things were starting to make a bit more sense. He opened his mouth to reply, but guard started to trail in one after another. He quickly hid away the plate. and watched as they brought in Kaida. from her trial.

    "How'd it go?" he asked. As the guards brought her in.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 23, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Krowley

    "Kaida made him mad," Vanitas replied.
    Xares turned to Karen. "That's enough ms. Campbell. Vanitas can't be trusted Kaida has been answering everything fairly and-"
    "EXCUSE ME!" Karen yelled. "Is this your judge plaque?" She lifted her plaque that had her name on it. "Is this your gavel? Is this your courtroom? No, it's mine. My court. My rules. My say. You don't talk unless you're addressed to. If you didn't have the leeway that you do on this ship, I would not be taking any of your crap. I ask the questions and she answers. You provide HER council. Not mine. If you even think about trying that again, I won't hesitate to remove you Mr. Xares."

    Orion raised his hand. "If a more trustworthy witness is requested, I have one on standby."
    "Proceed," Karen waved her arms.
    Orion turned around and waved his hand to one of the guards. The guards brought in a young black haired boy that was roughly Kaida's age.
    "Name?" She asked.
    "Kaizo YĆ«rei" he replied. It was the young man that Kaida ran into in Neverland.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 22, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley

    Aux watched in confusion continued tapping in a weird pattern. He had to get out of here before he ended up like that guy...
    "You uh.... y'aright there?" Aux asked in concern.



    "And where is master Shiro now? Or any other order member for that matter?" Orion asked. "Lea, Yue, Shiro, Mizu and DJ are nowhere to be found. How convenient for you..."
    The guard brought in Vanitas who stood next to the judge. "Another kid? Seriously... THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH THIS GENERATION!" She angrily sighed. "Anyone under eighteen with a keyblade thinks they can just run around and do whatever you want! I pity your parents!" She took a breath and started again. "Now... Vanitas. Please explain every action you took during the fall in Central Haven."

    Vanitas shrugged. "Sure. I got nothing to hide..." He turned to Kaida. "I saw lemon head over there with DJ take down the shields allowing us to invade with heartless. Then Aux tried to fight Orion. He lost of course... Nequa took Yue and Lea into the realm of darkness, and Kaida and DJ took out master Shiro. Mizu was kidnapped prior to the invasion... That should all the order folks I think..."

    Judge Campbell turned to Kaida. "This doesn't look good for you kid. As a sign of good faith, even though you barely deserve it, I will ask you three final questions. If you're lying, your collar will shock you."
    She pressed a small button on her consol an waited a few seconds.
    "Question one; during the fall of central haven, did you abandon your post and leave your allies behind?
    Question two; After you left Central Haven, did you at any point try to contact your former members of the order.
    Question three; Have you been in contact with the masked menace known as NO HEART any time during the fall of Haven and now?"
    The tapped her long fingernails along her table waiting for her answer.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 22, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley

    "Bring in this Vanitas she's gping on about," Karen instructed one of the guards. The guard nodded and left to fetch him.
    "It's true, that's not a crime..." Orion interrupted.
    "But as the leader of our council, you should have tried to contact me first. Even if it was DJ who helped to disable everything. The friends you claimed to help stayed behind to fight- one of them losing his own arm, and you? You left everyone behind."
    Xares raised his hand. "But how was Kaida meant to find one of her fellow order members during the chaos?"
    Orion sighed. "The witness claimed he saw she and DJ striked down Shiro. He claims the both of you struck down our most loyal member... I wish it weren't true but there's very little saving your claim right now Kaida."
    "Why on earth, would she betray the order?" Xares asked.
    "I thought about that myself. Perhaps she was upset from the limitations we gave her. The seclusion she was left in may have caused her to find other allies." He turned to the judge. "Your owner, the former leader of our order selected Ms. Kaida... quite randomly. To that point we had little faith in her." He turned back to Kaida. "And after this incident, I can see why."
    "Ms. Kaida, are you denying that you were in fact a well informed and respected member of the order?" Karen asked.



    "He's lying..." Aux sneered in reply to Quill. "I don't know Karina that well, but she never runs. She just fights until the thing in front of her stops moving... Why is he lying though..."
    a guard marched in and took Vaitas from his cell, lowering the bars.
    "Hey, wha are you-" Aux was shocked again before he could finish his question.
    "Prisoner is called on as witness."
    Vanitas waved smugly to Aux as he was dragged out of the prison block.
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 22, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley

    "Of course she doesn't plea guilty, and you wanna know why? Because she doesn't care that she's wasting the time and energy of everyone on this ship who's still working everyday! You can plea not guilty even though you clearly are, and all your doing is delaying the inevitable. Testimonials and evidence are stacked against you, but hey! If you want to be a disrespectful little hood than by all means... Prosocutor," she looked to Orion. "Please commence with this so we can call it a day and move on to the next case."

    Orion stood towards the bench and looked out. "As head of the order, I tried to do my best to ensure my students were kept safe and well trained. Nearly one year ago, Central Haven was attacked... And fell to a large swarm of heartless as well as the malicious terrorist; No Heart. As much as my allies and I tried to keep the world safe, we were thwarted by No Heart's accomplices. One of which, is still in the prison cell aboard this ship." He turned to Kaida. "Before I was left incapacitated by the one called Aux, I tried to have as many students as I could evacuate before the worlds went into lockdown.."

    "You brave man," Karen sighed. "It's men like you that make that are actually helping today's worlds instead of destroying them! No please... tell us how Kaida factors in."
    Orion looked to Kaida. "While I was not present, one of my students informed me she saw both DJ and Kaida disabling the school's defenses before the two of them fled.

    Karen narrowed her eyes back to Kaida. "You still wanna play innocent sweetie?"
    Post by: Krowley, Apr 21, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena