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  1. Krowley
    Orion looked at Beuce and Ventus, as he looked down at his pocket watch, "Fast than I thought. You have the speed for sure, let's see if that holds up in a more combat oriented environment." He watched the minute hand move, looking up at the two. "You have 100 seconds to cause your opponent to yield in a keyblade spar." He was very abrupt about it without any warning. He looked back and forth between the two. "94 seconds...." he iterated.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 11, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley

    AJ stood in front of real AJ. "Remember that this place is only are real as you want it to be."
    The doppleganger straight straight into his eyes and he blocked his path.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 11, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley

    A second AJ appeared next to AJ. "Wait Quill," he repeated.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 10, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley
    Orion peered his eyes at the young boy before turning to Beuce."Let's begin with a simple training exercise..." Ventus is to be given a 10 second head start and you are to tag him. Ventus is to try to evade you for as long as we can. This also allows me to see how you stand on a physical level... Goes without saying but you can't use the keyblade either." He looked to Ventus. "Go on then," he instructed.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 9, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley

    "Where is Eliza?" Orion demanded.
    "I'll do you one better. Who is Eliza?!" Aux replied.
    "WHY IS ELIZA?!" SOK yelled out.
    Orion lowered his blade aura. "I was supposed to protect her... and I let her escape... you may know her as NEQUA."
    "Nequa?! What do you know about her?"
    Ven's mood soured at the sound of that name. He stayed quiet as he let Beuce lead the conversation

    "Shes... she's not well," Orion lamented.
    "I could've told you that.." Aux scoffed.
    "Its not her fault!" Orion barked. She fell into the void and succumbed to its madness... i stayed with her to ensure she couldn't hurt anyone."
    Aux calmed down a bit as he rose to his feet. "Why would you do that?"
    "Because I'm a King... my people needed to be kept safe... but more importantly she is my queen. And I love her..."
    "I...I'm sorry to hear that. Neq- Eliza has been an enemy of ours for a long time. She's done a lot of bad things to a lot of people. Whether it's her fault or not, she needs to be stopped."

    "While I agree with Beuce here, I do wish to resolve this in a way where no other lives are required to be taken." Luna looked towards Beuce and then back at Orion. "I also have a kingdom that needs to be protected. That much I can relate to." She placed a hand to her chest as she closed her eyes.
    "Hey, don't get me wrong" Beuce held up the mural of his people that was his arm. "I'm as sympathetic as anyone. If we can find a way to save her, all the better. I'm just saying that things can't be allowed to proceed as they are"

    Ven looked to all the parties that were talking. He had some really distasteful thoughts about Nequa, but now he was feeling almost remorseful about them. "I... was one of the people hurt." He spoke up, looking at Orion. "My friends, they're also caught up in this mess. I don't know where they are. We were taken from our home by her, and others too... We just want to go home and have this stopped once and for all."

    Beuce looked at Ven as he spoke to Orion. "Well, what do you say? Are you willing to help put a stop to this madness?"

    Orion dispersed his keyblades. "Im sorry for your troubles young man... i was supposed to be able to keep her isolated... but rifts in the void weakened the barrier and she immobilized me before using me as a vessel to escape. Now I just want to reclaim her heart and bring her back with me to the void." He sighed heavily. I just dont knoe how the barrier broke. "As if the string of time were being cut..."
    SOK made a sympathetic groan. "Oooh hamm.... this was cuz of the time belts wasn't it?"

    "Yeah, it's possible. We could go ask DJ for more details."
    "Heh, I'm not really sure what all of it means, but I guess I'll catch up as we go along," Ven said with a nervous chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. Beuce put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I'll sit you down and do a proper catch up before we start training"

    "Way back in season 2-"
    "NOT FROM YOU!" Aux interrupted.
    "Okie Dobie, I can ask DJ for information and orion can train you!" SOK immediately ported out.
    "Train you?" Orion asked confused. "Train you in what?"
    "We need to unlock our level 3 auras. Mine is Blade, and theirs are light and darkness. In addition..." Beuce patted Ven on the back. "We need to get him up to speed."
    "Im afraid there been a miscommunication. Im not exactly a teacher... and the path you three are headed on only leads to a life of loneliness.." Beuce sighed. "The rest of the keyblade masters either can't or won't teach us. If we don't get stronger, all the worlds and everyone on them are going to die." Beuce looked Orion dead in the eyes. "I know i'm willing to take on the burden."

    Aux put a hand on Beuces shoulder. "Me too..."Luna went silent for a moment. She took a few steps toward Orion. "For the future of my people and for the people I love, I will do whatever takes. Even if I have to spend the rest of my life in solitude...So long as they are safe, I will be alright, no matter the cost."

    "You still misunderstand me... your sacrifice is more than just metaphysical. Its literal... to master darkness, you would have to sever all your bonds. Giving up your humanity until you are no more human than a heartless... to master light you would have to do the same. Achieving a higher power than abandons the needs and bonds of mortals. And blade?... blade is the worst of all. You would have to take lives of of hundreds... thousands... so your blade would feel the beat a thousand hearts... You'd all still be willing to go that far?"

    Beuce grew silent for a moment. "I carry with me the lives and deaths of a hundred thousand. I can bear my burden a little farther. I'll do what I have to." Luna fell silent once Orion explained the cost of mastering her aura. To abandon the need of her people? Abandon the connections she's made? She grew hesitant but if it meant she could save a life, then she knew what she had to do. "If I could save at least one life doing this, then it's worth the risk. I want to bring my people and my loved ones a brighter tomorrow, even at the risk of losing myself."

    Ven stood there quietly, listening to everyone around him talk about their sacrifices for this training. He wondered if it came down to it, he too could so willingly walk the same road someday. Aux took a moment. "I just got my family back... im not gonna lose them again... i don't care how sure you think that path is. Im gonna find another one.." Aux turned around and walked off
    "The amount of pure darkness needed would have been too great. And the amount of light you need is still vast. To cast final judgment on the wicked. Taking their lives. That is the final lity of light..." orion instructed. How many lives are you two willing to take?" He repeated

    "As many as I have to. Better the blood be on my hands than flood the stars."
    Luna shook her head slowly. The thought of taking any life for the sake of gaining more power, Luna didn't want that. That thought was the furthest from ever crossing her mind. She wanted to save lives, not take any more to do as such. She clasped her hands together and placed them in front of her chest. "No." She shook her head again. "I can't. I can't take any more lives for the sake of gaining more power just protect one life. I won't do that. That goes against everything I stand for." She paused. "I want to gain power without taking lives in the process. I'm a princess. My job is to protect my people, not use their very lives to draw more power to protect the very people I'm fighting for."

    Orion looked to Beuce. "You were a king, yes? Where are your people now?"
    Beuce's gaze dropped. "They're dead. But i carry their shattered hearts within mine. One day, once I reclaim our homeworld, they may be reincarnated."
    Orion grabbed Beuces arm and examined it. "Youre a king with no country... why should I teach you?"
    "There are others I need to lead. I won't sit back while they risk their lives." Orion matches eyes to Beuce. "I teach you.. you give your me your word Eliza will not be killed..."
    "Agreed. I'll find a way to get her back to you. When she dies, it won't be by my hand."
    "Not good enough.. her heart comes back to me intact... or your people won't be the only ones lost from this world..."
    Beuce let out a deep breath. "Fine then. You'll have her heart." Beuce offered his hand outward as Orion shook it. His eyes narrowed to the young Ven. "And what does he wish to learn?"
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 8, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley

    "Yeah it's on the north side of the academy, but... or we honestly going to follow a random note by-" Aux paused for a moment, recalling that this group does not operate off suspicious tendencies. "Right... I'll just lead the way." Aux lead the group towards the bell tower. Everyone took the elevator to get onto the roof where the height was tremendous compared to where they once began.

    "You seek answers..." a deep voice spoke out

    Beuce immediately called lofty grasp to his hand and looked around. "Well, you did throw a note at my face telling me to come here, so yeah i'm a bit confused"

    A rift opened up in front of them as a tall hooded figure walked out. "You are lost... but I can give you a-"
    The tail from under his robe tripped his boot as the man fell down. To the surprise of the group a beast looking child fell onto the floor with stilts and his robe falling after him. "Uhh pay no attention to the boy on the floor..." The boy spoke in a high pitched child's voice, but tried to make his voice seem deeper
    "Friend of yours?" Aux asked Beuce

    "I've never....Wait a second..." Beuce inspected him closer. "You're...That one kid who forfeited to Stratos in the tournament."
    Ventus raised an eyebrow as he watched the whole scene unfold, not sure what to make of this. "What's... going on exactly...?"
    "I'd like to know that as well. Who are you?"

    "You remember me!" Sok cheered, hopping onto his feet. "I should properly introduce myself. My name is Sok!" he waved.
    Ventus scratched the side of his head and shrugged. "Sorry, you don't seem familiar to me. I'm Ventus. But you can call me Ven."

    "Oh I know all of you! Beuce! Luna! Aux! and Ven makes a triumphant return! The plot is thickening!"
    Aux scratched the back of his head and went to shake the kids hand. "Nice to meet-" A giant anvil fell from the sky, nearly hitting Aux's hand. His hand immediately retreated as he instantly looked up. The skies were clear. "What the...." Aux said in angered confusion.
    "WHOA!" Ven stumbled back and looked around wildly. "Where did that come from?!"
    "What do you call us here for?"

    "Well, I just don't want you guys falling behind the others. At first I thought; Blade would totally be a water aura because he goes with the flow. but then you were all like 'I'm going blade, and then I remembered that Orion was super good with a blade as well as light and darkness!"
    Another anvil fell from the sky next to Beuce.
    "Where do those keep coming from?!" Aux spoke out angrily, looking to the skies.

    Ventus lifted up a leg and tucked his arms close to his body, scooting away from the anvil that had fallen, looking around worriedly. He was concerned about the falling debris himself. The names went over his head. "So, uh... you want to train us...?"

    Without breaking eye contact with Sok, Beuce swatted an anvil out of its path to Ventus' head. "Orion? Isn't he a trait- No, he's possessing someone else now. If that's the case...You know where he is?"
    Ventus was about to scream out when he noticed a shadow over him, only to be saved at the last second. He wiped his eyebrow, his heart thudding in his chest.
    "I keep telling you that KURT is the one possessing people. Orion was the person possessed..." Aux explained. "And what about him, how does he know so much about us?" he asked SOK.

    "Sorry, You'll have to forgive some confusion in this whole body hopping scenario. That aside, I have no idea. This is the first I've ever spoken to him. Before this, I've only ever seen him in passing once. I have no idea what his deal is."

    "How long have you been following them?" Aux asked suspiciously
    Sok cleared his throat and started to sing.

    "Way back in season one, Is where we had begun, On the journey known as S-O-S!
    Aqua, Terra and Ven,, they were kidnapped and then, Their fatihful master sent an S-O-S!"

    "Why is he singing?" Aux asked disturbed.

    At this point, Beuce remained silent with his eyebrow raised.
    "Why is he singing and why are anvils falling from the sky?" Aux asked again.
    "Oh... the singing is because everything sounds better through song. The anvils are from my condition..."
    "Your condition is to make anvils fall from the sky?"

    "No... my condition creates anomalies of spacetime to be bent to random if not threatening circumstances. A rock fell from the sky as SOK sat down on it, "You see friends... I have some kinda special chorono energy thing that allows me to create rifts in space. Kinda makes me a Jinx, but It's also how Im able to hop along and follow you guys around. Im the one that made sure the ocean didn't up and eat ya!"
    "Before you ask Aux, I understood about as much of that as you did."
    A pie fell from the sky and onto Beuce's shoulder. It was clear being around him long might be dangerous.
    Normally I'm supposed to be kept in my special room where I wont hurt people... But I just had to see you guys! I wanted to help everyone.. I want to see the good guys beat the bad guys."
    Aux kept a watchful eye above just in case. "You said Orion would help... After Kurt transferred to Terra, what happened to Orion?"
    "He tried to destroy him with the keyblade, but couldn't,,,, so he locked him in the infinity chamber...."
    "The what?" Aux asked
    "Its a room with no door. I thought maybe you guys could break him out."

    "Wait, you said he transferred to Terra? Someone is controlling Terra?" Ven was alert with the conversation now as he looked to Aux.
    "Wait, is THAT who that was?" Beuce said, remembering the man Shiro had knocked unconscious
    "That one i'm not responsible for!" Aux quickly defended.

    Luna kept silent as she tried to make sense of everything that was being told. "Almost as if Kurt wanted to push the blame onto someone else..." She placed a hand on her chin as she was piecing each piece together.
    "Well, either way, someone recently un-possessed would probably have a pretty good idea of how that can be done. Where is this infinity room and how do we get in? You said it didn't have any doors for us to unlock, didn't you?"

    "Yeah its impossible to get into..." someone could probably only get him out by poetal like this." Sok opened a rift with his chainsaw blade and yanked orion onto the floor in front of them
    "Hey I did it!"
    A duck fell on top of orion's limp body.

    Beuce at this point, was utterly baffled Ven was perplexed with what was going on, especially since no one was explaining what was going on with Terra. Was he in danger? What was happening exactly? But he guessed he had to sit back and see what was going on with this... Kurt guy. Beuce sighed at the weirdness of the situation and cast curaga on Orion, hoping it would wake him up. "Hey, Leader of the order, now isn't nap time."

    "ELIZA!" ORION shot up with adrenaline and ran off. Aux quickly tackled his legs and knocked him back onto the ground
    "Eliza?" Ventus looked to Beuce and then back to what was going on. He went over to Orion and crouched by his side. "Whoa, whoa, take it easy. Everything is okay."
    Beuce shrugged at Ventus. "Maybe it's his wife?"

    "Help would be nice!" Aux yelled at them. Orion summoned to keyblade and went into his blade aura
    He flipped his keyblades onto a backhand and spun around like a twisted knocking Aux off him.
    "Hey, Hey! There's no need for that! Why don't you tell us where you think you are."
    "We don't want to fight you!" Ven called out to Orion, holding up his hands. "My name is- Let's just skip that, I tell everyone to call me Ven! You're safe!"
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 8, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley
    Yen Sid led the group to a pool of glowing water. Beside the poolside were a row of nearly a dozen open sleeping pods.
    "As I understand... these sleeping chambers will help to monitor your health while in deep meditation. Should anything life threatening occur in your dream state.... I shall wake you up." Yen Sid waved his hand over the glowing pool, causing the pool to glow more blue for a split second. "These mystic waters should help transport you to the realm of sleep. While in this realm, you shall be met with your own faults and fears... But the task is simple. Each of you must touch a a crystal of light. Andrew must find his hidden in the clouds. Quill must find his in the depths of the caverns. And Kaida must find hers at the bottom of the ocean. This is a test of land sea and sky..... No one is allowed to use their keyblade.... Good luck to all of you."

    The three wielders each picked a bed and lay on it. It was odd to see them quickly drifting off with no assistance whatsoever.


    The three woke up on the shore of a large, unknown island. To their front, the ocean, and behind them, a thick and dark jungle.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 7, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    "Eraqus!" Yen Sid said, putting his hand on his friends shoulder. "I know you are still weary of the darkness that comes from peoples hearts... but we should not scold those who have yet to conquer theirs..."
    Eraqus sighed looking to his wizard friend. "Perhaps.. you should take over today's session"
    Yen sid nodded. "Agreed...."
    He led the way and took Quill, Kaida and AJ with him. "Please forgive him... darkness has caused him much pain in his lifetime," Yen sid told Quill. Eraqus left ashamed in himself and headed towards the library.

    In the meantime, Shiro had taken Karina, Kel and Faust to a simulated obstacle course. Many giant walls to climbs, along with feats of balance and endurance awaited them as shiro lifted a panel on the wall. "Its one thing to keep your head when keeping physical prowess... but it's another when your environment works against you." He pressed a button as the room got colder. Snow and hail began to rain down as the wind picked up. "Comolete this course five times... no keyblades allowed!" Shiro yelled out.


    Aux was very surprised with how lenient Ventus was towards the whole thing. He felt even more stupid that he revealed his hand in the matter when the kid didn't even know he was involved. It was still a nice weight to have off his broad shoulders at least. "I promise..." he nodded to Ven, before shaking his hand.

    He turned to Beuce and Luna before shrugging. "So... now what?"
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 6, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley

    "Yeah... Good to see you again..." Aux replied to Ven. There was a brief pause before Aux realized what he said. "I mean... it's good to see you're safe and all because last I saw you were unconscious." There was another beat of awkwardness as he tried again to salvage the explanation."I MEAN- I DID TAKE YOU AND YOU'RE FRIENDS FROM YOUR HOME, BUT YOU'RE ALL STILL ALIVE SO THAT'S GOOD AND I'M GOOD TOO NOW SO IT'S GOOD!" He went in strong but whimpered out as he spewed out his apology. He cleared his throat as his tone returned to normal. "What I mean is... sorry for all of... that..."
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 6, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley
    "It is a joy to find you in good health as well Luna..." Yen sid smiled.
    "Seeing as how Ventus has yet to take the mark of mastery... it could be that his lack of elemental training has left him under leveled..." Eraqus assumed out loud.

    "Afraid so," shiro responded in reply to Luna.
    Shiro tossed anorb towards Kaida, who took longer to envelop. It kept mixing between yellow and green before it melded in a soft teal.
    "TIME..." Shiro announced. "Well that does make things tricky... Princess Luna will have to sit out but Master Kaida will be left solo for Yen Sid's class."
    "I see no harm in her taking part in Eraqus course," Yen Sid replied. "While Time is a plague of the mind, it does require a sense of inner peace to master..."

    "RIGHT!" Shiro boasted. "Masters Karina, Kelford and Faustalot shall join me in the obstacle course. Masters Andrew, Quillton, and Kaida will join Eraqus in the Meditation chamber."
    The rest of you may explore the compound to your best wishes. We will do our best to come up with a more suitable regiment for you.

    As Beuce gathered Ven and Aux by the arms and pulled them together. Aux eyes were drawn towards the hand as Beuce was being very chummy dynamic with him. He didnt know how he felt about that yet. He looked at the bright eyed Ventus, still unsure how to properly apologize. "Uh hi," Aux awkwardly waved. There was a brief pause while Aux looked down at the ground unsure of what to say.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 6, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    "Blade?" Shiro asked confused. "I don't believe there's a function for that... There's currently only ten primal affinities known among the elements.

    FIRE, ICE and THUNDER are physical affinities. Harnessing the strength of the body to pull through.

    TIME and SPACE are mental affinities. Requiring you think more outside the box to properly utilize them.
    EARTH, WATER and WIND are spiritual affinities. Mastering your sense of self and soul to unleash nature's elements.
    LIGHT and DARKNESS are also spiritual, but hold certain... difficulties to master. BLADE is not exactly in that matchup... You may need to skip today's session. Sorry Master Beuce," he apologized.


    He looked to the rest of the masters just standing around and looking on. "Well don't just stand there, pick up a ball!" he barked, tossing a bunch in the air. one fell to Karina, whose orb turned red. Another to Kel, whose orb turned a bright blue. And finally one fell to Aux, who caught it before it his his face. The orb didn't seem to change color. He took off his glove and held it in his hand again to see the color that would appear. The orb began to turn a dark shade of purple.

    Shiro looked on. "Master Karina will be FIRE, and Mast Kelford is ICE. WONDERFUL! Master Aux will be..." his eyes narrowed to Aux's orb, as his enthusiasm lessened.
    "Will be...not participating also."
    "It's darkness isn't it?"
    "WHAAAAT? Hehe... what makes you think it would be darkness?"
    A loud ominous hissing sound emerged from the orb. Aux threw the orb back in the pile. "Guess I'll take an off day..." Aux wasn't particularly excited for aura training, but knowing darkness was still his strongest force made him question himself.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 1, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley
    "NOPE! Just to power you up to your max potential." Shiro exclaimed. "And seeing as how the primal orb you are holding is still green and that puts you in Eraus' class!" He walked over to AJ and picked him up by the collar. He walked over to Eraqus and dropped the boy down in front of the master. "Which is great for me, because I don't like answering questions."

    With Faust arriving late, Shiro quickly picked up an orb and threw it at the young man after being asked what Faust missed. "Think fast!" The orb in Faust's hand turned a bright yellow. "I see you're a Thunder Primary... Good... Thunder is my department." Shiro cracked his knuckles.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 1, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    "While this orb helps IDENTIFY your aura, it by no means empowers or awakens your final aura. As far as we know most everyone has only one primary aura that can reach a third level." He turned his attention to Kel after answering AJ and Ven. "The three classes are meant to help unleash your full potential. Only one class per element. A raw and powerful element of fire is meant to be trained in the physical class, but the swift and transparent tempest of wind would be spiritual. It took me... quite sometime to master that class..." he shook his head at the shudder of the memories. "Regardless, we should be able to train you for roughly a week before we know our net course of action."
    Post by: Krowley, Aug 31, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    Everyone was asked to gather in the training grounds in the morning
    Shiro dropped a large case of crystal orbs on the ground as DJ, Eraqus and Yen Sid were beside him.
    "Morning Everyone... Hope you slept well," DJ announced. "We filled in Eraqus on the whole situation yesterday. He managed to find Yen in the Mysterious tower and woke him up for the training session today."
    Yen Sid nodded his head to everyone. "It is good to see you all once more. New faces, I see, but welcome ones nonetheless. I'm afraid apologize for my premature isolation. No Heart is a powerful foe... I did not wish for him to extract any unwarranted secrets."
    "I too apologize. My letters asking for help carried you all on this off trail journey. I know I've missed much and Terra and Aqua are still in danger... But I hope to rectify it as best I can in your master training," Eraqus added.

    DJ clapped the dust off his hands. "Well I see you guys got all this under control... I'm gonna see what I can do about our 'guests' in the basement." He was referring to Alex and Terra, but stopped in front of Kel to give him something. "Luckily Ven's remaining tech has been cleared. His branding never touched his skin. You however, will need to wear these for a while..." He gave Kel a sleek pair of sunglasses. It looked only slightly technic in it's design. "It's a temporary solution until I can remove your brand." he whispered. "Put it on whenever you don't want her seeing what you do," he said, putting the sunglasses on his face. DJ then left to go and speak to the prisoners.

    Shiro picked up an orb.from the pile. "This is a Primal Orb. Its made from a materia substance that helps identify a person's primary aura." The orb glowed green. "My primary aura is WIND... Think of this orb like a mood ring for your elemental affinity." He tossed the orb to AJ before continuing on. "With Ananta's departure with her fiancee, this leaves us with the ten of you to train." Eraqus announced.

    Beuce, Karina, Kel, Kaida, AJ, Aux, Luna, Ventus and Quill all stood in a large group.

    "Today we'll be looking at the three C's of mastering an aura! CONTACT, CHANNEL, and CONTROL! Once we see what everyone's primary aura is, we can suit you into a small class of the mind, body or spiritual group. Eraqus will be enlightening the spirit, Yen Sid will be molding the mind, and I'll be breaking the body!" he smiled, punching his fist. "Any questions?"
    Post by: Krowley, Aug 30, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley
    Meanwhile with the Red Society...

    Gilgmesh, Kaizo and Amelie were sitting in a waiting room of sorts. A simple lounge area where Amelie stayed leaned against the wall, Kaizo was playing a card game with himself, and Gilgamesh was slapping his hands against his knee continuously. Gilgmaesh's impatience was beginning to irk Kaizo as turned his head to face the large warrior. "Do you have an off button?"
    "No, but I have a real good hype button!" he replied, stopping his knee slapping. "Just curious how everything's going in there... Nequa's only supposed to pick three of us. And since Alex is probably making the cut it means that there's four of us including Hotel... One of us won't make the point."
    Kaizo snickered.

    "Hehe, Yeha, I guess I am pretty hilarious..." Gilgmesh chuckled.
    "That's just it... You're... humour can only be coddled for so long. You're strong, but nowhere near worthy of the Final thirteen... Hotel is a military general, Amelie is a holy assassin, I'm a gifted prodigy and you?... You are.... what did you say? Hilarious? If anything you're here for the gopher work..."
    "Wow, you are no fun."
    "If you're here for fun, I'm afraid you're in the wrong group..." Kaizo responded.

    Hotel entered the door after his meeting with Nequa. He had just completed his mission briefing to her. There was a look of uncertainty on his face. "I told her everything regarding Zulu and X-Ray... And how we failed to get Bravo... she was... surprisingly calm."
    Kaizo turned to Hotel. "What's our next objective?"
    Hotel looked to him. "She just said... 'whatever.'"
    There was an ere of confusion regarding the statement.

    "Anything else beyond that? Regarding who her candidates will be?" Kaizo asked.
    Hotel shook his head. "Guess she's just planning on us to sort it out for ourselves."
    Amelie glared as she continued to fiddle with her rosary. She walked up and left the room, punching the wall on her way out.
    "So uh... battle royale?" Gilgamesh suggested.
    "Y'all can do whatever you want... I ain't takin' out anymore of our own. Until that final clash... I'm on vacay.." Hotel sighed, leaving the room as he lighted up his cigar.
    "So uh... fight to the death?" Gilgamesh chuckled.
    Kaizo rolled his eyes as he collected his cards. "If I wanted to fight a joke, I'd fight Kaida..." He walked out of the room as well as he hummed to himself.

    Gilgamesh was left by himself. slapping his hands on the table. "I'm NOT a joke..." he spoke in a deeper voice.
    "And just you wait little man... I'll show you just how bad I can be." He summoned a sword and slashed it across the table in a lightning quick slash. The marble table immediately fell in on itself.
    "Gilgamesh is done playing games...." He took out a black marker and wrote. 'I DID THIS' before signing Kaizo's name.

    "-Starting now...."



    No Heart is seen in a small study writing in a book. His face cannot be seen, but his helmet sits across from him at he table. The quill he's using seems to be enchanted as the letters he writes glow white with magic. He finished writing in the journal before letting out an aggravated sigh. He closed the book and got up from his seat before pushing it into the bookcase behind him. He sat back down and pulled out a new book, opening it to the first blank page. He was about to write but stopped and stared at a red timer he had placed on the wall across from his work space.

    5 MONTHS - 0 DAYS - 16 HOURS - 7 MINUTES

    It will all be worth it.



    Everyone from the SOS had rested up and prepared for the new day.
    Post by: Krowley, Aug 30, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley
    Aux wanted to make a cheap shot at Karina's father. But much as he wanted to make that rebuttable, he chose to focus on the greater matter. As reply, he simply glared back at her.
    "Guess so," he said in reply to Kel, after being asked. Kel also mentioned a secret entrance that Kurt spoke of, to which DJ and Shiro looked at each other.

    "If he does, we don't know about it," Shiro confirmed.
    After AJ began to recount a new search party, DJ took in a deep breath as he tried to collect his thoughts. "You know what? I think I'm gonna call it a day... A lot was done and accomplished. Besides, everyone should get some rest. I'll activate Haven security just in case anyone else appears." He pressed a few buttons on his tablet. "This is just... a lot right now. Much as a *kupo* as he was, I liked it better when Orion was the one dealing with stuff like this." He looked up to Aux. "No offense."
    Aux shrugged. "He lost his family rights when he brain drained me." He looked down at the passed out Terra. "What do we do about him?"
    "I will lock him in the holding cell with Alex... Same key cancelling tech as the Sanctuary... So we don't have to worry about them busting out," Shiro replied, carrying Terra over his back.
    "Great," DJ sighed. "I'm taking a nap... My head's been working over time." He passed Kaida on the way out. "Let us know if your friends need anything. They can bunk in the academy barracks..."

    DJ and Shiro left the room with Terra.

    Oswald looked around before pushing back his chair and hopping off. "Well, guess that's our queue," He began to hop away before waving back. "Just give us a ring if you need a hand."
    Donald elbow nudged Goofy. "Oh! Right!" Goofy said before picking up a small box of Gummi phones. "This should be able to help everybody stay in touch!"


    DJ added as a contact!
    SHIRO added as a contact!
    GOOFY added as a contact!
    DONALD added as a contact!

    (If you wish to add more contacts, you must approach the player you wish to add in the roleplay and add their number)
    Post by: Krowley, Aug 28, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Krowley
    Terra tilted his head and summoned his keyblade. "Thats adorable." He leaned back his body and dash forward performing a sliding dash. The kncokback pushed open the room's door, pushing Karina into the door as Teralra strolled inside confidently.

    DJ sighed without even looking up. "Can I just once have a summit meeting that isn't burst into?"
    Shiro squinted his eyes. "Is that Terra?"

    "You're half right," he smirked, looking down on DJ. "Youre in my chair.
    DJ looked up and scowled. "Orion..."
    "Actually. Orion was just a vessel with no more milage in it."

    Aux gripped his fist. He wanted to punch his grandfather in the face, but at the same time, he took Terra from his home. This was just as much his fault.

    Shiro summoned his key-hammer.
    "Not yet," DJ instructed, holding his hand up. He stood from the head table and locked eyes with Terra. "What do you want?"

    "A fresh start," Terra smiled.
    "My information on your enemies in exchange to return to the order I so expertly ran. I thought by aligning myself with No Heart would help me rid of the darkness.. but what he's attempting didnt exactly fit into my objectives.."

    "What exactly is his plan?"
    "Thats a big question isn't it? You've only just scratched the surface and their is so much more i would love to share. All it costs is your cooperation and to return me my position as head of the order..."

    There was a brief moment of silence before Shiro turned to DJ. "Now?"
    "Now," he quickly replied.

    Shiro shot up from his position and pulled his hammer back in a forceful motion. Terra summoned his blade and guarded. The impact was too powerful, as Shiro rained down his judgment like a mad man and knocked Terra's guard, slamming his own keyblade against his head. Terra lay knocked out on the floor.

    Shiro poked him with his hammer. "Now what?"

    DJ let out a very annoyed and agravated whine. "Meeting adjourned," he announced covering his forehead from all the stress.
    Post by: Krowley, Aug 27, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley
    "It's amazing just how long winded your version of 'no' is," he taunted. He moved passed them, unsympathetic with his hands folded behind his back. "You're only a fraction of the cause after all. Perhaps I'll pursue my efforts in asking the rest of your group. Maybe one of them won't allow their emotions to cloud their better judgement. We both want to stop darkness. I'm just willing not to get attached."
    Post by: Krowley, Aug 26, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley
    "Im a survivor," he replied bluntly. "I won't apologize for claiming what I seek." Terra blinked at Karina before turning unapologetic head in the direction of Kel. "You seem like the more level headed of the two. I can tell you how to remove the hold Nequa has on you." He peered his eyes on the young man. "Kel, I believe it was? Knowledge is power young man. Like it or not, when it comes to No Heart, I have the knowledge you need. Aren't you just itching to know more about him? His strengths? His weaknesses?"

    He looked back to Karina. "Lest of course you wish to kill me. But you'd be killing Terra in the process. I'll find somewhere or something to inhabit until my goals or met. My vessel may expire. But the heart of KURT ZISA will never die."
    Post by: Krowley, Aug 26, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    Terra rolled his eyes before he sighed. "There are only so many times I can continue to feign ignorance." He dropped his naive expression and gave a very deadpan stare. "Terra is a vessel I've been saving for some time.... Things weren't going very well as Orion so I did the only card I had left to play; restart as a new key wielder." He walked slowly around them as he looked around their surroundings. "Seems you arent as naive as when you began. But despite your mistrust of me... You need me," he stared coldly. "I have so much information on the keyblade. And seeing as how the information here is destroyed, you need fast answers. I can give you need on your enemies... No Heart. The Hellfire club, the Red Society- all of it!" He breathed deeply to keep his cool. He brushed his hair back. "And all I ask in return... is that I become one of the seven lights again." He looked down at his hands. "This new body still needs to be trained to my standards, but I believe he's in peak physical condition to get the job done." He closed his fist tightly. "Despise me all you wish... you need me..."
    Post by: Krowley, Aug 25, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena